This may haunt UL for next 4/5 years


Aug 23, 2011
The RB they pulled Scholly on went to wake forrest.

Watching his film looks like it's in fast forward mode! Kid is lightening & they will see him once every year!

If there was ever an ax to grind. Fwiw...

wake RB hs highlights
Kid will probably forgive them pretty quickly when he realizes how big of a mistake he avoided.
he's not good enough to haunt them. sure he will play out his mind when they matchup but wake is usually crap and if he was that good they would of screwed someone else over.
Originally posted by hmt5000:
he's not good enough to haunt them. sure he will play out his mind when they matchup but wake is usually crap and if he was that good they would of screwed someone else over.
he may be or may not be but who knows right now? maybe he lights their a$$ up, I sure hope so!

This post was edited on 2/22 9:11 PM by jeffygray
Oh make no mistake, their treatment of the SC kid is gonna haunt them. Not necessarily from what the young man does on the field against them, but off the field as every football recruit UL pursues from now on is gonna be reminded of how UL and Petrino cannot be trusted.
The kid is better off at Wake in the long run if he is any kind of student. Wake Forrest enjoys a very good academic reputation while UL has had several of its programs on probation from an accreditation standpoint. In a way, Petrino did him a favor by screwing him over.
10+ coaches making millions of dollars decided he was the 26th player out of their 26 person class. The fact that the best he could do is an academic school and one of the worst schools in FBS shows that the coaches may have accurately judged his talent.

With that said they handled it horribly and show they care about winning games first, second and third. Class, character and academics are nowhere near the top ten at the University of Louisville. At least they are not shy about it.
You can debate if they should have asked him to gray shirt and maybe he becomes a star but Wake was the only top 5 conference program to ever offer him besides UL. Mr Football in SC was not offered by SC or Clemson. Seems like he was consdered a borderline prospect.
Because Bobby Petrino is generally (universally) thought of as the biggest piece of trash in the sport of football, he's under a bit of a microscope when it comes to behavior. So when the news broke that he rescinded this kids offer, that shouldn't have shocked people. But how Petrino did it was SOOOO Petrino like.

Allegedly, he had an assistant coach make the call for him? If true, yet again, Petrino fails to act like a man. Not only does Petrino rescind his offer, but he does it LATE in the process. The kid was damned lucky to have Wake as a fallback.

As for a gray shirt, why in the hell would the kid accept that? What guarantee would he have that Petrino wouldn't do the same thing to him again?

At the end of the day though, I don't blame Petrino all that much. I blame the kid and his family. When they gave their "commitment" to Bobby Petrino and the University of Louisville, well, they should have known what kind of man and what kind of university they were committing to. That's on them.

you got it pal. Totally cool to pull a guys scolly 48 hrs prior. Class program you folks are running. Petrino ees aye changed main.
Originally posted by ville 77:
You can debate if they should have asked him to gray shirt and maybe he becomes a star but Wake was the only top 5 conference program to ever offer him besides UL. Mr Football in SC was not offered by SC or Clemson. Seems like he was consdered a borderline prospect.
Originally posted by ville 77:
You can debate if they should have asked him to gray shirt and maybe he becomes a star but Wake was the only top 5 conference program to ever offer him besides UL. Mr Football in SC was not offered by SC or Clemson. Seems like he was consdered a borderline prospect.
Your debate points are foolish and uneducated. He committed to UL last June, ergo stopped the recruiting process. He became free at the last minute, 2 days to signing day, when most classes were full and complete and he & his HS coach had no time to find an open spot at a school to consider him.

Who knows what Big 5 conference schools might have considered him and offered had he not been committed and loyal to a total scumbag who does not know what loyalty even means?
BP spells loyalty "me first".

And he works for an AD that promotes anything to win, with a fan base that endorses it.

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