The Poors....

Blue Bleeding Marine

Gold Member
Sep 13, 2006
Alot of talk on here about these people. Very intriguing group. Last weekend I took the advice of a friend and my 9 year old son and I went to the Nicholasville Save A Lot and parked and just watched them come and go. Very odd group of people, they all seem to smoke,and most smell of stale clothes and kerosene. Very eye opening experience. Have any of you have any interactions with this bunch? Love to hear about it. TIA
Originally posted by Blue Bleeding Marine:
Very eye opening experience. Have any of you have any interactions with this bunch? Love to hear about it. TIA
What? People from Nicholasville? Yeah, grew up with those folks.
The only people who take kids to a Sav-a-lot parking lot are those who are trying to sell their children for Meth money.

I have notified the police.
Dad: "son, we are going to the people zoo today. Today we are gonna watch some poors! I had a tour set up at Douglas Park, but our guide was shot in a drive by. So, pack your stuff boy, I'm taking you to Nicholasville, We're going 60 miles to Save A Lot parking lot. If you listen quietly enough, you can hear the mourning of a city with combined credit score of 850"

Son: "Thanks dad, for being so rich and elite"
Last week I had to take my mother to Baptist Health's emergency room. She had a rather serious condition and is in her 70s. That damn place was full of the poors. Almost every one of them looking for pain pills. While it was amusing watching each of them rehearse their various fake ailments, I was still incredibly pissed because of the length of my mother's wait.

Thanks Obamacare!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
If you post in the Paddock, then you're immune. You've never been poor nor has anyone you've ever loved. Moreover, you deserve all you've ever had; and those who don't have what you have, deserve every bit of their nothing. It's really an easy way to see the world and it's not an overcompensation for anything at all, either, so stop asking.
Originally posted by Big Blue 1977:

If you post in the Paddock, then you're immune. You've never been poor nor has anyone you've ever loved. Moreover, you deserve all you've ever had; and those who don't have what you have, deserve every bit of their nothing. It's really an easy way to see the world and it's not an overcompensation for anything at all, either, so stop asking.
don't forget about our flawless credit scores. i earned it and it deserves recognition.
bump to the top

Someone starts a "the gays..." and we just hit the trifecta. OP gotta be happy about that.
Originally posted by TheTruCatsFan:
^ Your mother in law is going to have to heat up her entire house to 140 degrees. Tell her to sit there with the constant heat for 24 hours. You'll thank me tomorrow.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
This is spectacular advice.
OP is way late on the Poors watching. People of Walmarks started that shit years ago. By the way, you are a novice if you do not scout local Save A Lots, WalMarks, Aldi's, etc on the 1st of the month. Shit gets real then. By the 15-20th they have all ready blown all their gubment assistance on smokes, dip, steaks and POP. Oh, and pain pills, meth, and Go Phone minutes for that new Iphone 6plus.
I'm a Poor watcher
I'm a Poor watcher
Watchin' Poors go by
My My My

I'm a Poor watcher
I'm a Poor watcher
Here goes one now
Sweat pants on a cow

My son was just a boy
When I took all of his toys
"Son you need some education"
"About the filth in the gutters of this nation"

"Daddy makes enough to shop at Target"
"The Poors have to go to another market"
"It's a place where you always gotta watch your back"
"Or get raped by a crazy man high on crack"

I'm a Poor watcher
I'm a Poor watcher
Watchin Poors go by
That one has a glass pipe

I'm a Poor watcher
I'm a Poor watcher
No eye contact
And they won't react
I think the world would be a better place if Sav A Lots, Big Lots, Wal Marts, etc added birth control to their Colas they sell.
Originally posted by argubs2:
I'm a Poor watcher
I'm a Poor watcher
Watchin' Poors go by
My My My

I'm a Poor watcher
I'm a Poor watcher
Here goes one now
Sweat pants on a cow

My son was just a boy
When I took all of his toys
"Son you need some education"
"About the filth in the gutters of this nation"

"Daddy makes enough to shop at Target"
"The Poors have to go to another market"
"It's a place where you always gotta watch your back"
"Or get raped by a crazy man high on crack"

I'm a Poor watcher
I'm a Poor watcher
Watchin Poors go by
That one has a glass pipe

I'm a Poor watcher
I'm a Poor watcher
No eye contact
And they won't react
I'm not knocking the poors, somebody has to be a bottom, but the save a lot near me is bizarre. I stopped to get an onion a while back and the pillhead girl in front of me decided to get caught up with her long lost pillhead friend behind me. " Oh, I got picked up again and I gotta wear this dang thing. (ankle monitor) I aint supposed to be here but they don't care". This was all mumbled through a generic cig that smelled like a trash fire. I might be cheap but I won't be back.
Originally posted by We-Todd-Did:
I'm not knocking the poors, somebody has to be a bottom, but the save a lot near me is bizarre. I stopped to get an onion a while back and the pillhead girl in front of me decided to get caught up with her long lost pillhead friend behind me. " Oh, I got picked up again and I gotta wear this dang thing. (ankle monitor) I aint supposed to be here but they don't care". This was all mumbled through a generic cig that smelled like a trash fire. I might be cheap but I won't be back.
so if you'd have bought her a pack of Reds she might have smelled better?.....
please que the Marlboro theme song.............
Originally posted by Blue Bleeding Marine:
Alot of talk on here about these people. Very intriguing group. Last weekend I took the advice of a friend and my 9 year old son and I went to the Nicholasville Save A Lot and parked and just watched them come and go. Very odd group of people, they all seem to smoke,and most smell of stale clothes and kerosene. Very eye opening experience. Have any of you have any interactions with this bunch? Love to hear about it. TIA
My interactions have been collecting and delivering toys for underprivileged kids in eastern KY.
If you wish your child to be involved and interact, then I can direct your prodigy to volunteering at a local soup kitchen.
Sure it would be an experience for your child to grow in character.

This post was edited on 4/4 10:27 PM by Free_Salato_Blue
Originally posted by Blue Bleeding Marine:
Yes, I'm joking...sheez I grew up a poor...can smell another one a mile away
Former poor myself. Made me who I am today, but going to Wal Mart is always a good reminder that I never want to go back to being poor.
I've worked at banks for close to 20 years now. If you really want to see the poors show out, stroll through the lobby of a bank on the third of the month. That's the day they come in to take their account balances down to $1 and get a couple of handfulls of candy from the teller line.
When I'm on vacation, as I am now, looking out the balcony doors at a softly rolling ocean... the poors are further away from me than at any other time and it is then, now, that I find the greatest peace in life. I'm quite sure they don't let poors go on vacation for I don't see any of them. They're about over the bridge of course, but the toll booth keeps them at bay lest the tides recede enough to allow them and their insufferable shopping carts to shuffle their way here and perhaps in the past when ancient cavemen of substance enjoyed their time here as I am now then they were tormented by poors crossing over a primordial long submerged land bridge, but as of now, this very moment, I am at peace.