The GYERO Fountain

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Gold Member
Sep 21, 2003


Wouldn't have made our rotation tho, not an elite defender.
I honestly couldn't care less about Kyle f'n Wiltjer. He didn't think UK was a good fit, so he left. We are #1 and in the midst of the most historic run in the history of our program, with a possible undefeated team. Good for Wiltjer and Gonzaga tho. If we meet them in the NCAA Tournament, I hope he goes 0-25, and we win by 50.
. Our split with Kyle was as mutual & amicable as it gets in big time athletics. He does nothing but rave/talk about his time here, and still maintains all his relationships, including coach. Not sure how anyone could not be actively rooting for him to do well, until/unless we play them.

...of course, I don't really "care" -- but I'm not gonna stop posting about Kyle, so get pumped if you not down with dat.

-Good job, Woodford. Atta boy.

-Got a signed contract & deposit on our house for Derby. $3200 for 3 nights. Two 40+ couples, and 5th solo man. #FreeVacation

-AJ Hammons is obviously a stud...but how about Hass? That your boy, Geese? He's gonna be a good one for years to come...all I kept thinking about watching him play was Dakari.

Hass = Catch ball, immediate pivot/dropstep, ball never drops below chest-level, and up. Easy bank shot, or foul. Yeah, he missed a few, but at least they were ALL quality looks & possessions

Dakari = Catch ball, bend over take 2-3 small dribbles to inch his way under the rim, stop & allow defense to recover, pump fake, lean in, jump 1" off the ground, shoot from shoulder level, get shit tossed.

-Yogi w/ the PTI(pti) hero play. Stagger dribble and pull from 26 feet contested, at home, down 2, in the double bonus. #Brick Never fails.

-Gonna be one boring ass weekend. Guess the goal is to stay under 10,000 calories and try and force myself to leave the house a few times at some point.


This post was edited on 2/20 9:02 AM by B.B.d.K.
Lass is heading to Owensboro tmw aftn to see her family. Told me I didn't have to go and it makes sense. We'd have to board Keightley for the second weekend in a row and she's going to dinner with all of her siblings for a siblings function. Happy for her bc she rarely gets to head back home for an evening & see her family with her schedule.

Of course me getting a stag night with the Kayts tipping her off at 7:00 is a bonus as well.

Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:

-Got a signed contract & deposit on our house for Derby. $3200 for 3 nights. Two 40+ couples, and 5th solo man. #FreeVacation
I take it you didn't have to disclose all the gay sex parties that have occurred in said home?
Originally posted by IsRichieGonnaStart:

Happy for me bc she rarely gets to head back home for an evening & see her family with her schedule leaving the house all to myself.

-Still kinda pissed about the BK trade. I get the Bucks were scared/didn't want to have to PAY him coming up, which they would have.

He was on a rising team in the East, redhit going into the All Star Break, sitting 6th in the league, and one slot from the All Star team.

He'll be fine out there, but it's easy to get "lost in the shuffle" out in the West.

Pretty wodie having Knight, Bledsoe, and Goodwin on one squad, though. Apparently, the Suns really like Archie.
Pretty candid/honest look at what it "feels like" to get traded, from Patrick Patterson

So I walked into the GM’s office very relaxed and sat down. With the trade deadline approaching, I wondered if I was going to find out about a new teammate.

That’s not quite how it went.

“What’s good?” I asked.

“Unfortunately, nothing.”

The feeling in the room shifted.

“What do you mean?”

“We just traded you to the Kings.”

I didn’t comprehend right away. I paused for what felt like a while, then just blurted out the first thing that popped into my head:

“Who did y’all trade me for?”

“Thomas Robinson.”

I hear a record scratch in my head.

Is this April Fools? Thomas Robinson? No disrespect to him, I understand he was a top-five draft pick, but still, he’s a rookie who hasn’t gotten consistent minutes on a struggling team! I’m a starter averaging career-highs on a team in playoff contention. We’re winning! Are you serious? This is bullshit.


This post was edited on 2/20 9:18 AM by B.B.d.K.

Patterson: You've been Traded
Originally posted by wildcat1973:
I honestly couldn't care less about Kyle f'n Wiltjer. He didn't think UK was a good fit, so he left. We are #1 and in the midst of the most historic run in the history of our program, with a possible undefeated team. Good for Wiltjer and Gonzaga tho. If we meet them in the NCAA Tournament, I hope he goes 0-25, and we win by 50.
Not me. I hope he goes off for 40 and they knock us off. Was just talking to BBdK about that yesterday. ONCE A CAT, ALWAYS A CAT!!1!
Anyone ever been to Toronto? Seems like a really cool place...seen it referred to as "New York North". A melting pot of culture, cool cosmopolitan downtown, and really clean like all the other major Canadian cities.

Black Mike's girl has an account up there, and has visited a few times...and loves it.

Always wanted to visit there & Montreal, just hard to imagine when that would ever be.

I've been to Windsor, which is pretty much the same thing, right?


This post was edited on 2/20 9:29 AM by B.B.d.K.
Interesting move considering I've always thought Knight/Bledsoe and Wall/Lamb would have been ideal backcourts for those 09/10 and 10/11 teams.
Originally posted by wcc31:

Originally posted by wildcat1973:
I honestly couldn't care less about Kyle f'n Wiltjer. He didn't think UK was a good fit, so he left. We are #1 and in the midst of the most historic run in the history of our program, with a possible undefeated team. Good for Wiltjer and Gonzaga tho. If we meet them in the NCAA Tournament, I hope he goes 0-25, and we win by 50.
Not me. I hope he goes off for 40 and they knock us off. Was just talking to BBdK about that yesterday. ONCE A CAT, ALWAYS A CAT!!1!


Kyle was a cat BEFORE any of these current guys, so he gets the nod for me.
Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:
Anyone ever been to Toronto? Seems like a really cool place...seen it referred to as "New York North". A melting pot of culture, cool cosmopolitan downtown, and really clean like all the other major Canadian cities.

Black Mike's girl has an account up there, and has visited a few times...and loves it.

Always wanted to visit there & Montreal, just hard to imagine when that would ever be.

I've been to Windsor, which is pretty much the same thing, right?
Have always heard Montreal was the Canadian city to visit. Very European, whatever that means. Also, Vancouver. Toronto third.
I only gots one thing to say...

I-Am-number one
No matter if you like it
Ready take this sit down and write it
I-Am-number one
Hey hey hey hey hey hey
Now let me ask you man...
What does it take to be number one?
Two is not a winner
And 3 nobody remembers (hey)
What does it take to be number one?
Hey hey hey hey
Needless to say I think its a near lock the Basketball gods and/or the selection committee will find a way to pit us against the Zags. WCS on Wiltjer would be fun tho.


This post was edited on 2/20 9:40 AM by ukwizard
I wonder if I will have a boner the entire time I read Mary Willingham's "Cheated" or just during the chapters that really make UNC basketball look bad. Hmm.
- Nice, SAE. Perfect timing as well.

- Chad.. You wait, bub. When you're married stuff you take for granted like doing whatever it is you want to do within reason for an afternoon or evening is a treasure. Love the gal and I'm fortunate to have her but some quiet/alone time followed up with making whatever plans I want on a Saturday is going to be refreshing. Be like Macauley Caulkin in Home Alone the day he wakes up and realizes he has the house to himself.
UKO (and his 7th new handle) blocked me on Twitter again.

Not sure when he became such a little pussy. He's a lot of things, but he was never that when it came to the back & forth.

He uses his account 100% to make condescending responses to people: Mostly Mike & Mike, Kyle Tucker, and Matt Jones -- but, as soon as someone does it to him, BLOCKED.

Guess this season & new era of marginal & tainted UNC hoops is finally taking it's toll on the poor fella.
-Give me Montreal as my #1 place of interest in Canada.

-Saw Birdman last night.


It's well done but I didn't enjoy it that much. Keaton is pretty solid in it which was great to see (long a fan of his), but I don't anticipate it winning Best Picture or him Best Actor. Have a feeling The Theory of Everything rolls and Eddie Redmayne wins, but we'll see. That's my personal favorite, anyway.

-Getting yelled at for shit my mother used to do by the lass irks me and I almost never oblige in these instances.

Where's your coat?!

These leftover peas are still good! Don't cook a new bag!

I think it's going to be an early bedtime tonight for the whole house...


Her tone is by no means motherly, but it's just the amount of infringement upon my prerogative that pisses me off.

-Funny how the slightest bit of color first gained in March/April makes you feel like you've got a great bronze going. Then you see pictures of yourself later on and that pastel shirt or pair of shorts is nowhere near as sharp as you thought.

Pretty sure I can see my vital organs at the moment. Shockingly pasty.
Originally posted by SAECATFAN:

-I think it's going to be an early bedtime tonight for the whole house...




I'm hoping you pull the correct move here and stay up as late as you possibly can in these instances, maybe even immediately pour a drink or two. I know I would.
Originally posted by IsRichieGonnaStart:

- Chad.. You wait, bub. When you're married stuff you take for granted like doing whatever it is you want to do within reason for an afternoon or evening is a treasure. Love the gal and I'm fortunate to have her but some quiet/alone time followed up with making whatever plans I want on a Saturday is going to be refreshing. Be like Macauley Caulkin in Home Alone the day he wakes up and realizes he has the house to himself.
Wasn't laughing about that, bud. I completely get it. Every single one of my buddies except for the extremely whipped ones are love when their girls are out of town for a night or two every once in awhile. Makes total sense to me.

I was laughing because I haven't heard anyone but my dad refer to a guys' night as a "stag" night.
Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:
Anyone ever been to Toronto? Seems like a really cool place...seen it referred to as "New York North". A melting pot of culture, cool cosmopolitan downtown, and really clean like all the other major Canadian cities.


This post was edited on 2/20 9:29 AM by B.B.d.K.
New York North? No. Chicago North? Maybe. But not really.

Toronto is a cool town for sure. But not realy like NYC. Not really a melting pot either. I mean, you have pale white people and pale Jews, a TON of Asians, and also the Toronto Rapters. That's about it. A LOT of Asians for some reason.

If you are picking Canadian cities to visit, you should hit Montreal first. That's an awesome town.

Funny how in that article by Patterson, the Rockets called him in and told him face to face. Meanwhile the Kings didn't say shit, let the news tell him. Shows how a well run organization operates vs a POS one. The Bucks are a POS organization. They are losers, always will be. Good to have Knight out of there, even if it was a stupid trade.
Originally posted by cawoodsct:
That is awesome. All of BBN has that swag going right now. I saw some idiot out in OTR a couple weeks ago who kept jumping around popping his UK t-shirt like a lunatic after they beat Bama.
Originally posted by ukwizard:
Needless to say I think its a near lock the Basketball gods and/or the selection committee will find a way to pit us against the Zags. WCS on Wiltjer would be fun tho.

This post was edited on 2/20 9:40 AM by ukwizard
It would be fun for the former wide receiver. I would think that the former Goonie would just piss himself.
Originally posted by wcc31:

Originally posted by cawoodsct:
That is awesome. All of BBN has that swag going right now. I saw some idiot out in OTR a couple weeks ago who kept jumping around popping his UK t-shirt like a lunatic after they beat Bama.
Yeah, that guy was ON ONE about as good as I've seen in quite awhile.
... in a brass bra randoms:

- Did Toronto in high school, seemed really cool at the time but my perspective has changed since then too. I would do it again though if the chance presented itself.

- Ate a special brownie yesterday afternoon, that was fun

- Got no qualms with Wiltjer, actually enjoy seeing him do well

- props to the people who have been working outside this week to clean roads and fix broken pipes, tough work in brutal conditions

- picking up beef on Saturday, still have a couple of shares left on the organic/grass fed quarters if anyone is interested. The other 6 shares sold much better than I thought they would.

- insulated bibs are the schidt

- ready for a camping trip, planning on hitting lbl backwoods in March for some off grid relief, no electric and no people
Friday Shorts:

- I can't recall a time that a) CBB had such a clear and defined Top 8 heading into March and b) had so many quality 2-seeds.

- Well, it's that time. Have had my Passat for 12 years and it's falling apart. Have to decide whether to put over a grand into it or get a new ride. Love that car but don't know that putting more cash into it is a good idea. Unlike when I last bought a car, 90% of what I care about is practicality today. I'm pretty much PTI, although I would like automatic windows, I suppose. So, looking for something used and cheap and reliable and gets good gas mileage. Are Hondas and Toyotas still what practical people swear by?

- So, Auburn makes BTI nervous. smh

- So happy to have TD's double-0 go up in Rupp. What a ballplayer.

- Rick is a HOFer, one of the greatest coaches of the modern era, but his grating style can crush a kid's confidence. That's what happened with Wayne. Kid has gotten worse every year. Same thing happened with Roderick.

- Just saw the Reds in a preseason MLB Power Rankings at #23. Sounds about right. We had a 3-4 year window and totally F'd it up.

- I'll give Duke this- their jerseys are on-point this season.

- Won't link it- because F him, that's why- but Forde with a good piece on how the Hurley brothers would be great hires to revive the NYC CBB scene. Totally agree.

- Who wins this UK Team Elite 8?

'96 vs '11
'93 vs. '10

'98 vs. '15
'03 vs. '12
Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:

We've been over this countless times.

Any answer other than '96 is incorrect, not sure that scenario is even worth discussing.
Was hoping for you to fill out the entire bracket, bruh.
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