This Could Really Be About Nothing . . .

Well they aren't getting Stoops so yeah….
Napier gone after the Miami debacle?
Im not buying it
Billy Sun Belt goes hard.
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Stoops would be dumb to leave for there honestly. They haven’t been crap for years and he routinely beats them here now. He would be fired in 3 or 4 years max. No telling if this post is legit or not but I guarantee their coach won’t make it much longer. Especially if they get beat down a couple more times and don’t get a bowl game.
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The name the UF fans are drooling over is Urban of course but don't think he will be hired, next is Kiffin who the think would crawl from Oxford to Gainesville over broken glass to coach the Gators. Then they have thrown out a dozen or so names, and yes Stoops was one, but they want an offensive coach.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that Twitter account take really stupid takes from message boards and put them out into the world to get ridiculed?

I wouldn't put any stock in anything posted by that amount, personally.
Yep, Message Board Geniuses mocks absurd takes that randoms on a message board make. Some of our friends on here have made their page. It’s a great follow and entertaining as hell
A friend of mine from the gym rents an apartment over his garage to a circuit judge who is friends with Stricklin when she travels to Orlando for the week...

So I started to bold the parts of this scoop that seemed 'curious' and couldn't even make it to the actual scoop part. This is their version of 'I talked to Bobby Petrino on the phone at the Thanksgiving dinner table and he's coming to Kentucky'.
A friend of mine from the gym rents an apartment over his garage to a circuit judge who is friends with Stricklin when she travels to Orlando for the week...

So I started to bold the parts of this scoop that seemed 'curious' and couldn't even make it to the actual scoop part. This is their version of 'I talked to Bobby Petrino on the phone at the Thanksgiving dinner table and he's coming to Kentucky'.
You beat me to it..... LOL

"Hi, this is Lane..... I'd love to have you over for my first Gators practice..." 😄😄😄
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This is the first mention of Stoops and I doubt it is real. The sentiment is the coach must run a high powered offense It is real Napier is on the hottest of hot seats.

But many Florida football fans want Stricklin gone too. Or at least out of the coaching search because he has proven he is clueless.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that Twitter account take really stupid takes from message boards and put them out into the world to get ridiculed?

I wouldn't put any stock in anything posted by that amount, personally.
Yes.... I've seen posters on this very board get called out on that X account for ridiculous takes that age poorly like a tuna sandwich on a hot dashboard.
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First off, if Urban Meyer is looking to get back into coaching it isn't going to be as an interim.

Secondly, why the hell would the Gators choose any of those guys over Urban Meyer? If he's expressed interest in coaching, they need to hire him today before kick-off.

Third why the f**k would Lincoln Reilly give up LA/USC SoCal location and lifestyle for Florida?
So let me get this straight

1- urban Meyer is loved Florida so much he’ll come back after leaving that job and taking Ohio st and NFL gig after leaving
2. Urban with his huge heart…will just only coach the rest of seasons and step away
3. Lane kiffen who hasn’t left ile miss is going to leave for gators
4. Lincoln Riley who left Oklahoma…many assuming he wanted less to do with sec…for usc is happy as a lark to come back to sec in Florida
5. Mark stoops who has been passed up twice by Florida for Dan Mullen and now silly sunbelt Billy …is going to just gladly up and go to gators

Nevemind I’m sure these coaches have some pretty sizeable buyouts

I think they story is a bunch of bull jive snd has zero feet to it
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If A&M fans revolted at getting Stoops why would UF fans embrace him?
Because we kick their asses now..... They want what's hot and shiny at the moment. All they see is we beat them now.

Any coach will be the best thing ever until it takes more than a few years. Then the shine fades. Heck if the last few years with Ole chew gum and Mullen wasn't good enough they're not gonna get too much better out of anyone. You're not Bama and you're not UGA. 10 win seasons and SEC East 2nd is peak right now at FL. The best they'll do is 2nd in the East. That's not good enough at Florida 🙄🙄 I don't care who they (reasonably) hired.

Aside from the Tebow years in my lifetime Florida has never been a championship program.
And no matter how good they do if it isn't a championship they won't be happy. They are destined to be mid pack overall maybe 2-4th place in the (former) East yearly if everything goes good for them.
They'll never keep a coach hell they fired SEC champions and NY6 bowl game coaches because it wasn't good enough. They're destined to be in a infinite loop of shitty decisions.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that Twitter account take really stupid takes from message boards and put them out into the world to get ridiculed?

I wouldn't put any stock in anything posted by that amount, personally.
Yes, they make their bones mocking silly message board takes. I sense heavy sarcasm in their repost of the Meyer rumor. Nothing burger.
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First off, if Urban Meyer is looking to get back into coaching it isn't going to be as an interim.

Secondly, why the hell would the Gators choose any of those guys over Urban Meyer? If he's expressed interest in coaching, they need to hire him today before kick-off.

Third why the f**k would Lincoln Reilly give up LA/USC SoCal location and lifestyle for Florida?
L A iifestyle sucks for one reason
First off, if Urban Meyer is looking to get back into coaching it isn't going to be as an interim.

Secondly, why the hell would the Gators choose any of those guys over Urban Meyer? If he's expressed interest in coaching, they need to hire him today before kick-off.

Third why the f**k would Lincoln Reilly give up LA/USC SoCal location and lifestyle for Florida?

Idk why anyone would want to live in the LA cess pool of human filth and pay all those dumb California taxes instead of live in no state income tax FL.
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LOL, Kiffin has Ole Miss rolling. No reason to leave, he does as he wants at Ole Miss.
Meyer ? No. He has retired twice, and is 60.
Stoops ? OK, it gets even less believable.

I do not know who has the worst, childish nickname, some of the idiots on Rafters with "Cow" or this dumbass with Sunbelt Billy. It is a close one, lean Rafters idiots because of the childish, grade school levelness. Sad thing is, they think it is a really clever name and guarantee you 80% of them are half of Cal's age but more overweight without a hip replacement.
If A&M fans revolted at getting Stoops why would UF fans embrace him?
They won't, if for no other reason than petulant refusal to admit we've had a better coach than them for years now.

Counterpoint: The relationship with Spurrier concerns me a bit, but I'm not certain the OBC endorses him or will over someone like Kiffin or Riley. He probably thinks UF needs another Steve Spurrier. Doughface from UT?
LOL, Kiffin has Ole Miss rolling. No reason to leave, he does as he wants at Ole Miss.
Meyer ? No. He has retired twice, and is 60.
Stoops ? OK, it gets even less believable.

I do not know who has the worst, childish nickname, some of the idiots on Rafters with "Cow" or this dumbass with Sunbelt Billy. It is a close one, lean Rafters idiots because of the childish, grade school levelness. Sad thing is, they think it is a really clever name and guarantee you 80% of them are half of Cal's age but more overweight without a hip replacement.

I agree and cringe whenever I see someone use that nickname. It's the kind of nickname uneducated people make.

At least CCC (can't coach cal) is somewhat clever and humorous.
LOL, Kiffin has Ole Miss rolling. No reason to leave, he does as he wants at Ole Miss.
Meyer ? No. He has retired twice, and is 60.
Stoops ? OK, it gets even less believable.

I do not know who has the worst, childish nickname, some of the idiots on Rafters with "Cow" or this dumbass with Sunbelt Billy. It is a close one, lean Rafters idiots because of the childish, grade school levelness. Sad thing is, they think it is a really clever name and guarantee you 80% of them are half of Cal's age but more overweight without a hip replacement.
Lighten up Francis.
🐄 is just a joke.
These message boards are supposed to be fun.
Were not curing cancer.
I agree and cringe whenever I see someone use that nickname. It's the kind of nickname uneducated people make.

At least CCC (can't coach cal) is somewhat clever and humorous.
I think they are all stupid. They just can't get him out of their minds. Silly. He is gone, no need to hang on to hatred. "CCC", yeah, a hall of fame coach, one of the biggest names in the sport, he just got lucky all those years I guess. Anyway, no need to bring the thread down with BS, back to regularly scheduled program.
Lighten up Francis.
🐄 is just a joke.
These message boards are supposed to be fun.
Were not curing cancer.
Well we know you are one of them. Fun, yes, childish and juvenile, NO. By the way, my name is not Francis, but keep up the kid jokes, it makes you look really intelligent. I didn't call anyone out by name, glad to see you outed yourself, LOL, too easy.
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Well we know you are one of them. Fun, yes, childish and juvenile, NO. By the way, my name is not Francis, but keep up the kid jokes, it makes you look really intelligent. I didn't call anyone out by name, glad to see you outed yourself, LOL, too easy.
It's no problem. I get tired of your pompous ass and lash out in a childish and juvenile way.
I need to work on my decorum frankly.
I should aspired to be a message board sophisticate such as your esteemed self.
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It's no problem. I get tired of your pompous ass and lash out in a childish and juvenile way.
I need to work on my decorum frankly.
I should aspired to be a message board sophisticate such as your esteemed self.
Here, here
Well we know you are one of them. Fun, yes, childish and juvenile, NO. By the way, my name is not Francis, but keep up the kid jokes, it makes you look really intelligent. I didn't call anyone out by name, glad to see you outed yourself, LOL, too easy.
All-american badass.
It's no problem. I get tired of your pompous ass and lash out in a childish and juvenile way.
I need to work on my decorum frankly.
I should aspired to be a message board sophisticate such as your esteemed self.
No, not really. Just cut out the juvenile, stupid nicknames. Hell, look at your name on here, "Cleatortoises". A grown ass man (I assume you are), should not be posting on a message board using silly, not funny nicknames. MY take on this is if it is a serious, discussion thread, I try to leave out silly nicknames and actually discuss the thread topic and use facts and educated opinions while doing so. Now if it is a comedy thread, by all means, being comedic, but otherwise, try to discuss the topic by using intelligent responses. Hard to take someone serious if they constantly use childish nicknames while trying to get a point across. That is just me, I do not claim to be a legendary, know it all poster, but I do use facts and my educated opinions when trying to discuss topics. Different strokes I guess, just don't expect me to value your opinion if you can't discuss topics intelligently.
No, not really. Just cut out the juvenile, stupid nicknames. Hell, look at your name on here, "Cleatortoises". A grown ass man (I assume you are), should not be posting on a message board using silly, not funny nicknames. MY take on this is if it is a serious, discussion thread, I try to leave out silly nicknames and actually discuss the thread topic and use facts and educated opinions while doing so. Now if it is a comedy thread, by all means, being comedic, but otherwise, try to discuss the topic by using intelligent responses. Hard to take someone serious if they constantly use childish nicknames while trying to get a point across. That is just me, I do not claim to be a legendary, know it all poster, but I do use facts and my educated opinions when trying to discuss topics. Different strokes I guess, just don't expect me to value your opinion if you can't discuss topics intelligently.