This guy would rather be dead than pay child support...

How did he get caught?

Was he just juggling too much fraud? I mean if he focused on the fake death and let the identity fraud to others.

It’s like the lie was too complicated.


Oblig Asking for a friend.
I love my wife and kids, but if they all turn out to be shitheads some day I'll have ZERO qualms about emptying my bank accounts, faking my own death, and moving down to the Caribbean / South America. That sounds like the perfect life. Ha!
While this is taking it to extremes, the child support set up through divorces usually screw the dad big time. The best option dads have is to set up child support amounts directly with mom if the divorce is amicable. If you can't, be prepared to be screwed.
The guy is going to get his wish. He won't be paying child support while on his government paid vacation to the US penal system.
Dan Soder has a stand up bit similar to this. His dad was a deadbeat dad. they passed a law in Colo to make them pay or go to jail. His dad died like 3 months after the law went into effect. He somehow made that funny as hell.