The jokes about rivals thread

Three best shooters in the draft on one team…
It's still all the kids fault that they lost right, we had CCC figured out and he didn't like it. Oh so now suddenly the kids are in charge huh.... Yeah cow that WAS kind of our main problem with you buddy. Taking steps to ensure your players are disciplined and aware of their assignment IS crucial, as my fav guy of the year Jack Gholky proved. The cows use of projection saying BBN was hating on the kids is total BS it was him throwing them under the bus, to hide HIS lack of effort.
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What the hell, one more. In Kentucky Moosehead is a beer. In Tennessee it’s a misdemeanor.
Montage Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
I was confused about your near south comment. Then I remembered we let in Missouri. I still forget about them lol.
Tbf Parts of Kentucky are like that. I have a hard time considering near Cincinnati “south”. lol.

Now southern Kentucky is south but compared to say Alabama and Louisiana that’s a whole different bucket of crawdads.
Tbf Parts of Kentucky are like that. I have a hard time considering near Cincinnati “south”. lol.

Now southern Kentucky is south but compared to say Alabama and Louisiana that’s a whole different bucket of crawdads.
NKY and Louisville for sure.
Tenn is certainly more southern than Ky, at least geographically. But from what I hear, they low down, they dirty, and they some snitches.
I don’t mind a good hick joke as we’re all from the South or near South so it’s basically “family” picking on each other. If a Yank does that well them’s fighting words.

But UT morons insulting people who keeps people’s lights on pisses me off. Half I’ve heard heard this in person because, well I’m not a man of violence, but I’d feel the need to do something about that. Those people work their ass off and risk their life to help other people survive.

I get no occupation is off limits but that one should be.
Come on now, lighten up, it is a joke. BUT, the real reason why they work in the coal mines is not to keep peoples lights on. You are kind of putting them in the Frist Responders heroic category. They do it for 2 reasons and 2 reason only. It pays very good and it is the only job they are qualified for because of their lack of education or training for a specific field.
Lol. Dude, we are just having some fun laughing at jokes. No one really means anything by it. Meanwhile, you are literally pulling out the humble brag like a douche. You're the one with a problem and don't even realize. That's actually funnier than any of the jokes. Thanks!
The toothpick was invented in Tennessee, if it had been anywhere it would been called a teethpick.
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Come on now, lighten up, it is a joke. BUT, the real reason why they work in the coal mines is not to keep peoples lights on. You are kind of putting them in the Frist Responders heroic category. They do it for 2 reasons and 2 reason only. It pays very good and it is the only job they are qualified for because of their lack of education or training for a specific field.
I understand that. Doesn't make what they do any less important or vital. And in Eastern Kentucky they absolutely keep the power on. Just as vital out there as a first responder in my book. Their lack of education is due to a lot of lack of opportunity.

And no, the UT people don't say it jokingly. They say it very hatefully and spitefully.
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Exactly! I'm vertically challenged and tell short jokes all the time. Life will drive you crazy if you don't laugh at it.
This. I'm as self-deprecating as they come. But it's kinda like the old saying, "Family can talk bad about each other, but other people can't". You can call you bro/sis/dad/mom short all day long for sure, but as soon as some else does, dem's fighting words. And people can usually tell the difference when someone is being good-natured or a straight up ass.

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