While this is obviously true, I think it's kind of missing the point.
The truth is the rules have changed now. Cal has transformed our expectations and I think what most are looking for now is that we be a contender. When you look at our roster as it stands, a lot of assumptions have to be made before a person can assume we will be able to contend.
The rules Cal's playing by are the rules of the top-tier programs, the Dukes, Kansases, Carolinas. The rules Gillispie was playing by were akin to something a mid-major would put up.
Completely different set of circumstances these days, and so our desires and expectations have accordingly changed.
The expectations have always been to contend, that is why those coaches are out of here and we are now contending at about the highest consistency we have ever and this at the top program in the sport. Big boys nothing, this is Kentucky Basketball there is no bigger boy and while they aren't all coming our way yes we are contending at an incredible level.
There is a difference between unbridled passion and all but utterly unappreciative and all but incapable of joy.
I think it is thoughtlessly arrogant that some folks think that if another doesn't think every dish of ice cream that doesn't get whipped cream, nuts, and a cherry on top is a bowl of turds.
You think it doesn't hurt like hell because others aren't throwing a terrible twos tantrum in sack cloth and ashes?
It was in our hands and we didn't come through so no doubt it is gut wrenchingly awful but embarrassed? No way we consistently have great, embracable kids and almost without fail by one means or another right in the thick, I think we are one one of the most incredible stretches in the history of the game to keep putting together different teams with few upperclassmen.
What the folks on the ledge won't deal with is only us and UCLA can even make a case that this wouldn't have been easily a top 10 best season in program history and even for us biggest of boys this is inarguably top 20 and probably deep in that top 15 if not also top 10.
I treasure every game too much to dismiss the journey of each season just down to winning the last game of the season. I don't see how the game has almost any value from that point of view, the all around misery index has to be through the roof even at the very, very best of outcomes.
Other than Rupp we have never had a coach with a better run and guess what it is certainly possible, plausible, and even likely that this train is solidly on the tracks.
Do we want more championships? Of course! Are we consistently and seriously competing for championships? At the highest level by any standard.
Such a standard that before Calipari got here we probably could have collected millions of left side crown jewels in exchange for a contract that called for constant top 3 classes (and usually #1), an Elite 8, a NIT debacle, four Final Fours, and a Championship the 1st 6 years and then we'll see how it goes from there.
This at Kentucky after some hard by elite standards times.
Keep knocking hard on the door, hopefully avoid the occasional fiasco and even then without the major injury a solid effort is possible not a real run but grab a few more wins overall and maybe win a game or two in a downturn season and on the next little stretch a few more bounce our way.
You keep on knocking you probably going to get in sometimes. Enjoy the ride there a little bit.