Rocky is the best. It’s just a raw film. No flash.
Awesome ending.
Rocky II is like eating a bad meal because your wife cooked it and you know the dessert is delicious. The ending of Rocky II is awesome.
I think people who like Rocky III are of a certain age as are those that liked Rocky IV.
Both films have a lot of cheese, but the villains are cool in both.
I don’t hate Rocky V. The ending is cool. But similar to II, the ending is really all I care to watch.
I cringe when Tommy Gunn calls George Washington Duke “the Angel on his shoulder”, with Rocky sitting in the poor house watching.
I actually really like Rocky Balboa. I like that Rocky is helping out Marie and her kid, and that his son comes around. I love the way that he ends the movie walking out and ignoring the decision- the way he considered ending the original.
(I also like that Adrian is not in the movie).
I thought Creed was a cool movie. Disappointed that MBJ didn’t see fit to include Stallone in a prominent role moving forward, and I have not see Creed II or III.