The Best Rocky film?

The Best Rocky film?

  • Rocky

    Votes: 26 44.8%
  • Rocky II

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • Rocky III

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • Rocky IV

    Votes: 15 25.9%
  • Rocky Balboa

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Creed * spinoff

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 29, 2023
No one does a montage like a Rocky film. The films were always enjoyable except for one of them.

So which was best?

You favor Apollo? Clubber or Drago as the best villain?
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Rocky II, Rocky IV, and Rocky are my top three.

Drago is the coolest villain to me but outside of the montages, I think that movie is like 34 minutes long. Give me part II for the win.
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Rocky IV
Rocky III
Rocky II
Rocky Balboa
Rocky V
Creed III
Creed II

Penciling Rocky VII in above Creed and Creed IV above Creed II.
Rocky IV
Rocky III
Rocky II
Rocky Balboa
Rocky V
Creed III
Creed II

Penciling Rocky VII in above Creed and Creed IV above Creed II.
Creed was great. Creed 2, they made Drago the more sympathetic character. Like was I supposed to be rooting for the rich kid? I didn't enjoy Creed 3 at all.
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Rocky 3 getting four votes so far. I’m curious what was the reason that it’s their favorite? Robot butler? Mr. T?

They just really respect Hulk Hogans acting ability. Did you know that after the hulkster finished his scenes that Muhammad Ali, Lou Thesz, and Stephen Spielberg all got together and explained to him that there were plans for an entire film series based on their biographies but after that moment Stanley Kubrick sent DW Griffith a telegraph explaining that film has reached its apex and will never be topped. Hollywood as we know it is simply allowed to exist because the Hulkster is simply too old to entertain all the hulkimaniacs.
I went with Rocky 3. The story arc appealed to me at the time. Fighter on top of the world but too prideful and lost it all. Only to have the last person anyone to expect to pull you out. It was a redemption arc for Rocky and for Apollo. The first Rocky still gets me sometimes when he is talking, knowing he is not expected to win. Just wants to show he can go the distance with Apollo.
Debated between Rocky and Rocky two. Went with two. Liked four as well. Didn't care for three at all.
If you didn't say Rocky, then stick to watching The View and Pokémon cartoons because movies aren't your thing.
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Rocky is the best. It’s just a raw film. No flash.

Awesome ending.

Rocky II is like eating a bad meal because your wife cooked it and you know the dessert is delicious. The ending of Rocky II is awesome.

I think people who like Rocky III are of a certain age as are those that liked Rocky IV.

Both films have a lot of cheese, but the villains are cool in both.

I don’t hate Rocky V. The ending is cool. But similar to II, the ending is really all I care to watch.

I cringe when Tommy Gunn calls George Washington Duke “the Angel on his shoulder”, with Rocky sitting in the poor house watching.

I actually really like Rocky Balboa. I like that Rocky is helping out Marie and her kid, and that his son comes around. I love the way that he ends the movie walking out and ignoring the decision- the way he considered ending the original.

(I also like that Adrian is not in the movie).

I thought Creed was a cool movie. Disappointed that MBJ didn’t see fit to include Stallone in a prominent role moving forward, and I have not see Creed II or III.
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1, 2, 4, 3, Creed, Balboa

I like 4 & 3 because I was an 80’s kid. C’mon, man…Mr. T was the villain in 3. Mr. effing Teeeeeee!!!!


Also, Rocky won over the hearts & minds of the Soviets & saved the world in 4…that’s gotta be worth at least a spot at #3 on the list…

Whoever told Tommy "gun" Morrison that he could act and would make a good Rocky villain needs to not ever work in movies again. It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. At least Stallone redeemed himself with Rocky Balboa and the first Creed movie. I love the Rocky franchise though. I voted for Rocky but Rocky 2 was almost as good as the original.
It's still not the best boxing movie though. Cinderella Man takes that spot for me.
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Rocky 2

Then I prefer III over IV. Rocky gets a little class and speech lessons and it is wall to wall action. 2 fights, plus the Hulk Hogan charity thing and a montage of fights set to "Eye of the Tiger" and even ending with a friendly "favor" fight. The montage had a weird lingering crotch shot of Apollo and Rocky that is uncomfortable but that's the only drawback.

Other than 5, there is no such thing as a bad Rocky movie and I think the first one is about as perfect a film as has ever been made. I often tell my wife the most romantic scene ever in a movie is at the end of 1 when Adrian climbs into the ring to see him, and if you're not paying attention you'll miss it because so much is going on, but the very first thing he says to her is "What happened to your hat?". He has just had the greatest moment in a life littered with failure but he is so focused on her, even with this life altering event that has just happened.