The jet sweep on 3rd and 6

Third and 6 and you bring in your “running “ quarterback and guess what… call a running play . Surprise Surprise. Hamdan is SO in over his head against sec defenses.
That’s what was most frustrating about that play. The jet sweep would have never been my favorite call regardless, but it might have stood at least a slim chance at catching them off guard if we left Brock in to give the handoff. Wimsatt coming into the game was as good as walking over and telling their sideline that we were going to run.

And the 4th down pass BEHIND the line of scrimmage wasn't ANY better!!!!

Our coaches seem determined to play the game horizontally when ALL other successful programs play the game vertically.

That play scared my wife. I threw the renote, screamed at the TV and watched YouTube the rest of the night. Perfect time for a pass over the middle to the TE but instead we throw it 3 yards and expect a guy to get past 6 defenders to the sticks.
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Sadly we've seen this time and time and time again over the years with Stoopid. I guess you could've given a pass early on as he was a new HC. But now after this many years to still see boneheaded play calls is just unfathomable to me.
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Stoops deserves blame for offense because of history. I'm not smart enough to know what he's doing to prevent us from executing a good offense. But I don't think it's getting on the headphones and dialing that up.

Yu're not going to convince me that wasn't some Hamdan bs. Both Stoops can be bad and Hamdan can be responsible for egregious results.
The dumbest play call in UK history. Do you agree.

A. Yes.
Bill Curry would run a draw play on 3rd and long. The only reason a coach would run a jet sweep or a draw play on 3rd and long is it's such a dumb call that they would expect to catch the other team off guard and surprise them with such a dumb call..... BUT when the head coach does this over and over again the defense expects it. That's what we had in Curry & this is what we've now got in Stoops. He will never change.
Jerry Claiborne against UT. 1st and goal at 1, run the same play, up the middle, four straight times and game over with a loss.
I remember it well, I also remember standing around for about 30 minutes in disbelief. About half the stadium did too, just stood up out of their seats and stared out at the field. One of the lowest moments in my fandom career.
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The dumbest play call in UK history. Do you agree.

A. Yes.
Jet sweeps have gone the way of screen passes and just lost a lot of their effectiveness in todays game. Defenses read them and defenders are too fast to be running too much sideways against them. Think to attack the edges you have to use more misdirection and play fakes to get a step on the defense and use that speed and overreaction against them.

We just dont work the corners and flat areas very well at all and thats been a big disapointment with Hamden. Vandy and their Qb have figured that out by simply scheming to get him out of the pocket and out on the edge then simply using the run/pass/pass fake thing to get easy yardage.

Same thing Mahomes does a lot of. His genious is not playing from the pockete or executing plays, its getting out on his feet and making plays on the fly with the defense scrambling to adjust.
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