Umm Vando is not a nickname i made up....its his twitter handle and much faster to type on an iphone that vanderbilt. Nuff said.
Just add Vanderbilt to your autocomplete in place of Van. You save your valuable time. Problem solved.
Umm Vando is not a nickname i made up....its his twitter handle and much faster to type on an iphone that vanderbilt. Nuff said.
LOL he has nothing on it and has been doing normal things like going to the beach ect ( like on his twitter yesterday) . He just needs to rest it for a while . I suspect he did something like broke a small bone in his foot or sprained something . Not a big deal and he will be fine well before he needs to be .He couldnt put weight on it afterwards and the only statement from family has been "things happen for a reason" or something. philosophical like that. That doesnt sound like a tweak to me.
It's pretty clear that there is something to more with Vandetbilt than what we have heard. It's obvious.
Umm Vando is not a nickname i made up....its his twitter handle and much faster to type on an iphone that vanderbilt. Nuff said.