if vando is healthy you gotta ask the question how does cal find pt for Knox, Vando, Washington and Gabriel. Before we got Knox and before Vando got hurt I was predicting Vando would lead us in scoring. Now with his injury and Knox on board AND if we get Johnson you gotta ask what happens to Vando? Personally as I have said in other posts I think his injury is serious and Cal sits him until 2018-19 season. I say that because a broken bone is 7 monhs to heal but he still has to condition and catch up to rest of guys who have been playing thru summer and early season. That puts Vando available in Jan. I dont think cal plays him in Jan especially since we have knox washington gabriel and maybe johnson. I thrink partnof the reason knox came here is cal knows vando is out. But if vando does play that will be the most talent at one position (combo fwd) ever and you have to wonder where cal will find the mins for all plus maybe johnson. A good problem to have!