The 5 members who kept Caitlin Clark off of Team USA

Woman are absolutely bats**t nuts, especially to each other. If you want to see people abuse and pick on each other for no reason, randomly split into packs within weeks, gang up and tear each other down, look no further than a group of women and how they treat each other. Its nuts.

The popular saying is this, "If it weren't for men, there would be no war."

The truth is something far different.

"If men did not exist, this entire planet would look like a women's bathroom at an urban Chevron station. There would be weaves torn off everywhere and blood would be spilled every hour of every day."
The popular saying is this, "If it weren't for men, there would be no war."

The truth is something far different.

"If men did not exist, this entire planet would look like a women's bathroom at an urban Chevron station. There would be weaves torn off everywhere and blood would be spilled every hour of every day."
Steve Brule GIF by MOODMAN
She's only played like 11 games and has already broken all kinds of records. She'll only get better and will cut down on the turnovers. You sound bitter.

Why is an LSU assistant on the selection committee?

Being a college assistant strikes me as rather meager qualifications to be one of only five people empowered to choose the United States Olympic team.
Because she has 3 gold medals and is one of the best women's basketball players ever.
I do find not very not surprising that the engineers of this BS, have now seemingly swung the narrative to "you only care because she's white". Essentially making people into racists. Shocking I know. Because I'm sure basketball fans couldn't stand that Zion was black, and just think of all the attention Wemby got even though he's black. Them whiteys be out the whiteing it up, I tell ya.

Folks, everyone should ignore every bit of this and let the WNBA rot in this trash bed they've made.

This is the first time I'm hearing about her not making the Olympic team. Unfortunately it won't be the last, because it will be force-fed wherever possible to prop up the narrative that white people are racist because they're excluded from doing the things that everyone else does that is racist.
Would love to see like 8 to 10 recently retired nba players identify as women and annihilate the wnba. I'd actually watch that team. Hell, we can find 10 former UK players and they would do it.

The Kentucky Wildkittens with Joanna Crawford, Ramona Rondo, and even older veterans like Tonya Delk and Antonia Walker.

Grandmama would still tear that league up!
They took Britney Griner, who has openly said she doesn’t care for the USA many times over Clark. Says all I need to know.

Griner has a right to her opinion but that’s like selecting a kid who hates your school to be the school mascot. Just odd.

Not selecting Clark as even a back up is wild. The marketing sells itself. She could be on every fast food cup in America and would excite people to get behind Team USA.
I just want to point out how i find it absurd one of the reasons people are giving for why she should be on the team is because of how much attention she is drawing to the sport and how well attendances are for her games.

Like Team USA's only job here is to win gold. It's not to put butts in seats, draw ratings, or anything else.

And it’s almost like having more fans rooting for you would help with that. It did the lack of attendance during Covid teach us nothing?

And yes the Olympics has also been about making money off merchandise and ratings as well. NBC would vehemently disagree with you on that.
And it’s almost like having more fans rooting for you would help with that. It did the lack of attendance during Covid teach us nothing?

And yes the Olympics has also been about making money off merchandise and ratings as well. NBC would vehemently disagree with you on that.
That’s not the team’s responsibility.
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They took Britney Griner, who has openly said she doesn’t care for the USA many times over Clark. Says all I need to know.

Griner has a right to her opinion but that’s like selecting a kid who hates your school to be the school mascot. Just odd.

Not selecting Clark as even a back up is wild. The marketing sells itself. She could be on every fast food cup in America and would excite people to get behind Team USA.
I believe Griner has played one game this season.
Definitely some weird decision making . I do think with the reaction to Clark not making this team it is best for all parties that she isn’t on the team this year . If they put her on the team then folks would be mad about her not starting or getting much minutes at all .

It's now definitely a no-win situation. On or off, it just looks bad. I personally don't care and won't watch a minute of Olympic basketball if I watch any of the Olympics at all. Haven't for over a decade now, iirc.

Most I've watched are YouTube highlights of former UK T&F.
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I don't pretend to know enough to say whether she should be on it, but I love the moronic reason they gave. Because her fans would be too upset if she didn't get enough PT. LMAO. Ok.

If they had said, "first and foremost, she is a defensive liability," like Cal used against players that weren't promised playing time, they wouldn't have had nearly the backlash. Just stupid not to make it about her on court play. Poor management and worse PR
Well from a marketing standpoint they screwed themselves royally. This is one of the dumbest business moves I've seen from a sport already struggling to market and profit.

If she was on the squad there would be little girls from across the world who bother to show up to these things wearing Caitlin Clark jerseys and wanting pics and merchandise.

And that would make the others uncomfortable or jealous or whatever. So emotion wins over money over notoriety over exposure over the future of trying to make their league relevant.

What matters is money. And they screwed that up. But do expect from 5 women making a decision.
Probably because nobody knows who the #2 scorer is and she most certainly doesn’t bring millions of viewers with her.

I read the No. 2 scorer was omitted and immediately wanted an explanation. While I care very little about the subject, if I care at all, I am interested to know why.

I also love when people exclaim a subject is the product of “faux outrage.” That has become a meaningless message board phrase. If it has meaning, it has come to mean, “I disagree.”
Clark isn't one of the best 12 usa players in wnba. I know that triggers some but it's true.

May or may not be true, and is completely subjective. What isn't subjective is that women's basketball needs a shot in the arm in the worst way on a global basis, and they threw up an air ball with this decision. It isn't as if she is a charity case and they were simply giving her a participation trophy. She is deserving, and is the most popular woman's player in the world at this time.
There would not be any outrage if some rookie in the NBA didn’t make the Olympics.

Clark has a lot of time to make the Olympics. They left the current number 2 scorer off of the team .

They have left off an MVP the last Olympics.

I don't think that's the argument here. The addition of Clark would have pretty much zero to do with winning games. Team USA could/should win gold if the last player on the team is replaced by Clark or not.

Before her, relatively speaking, no one watched the wnba. The league has been subsidized by the nba since its inception and would've folded many times over if it wasn't for that financial backing. Crap, it probably wouldn't have even gotten off the ground.

Fast forward to 2024 (probably says enough just saying that), and we have arguably the most popular women's basketball player since Cheryl Miller? Lisa Leslie? Maybe ever? in Clark. The opportunity to expand the women's game is like no other that they've had before and they push it to the side because "she's not one of the best 12 players in the league" all the while complaining that no one watches or they don't get paid or this or that. Clark solves all of that, or at least it looks like she could.

The argument they left the #2 scorer off the team is just not a good one, either. NO ONE outside of the 8-10 die-hard wnba fans knows who that even is. EVERYONE knows who Clark is. That's the whole point here. Clark has been in the league a few weeks and she's more popular than every single player in the league.

This is about building support for the league, which, up until Clark landed in their collective lap, had next to none and turning away that opportunity is just foolish.