The 5 members who kept Caitlin Clark off of Team USA

It is obvious you left out one very important stat, turnovers. And she leads the league by a WIDE margin. Why only the good ? Shooting %'s ? Not good either.

They have about the same shooting %. Clark averages about 4 more assists and 4 more TOs on a really bad team. She also gets 1 more steal per game.
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In a perfect world, you would want to pick the 12 best players or the 12 players to make the best team. Those might not always be the same, but it would probably match up pretty well. Anyway...

Is CC one of the best 12 players eligible to play for Team USA? Probably not. But i don't watch to know, but based no what i've heard/read, no.

Are all 12 selected the best at their position? I'm gonna guess no based on some comments i've, again, heard or read elsewhere, but for the most part, when you combine their experience in with it, most, if not all the selections seem to be legit.

So, given CC isn't one of the 12 best players in the league or the best at her position and her international experience pales next to the other players, strictly playing-wise, she doesn't belong on this team.

BUT, the WNBA specifically and women's basketball in general, certainly don't exist in a perfect world.

IF you replaced the last player picked with ANYONE (not necessarily CC), would it likely affect the outcome of the olympics? No. Last year, they won all 8 games by at least 19pts. The last player on the 2020 team played 3.8mins per in 4 games (didn't play in 4 others) and had a total of 3pts, 3rebs and 3 turnovers.

So, given that, is having CC on the team going to have a measurable, negative effect on the outcome? Odds are pretty good that it would NOT.

Which leads us to the popularity/marketing angle. I'm with the earn it with your play/experience 99% of the time. However, this is a completely different set of circumstances. CC is THE most popular women's basketball player in the world right now. Not even sure that it's close. The WNBA/women's basketball hasn't exactly been the most popular league/sport around from the very beginning. Any other league would've folded 10+yrs ago, but they have the backing of the NBA holding them up.

Just makes no sense.

CC should've been on the team for popularity reasons alone. The women's game needs fans, period. What other time/place than the Olympics. It's a world stage. The kicker is, she can actually play. Is she perfect? No, not at all, but she has more than proven she can play well enough and she most certainly brings eyes to the TV (just check out the last 2 NCAAT ratings for the women's side).

Seems like an opportunity squandered.
Which is why I stated :

Based on ticket sales, exposure and media coverage, yes she should be on the team.

Based on being one of the best 4/5 guards in the WNBA, no.

As far as Taurisa getting in over her, she has done a lot for womens basketball and the WNBA for years, she deserves one last ride at gold, CC will have lots of future gold medals, a rookie shouldn't get in over a legend who can still play at an elite level. Her time will come, and also, she is the 1st alternate so I would say she will be on THIS team when all is said and done. People are making a huge deal out of something, when in the end she will be on the team. Then of course the goal post will be moved to "well she should not have had to be an alternate".
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As far as Taurisa getting in over her, she has done a lot for womens basketball and the WNBA for years, she deserves one last ride at gold,

She has her share....she doesn't "deserve" another spot. If this was the case, then put Tiger on the RC team next year for one last ride.
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She has her share....she doesn't "deserve" another spot. If this was the case, then put Tiger on the RC team next year for one last ride.
Maybe he will be,,, as an assistant coach. But IF Tiger could break 80, he might could be able to make the team as a player. Taurisa is averaging more points on better shooting %'s than Clark, so,,,,, You didn't exactly help your argument, lol. But of course we ALL know your point of view is a little DIFFERENT than most. It is why you get slammed in EVERY thread you post in.
Isaiah did say that. Saw it in a bird doc. But in context of the times then it was more rivalry and not race. Those guys all hated each other and were super competitors. Hell Bird thought it was disrespectful to have white guys guard him. Just a different league.
That was my point. He was trying to act like Isaih meant it literally.
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Those guys then talked some major trash. But didn't get offended, run to social media and try to get ppl canceled. You said some shit and they said get out here and prove it. Beat me on the court etc. They played tackle football on a basketball court.
Yep. I was born in the 70's. I remember those early Laker teams. I liked watching them for a couple years until the LA fanboys made me turn to... "I hate LA". LOL. I was always Eastern Conf after those first 2 or 3 years. I loved those Bad Boy teams. I was slow to come around to Jordan so I loved watching them beat the Bulls. Isaih and Dumars were our local favorites because they were relatively short but were still kicking but.

I still hate it that Jordan kept Isaih off the Dream Team. Jordan wasn't running USA basketball though, so I guess he didn't really do that...
Yep. I was born in the 70's. I remember those early Laker teams. I liked watching them for a couple years until the LA fanboys made me turn to... "I hate LA". LOL. I was always Eastern Conf after those first 2 or 3 years. I loved those Bad Boy teams. I was slow to come around to Jordan so I loved watching them beat the Bulls. Isaih and Dumars were our local favorites because they were relatively short but were still kicking but.

I still hate it that Jordan kept Isaih off the Dream Team. Jordan wasn't running USA basketball though, so I guess he didn't really do that...
Have you watched the HBO miniseries showtime? I've seen the first season and loved it.
No. Is it new?
Called Winning time: the rise of the Lakers dynasty. First season was 2022. I liked it. Haven't seen the 2nd and apparently it tanked in the ratings so they canceled season 3?

I thought the actors they had playing magic and Kareem were good. The Jerry west portrayal was deemed controversial and he hated it. But most ppl came forward and said it was dead on. John c. Reilly as Jerry Buss was really good, imo.

2nd season was supposed to introduce the bird magic beginnings. Haven't seen it yet so I don't know why it tanked? HBO max.
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Called Winning time: the rise of the Lakers dynasty. First season was 2022. I liked it. Haven't seen the 2nd and apparently it tanked in the ratings so they canceled season 3?

I thought the actors they had playing magic and Kareem were good. The Jerry west portrayal was deemed controversial and he hated it. But most ppl came forward and said it was dead on. John c. Reilly as Jerry Buss was really good, imo.

2nd season was supposed to introduce the bird magic beginnings. Haven't seen it yet so I don't know why it tanked? HBO max.

Was a great series that just abruptly ended. No clue why, was awesome and just getting really good.
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Said the ratings dropped 30%. Don't even remember them marketing the 2nd season.

Guess it was too honest, not gay enough, or young ppl couldn't handle the racism coming out of the Boston fans? Lol
I remember getting in an argument with an old lady from Boston who retired to FL. I was staying at my uncles retirement home in FL for a summer... She was telling me how racist people in KY were and even as a kid I was like.... You're from Boston... Probably the most racist city in the country? LOL.
That was my point. He was trying to act like Isaih meant it literally.
I didn't try to act like anything. I am not posting about what I read or someone told me. I lived through that period and remember all of the negative press Isaiah along racial lines he received for it. Any attempt to romanticize it into something other than what it was is ridiculous. Race relations were much worse during that period than they are now.
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I didn't try to act like anything. I am not posting about what I read or someone told me. I lived through that period and remember all of the negative press Isaiah along racial lines he received for it. Any attempt to romanticize it into something other than what it was is ridiculous. Race relations were much worse during that period than they are now.
I agree there is far less racism towards black people today than there was in the 70's and 80's.
Race was a major component of their matchup. Isiah Thomas once stated that "Bird is a very, very good basketball player, but if he was black, he'd be just another guy." That comment cost Isiah endorsement dollars.

It was a stupid, ignorant, and racist comment for any era. "Race" wasn't a major component of their match-up. It was and is a major component of some people's chosen mindset as it has been for half a century and is still increasing in African Americans nationally..

There wasn't anyone that could stop Bird from doing what he wanted except Bird himself. Isaiah was just jealous
Taurisa is averaging more points on better shooting %'s than Clark, so,,,,, You didn't exactly help your argument, lol.

16.6 to 16.3 for CC
37 FG% to 37.3% for CC
34% 3P% to 33% for CC
4.8 RPG to 4.9 for CC
1.6 APG to 6 for CC

Essentially similar numbers, and given the fact she is a rookie on a terrible team, and defenses are keying on her, she has a distinct advantage. But let's give the spot to a 42 year old woke vet over the most popular player in the world.
I'll have to take a look at that. The fans the other night bood that girl for mocking Clark and the fans were the girls home fans! Clarke was on the road, lol. Even opposing team's fans are sick of it.
Probably a good amount of Clark fans at these games though . I didn’t think the mocking was that big of a deal .
16.6 to 16.3 for CC
37 FG% to 37.3% for CC
34% 3P% to 33% for CC
4.8 RPG to 4.9 for CC
1.6 APG to 6 for CC

Essentially similar numbers, and given the fact she is a rookie on a terrible team, and defenses are keying on her, she has a distinct advantage. But let's give the spot to a 42 year old woke vet over the most popular player in the world.
This is about as bad as your golf and baseball takes, or any take for that matter. You stated Taurisa didn't deserve a spot, well if she doesn't, how can you say Clark absolutely does ? Their numbers are very similar, other than Clark by far leads the league in turnovers and can't guard a fence post. I am not using a popularity, I am using basketball, so saying Clark greatly deserves a spot over Taurisa is just simple not true. Factor in the experience factor also. The last game she played against Conn. she got absolutely abused on defense and was forced to grab and hack time and time again. She will be great, and will make several Olympic rosters, but THIS year, I can understand her not making the squad. WHY should she take a spot over someone more deserving and has put in work for the FOUR years leading up to the Olympics, just because she is popular ??? She just hasn't EARNED a spot, if they put her in because she sells tickets and gets media coverage, that makes her look really bad. She couldn't earn it, it was give to her because she sells.
I don't care about the hard fouls, the shit talking. It's sports. Their competitors. When the boys do it, it's just sports. Making too big a deal because it's girls imo. She's a rookie, they should go at her.

But she should have been on the Olympic team.
I watched Caitlin a little in college. I always thought she was kind of like Steph Curry in that she was perfect to dominate college basketball, deserved to be a high draft pick, but likely wasn't going to be head's and shoulders above everybody for athleticism issues at the next level. (And yeah, I was wrong about Steph in terms of what he became.) So I have no illusions that the women in the WNBA aren't like "F this gal; she's not that good".

That said:
  1. Olympic teams should have a couple young players on the team (the men's team does this).
  2. More importantly: the USA team would make about $50M more in jersey sales if she were on the team. For this reason alone she should have made it.
So if Brittany Griner is becoming a trans man or whatever it appears, why isn't she going to play for a real NBA team?
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16.6 to 16.3 for CC
37 FG% to 37.3% for CC
34% 3P% to 33% for CC
4.8 RPG to 4.9 for CC
1.6 APG to 6 for CC

Essentially similar numbers, and given the fact she is a rookie on a terrible team, and defenses are keying on her, she has a distinct advantage. But let's give the spot to a 42 year old woke vet over the most popular player in the world.

Now do the stats between cc ans tirausi and the 2nd leading scorer n wnba. Based on on the court play she's the real omission.

Based on purely marketing and ratings, its Clark.

Olympics end in mid August so thankfully the summer of wnba blabbering will end until next summer. They are gonna lose 50 million this year as well. Garbage business.
Scum like Sunny Hostin doesn't help when she addresses her situation and she says she beleieves there's such a thing as white privelege and tall privelage and pretty privelige.
Pretty privilege? That's a stretch. She's average at best. But the woke hate her anyway, so, whatever.

I can only imagine how much woke Nancy at USSR today would hate it if it was Hailee Van Lith or Maddie Scheer being the WNBA phenom lol, they would be 10 times more nasty.
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I watched the UK baseball game today and have thoughts on it... but after thinking about this thread, I'm wondering if I should have since I normally don't watch baseball.
Arike Ogunbowale removed herself from the Team USA reserve pool citing "politics":

"Me being me, I just felt the vibes," Ogunbowale said of how she thought she was being assessed by USA Basketball. "When it comes to that stuff, it really doesn't have much to do with your game. It's really about who they feel like fits with the team. That's on the men's side, too.

"The committees say they look for people who ... I don't know, honestly. But I could already tell. I actually took my name out of the pool months ago. With the pool, it's a big commitment. If I know they're not picking me, I'm not going to keep going to these [camps] when I know the vibe. I'm not going to give you my time if I know the vibe."
As usual, the women are fine being propped up by the men. If they were actually forced to turn a profit she would be headlining this squad. Never has women's basketball received this much attention in 28 yrs combined. She's the current reason. It's the Olympics not league play. They had a chance to have a worldwide experience to promote the shit out of their league to the future potential customers and a new generation of the next group of girls and they failed.

This is a failure of epic proportions. Period.

The league is propped up. They don't care about generating income. They are jealous she might take away all of the attention.
Pretty privilege? That's a stretch. She's average at best. But the woke hate her anyway, so, whatever.

I can only imagine how much woke Nancy at USSR today would hate it if it was Hailee Van Lith or Maddie Scheer being the WNBA phenom lol, they would be 10 times more nasty.

Average? I don’t even think she’s remotely attractive.

Rematch starts right now on CBS. Reece is wearing joker-themed villain shoes. Crazy gurl!