Thank you BBN and an update....


Blue Chip Prospect
Jan 31, 2018
First, I want to say thank you to everyone here, everyone who took time to give advice, money and prayers. Everyone has a lot going on right now and to take time to help someone who is a fellow fan, still warms my heart beyond belief.

So to start, I'm gonna explain how you guys literally, saved me in a couple ways:

First, as you guys know my finances were exhausted and I could've never anticipated the generous people on here. We were able to buy groceries and supplies to survive, as well as lunches for her new job.
That's right, she got a job!!! Unfortunately, it wasn't with our friend here, she went to the interview but it appeared they were more in setting up mode, in this area. He did hire her but I guess he got busy with things and she didn't receive the follow up call. She happened to get a return call, from a job that does the same thing locally. So she is now taking care of sick people, with multiple disabilities which is very rewarding to her. She has already gotten several certifications and feels proud of what she is doing (which makes my heart warm up, to see her have some joy, when we have had tough times). So she has been working, we are waiting on her first paycheck still but that will definitely start helping to get things in order. So it's a positive life change, from her just waiting tables for a living. It's also teaching her more, which could be beneficial to help take care of me.

The second way you guys saved me, was to be able to get supplies to feeding tube leaking. Yes, believe it or not, I had some more rough luck. My tube has three ends (one for balloon inflation/deflation, one for hospital use and one for our use) and it started leaking from the hospital use part. Luckily, because of your guys generosity I was able to get super glue, finger condoms, rubber bands and order a medical clamp online. This isn't a permanent solution but helps me avoid, the surgery at a hospital right now (which would be bad because of my immune system and the virus).

So that's two ways you guys directly saved me, not including prayers and solid advice.

The other good news is heart surgery, is something that can be avoided at the present time. After, getting a clearer MRI picture, they have decided, it's working better than originally thought. So for now I'm on some heart medication, so it should help avoid hospitals once again.

So those are definitely some of the positives and I greatly appreciate the help.

Now the other side of things.... My family doctor had to bring me in her vacant office to run some more blood work, there have been some things getting worse on my issues and I have a couple unavoidable surgeries coming. My body externally and internally has started to have severe cramps (think charlie horse) everywhere. I have started to fall quite regularly and I'm needing a little more care. The bad thing is with her job, I have to be left alone for long periods of time which is kind of hard and a bit scary. Hopefully, at some point my disability goes through, so maybe she can be home a little more, we can't afford her to be here more and still survive. Although, I'm considered disabled, I can't get my insurance to cover a person to be here to help with care, until the disability has been approved. So we just gotta kind of hang in there and hope we can make everything work. Everything, is backed up with the current pandemic, on disability approvals or so I was told on the phone.

The other downside, is despite my health and the worldwide pandemic, our landlords still expect us to move. It was super shocking as we just had renewed the lease in February but I was informed that things will get very, very, very, very ugly ( the landlord, who is supposed to be my friend said this while bobbing his head and his face turning red), if we do not move on the date they listed on the lease termination agreement (which is now only a couple weeks away). As they were our friends, we didn't get a written lease. So they are taking actions like it was only a month to month (I should've known better and gotten a written copy but thought they were true friends). He explained to me that they would've extended the date but he found out his job, isn't laying anyone off. So they can afford to lose the income they receive from us, for a period of time. If you think about it, basically they were gonna allow us to stay and pay them through the pandemic, if they were in trouble financially. However, since they aren't, now it's irrelevant. I feel the real reason they changed their mind, is they now know I won't be able to physically take care of the property. It's sad and I thought for sure that they would reconsider with everything going on, they would extend the move out date but instead I was issued a threat. We have been desperately searching but it's hard to do with our financial situation. All we can do is pray, somehow my disability goes through and we get the stimulus support. I still can't fathom them expecting us to move at a time like this and it isn't helping my health but if this board did anything, it taught me to keep faith no matter what.

I just want to let you guys know without you, we would've never made it this far and you guys saved us and helped strengthen our faith. I can never repay all the kindness and care you guys gave. Thank you all, so very much.

We still have tough times ahead and a lot to figure out, that's why I kept delaying the update. I didn't want to share more bad news after everything you all have done. Just know we appreciate everything and I hope and pray you are all blessed in your lives. I will give more updates as things go along and as long as I'm able. Thank you again to my Big Blue family.
I called the courthouse earlier this week, they were confused since we've still paid. However, they said they could still file in Ohio, they just won't be hearing the cases until May. The thing is, an outright threat was made and I don't know if it's a wise idea to be around to see what very, very, very, very ugly is. I was truly baffled in the first place, our home was our one peace of mind, with my health. I explained to my fiance, whenever they speak about wanting to be friends after we leave, it's just not the case. I couldn't remove someone in bad health who wasn't my friend, especially with this virus on the loose. I tried reason and said you can't really go check places out and the response I got, they are doing virtual tours (which is true, at least for buying) but I asked if he would be comfortable signing a year lease without even entering a place? There was no real answer there but that didn't change the direction of the conversation. I've just never really experienced someone with zero compassion, unless it was going to put them in a bad position. I asked if they ended up declaring marshall law, what would be the expectation then? The reply, well if they have a guy standing on every corner with a rifle, maybe then we can discuss it. We've literally had holiday meals with these people, done them many of favors and I just can't wrap my head around it. Especially, the outright threat, I mean saying we would have to proceed with an eviction would be my expectation. As crazy as that whole part is, they said as of now we could have a good reference and we have been good tenants. It has to be the property and my health or maybe they are afraid I'll pass and it will drive the property value down? I'm not sure if that's true but I know you have to disclose that to anyone who would be purchasing the property. Although, my stuff started before the year of 2020 (the getting sick) this year has been the worst I can remember. Also, my health has rapidly declined in this year, where the beginnings were more in 2019. I never thought at my age I would literally be falling, I had a big knot on my head all last week. This has been nuts, I'm glad I can talk to you guys about it. If it wasn't for the people on this board, I may have zero hope for humanity. Thank God, there are people that I've seen compassion and caring from. The stress on my health is overwhelming, especially when it's people you have been there for. When the tornadoe warnings were off and the bad weather started, I immediately called them and told them to get in their basement. I guess that's just more the type of person I am, even after the threat. I don't know, I'm gonna get some rest, thank you guys again, for everything. I don't get much sleep but I need to try before my mind races anymore than it is. Goodnight BBN, may tomorrow be a blessed day for those on this board and the people around the world who have loved ones fighting for their lives.
A tenant has just as many rights as a landlord. If he starts threatening you can get a temporary restraining order against the landlord. Im also almost certain that a landlord cannot just terminate a lease without cause like damage to property, nonpayment etc. Just look up state tenant and landlord laws as they differ from state to state.
Just make sure if you end up going for a temporary restraining order that you have every detail of the harassment. From papers given to you, text and if verbal threats time and dates. If I was you I would try and talk to a lawyer and see what can and cant be done.
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You're correct. Actually the non eviction policy came from the White House.
Yes that’s what I heard as well. Just tell him no and if he wants to fight you tell him to call the White House! Haha. Good luck brother. You’re sure not alone right now and I know many people that’s having really bad times right now. I’ll continue to pray for you and everyone who needs help.
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Man I believe what you’re saying, I really do, but I have to believe you also know you don’t just have to leave right now as well. Like you said, you can’t even go out to look at places! You need to tell him you’ll move out when you can and that’s it!! As for the reference, it’s not like you have to list him and give his phone number! I’m sure another friend our someone, would say you’re the greatest tenet ever and give you a good reference!!. Lol. Bottom line, I’m sorry about your health, but there’s nothing he can do right now to make you leave. If he tried to put his hands on you, cough and spit like hell on him if you’re really afraid of him! Better yet, call me and I’ll call that friend of yours. He’s not your friend anymore so it is what it is.

Sorry man but this has pissed me off a little bit by him treating you guys like this. It’s just not the time for acting like that. Anyway, sorry again if I was out of line, but Do Not leave that place until the dang sheriff canes and makes you!! Also, tell the big bad landlord that he’s not welcome at your house right now and do like the guys said about, get a restraining order tomorrow or Monday! Thanks and make sure you do it Monday.
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You're correct. Actually the non eviction policy came from the White House.
He cant do chit about it. If he does you call cops and he gets screwed . Dumb of him to be nasty , get more bees with honey than vinegar. Once they remove the cant evict policy, would take him a while to get a fuking to allowing eviction. . If he remains an a hole, stop paying rent immediately (since he wants ya out no matter) and DO NOT leave . Save all that rent money for move and security. Could be a year b4 he gets you out with the way things are right now .
He cant do chit about it. If he does you call cops and he gets screwed . Dumb of him to be nasty , get more bees with honey than vinegar. Once they remove the cant evict policy, would take him a while to get a fuking to allowing eviction. . If he remains an a hole, stop paying rent immediately (since he wants ya out no matter) and DO NOT leave . Save all that rent money for move and security. Could be a year b4 he gets you out with the way things are right now .
Fuking = ruling. Honest typo.
Sorry about the landlord. I too have tenants and would never dream of doing what he is doing. My mama raised me better.
I had a pow wow with my wife(she handles the properties)we discussed that if anyone comes up and says they can't pay their rent, to let it ride. She told me she already knew that . NO government had to tell us that. I guess its called a moral compass.
As far as your landlord, do everything by the law. He cannot throw you out on the street. Let him go to court and be laughed out of the courthouse. Avoid him like a virus , don't compound your problem by getting emotional with this greedy dolt.
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Sorry about the landlord. I too have tenants and would never dream of doing what he is doing. My mama raised me better.
I had a pow wow with my wife(she handles the properties) that if anyone comes up and says they can't pay their rent to let it ride.She told me she already knew that . NO government had to tell us that. I guess its called a moral compass.
As far as your landlord, do everything by the law. He cannot throw you out on the street. Let him go to court and be laughed out of the courthouse. Avoid him like a virus , don't compound your problem by getting emotional with this greedy dolt.
Wonderful .. good man. Hopefully the ppl that can continue to pay rent do so and dont make excuses that they cant when they can. Doing the right thing always wins out in the end.
You're correct. Actually the non eviction policy came from the White House.
You are both partially correct. Governor Beshear issued an executive order to stop ALL evictions
in the state of Ky that applies to any/all evictions.
Meanwhile, Trump also issued an order too but his only applies to renters that have loans via the Federal Housing Administration. It's a nice gesture but typical of Trump, his actual plan is not well thought out, the message is confusing and the details are flawed.
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Some good advice in here, unfortunately Ohio didn't do what Kentucky did. I know I could stay, until the sheriff showed up at least but I think the threat caught her and I both off guard. I would never be afraid of anyone (except God) but literally my three year old step-grandson (I only put step because of my age) accidentally knocked me over.

In Ohio and if anyone knows better, please let me know. Since we trusted their verbal word, they can say it's a month to month lease. Also, in this state as far as I can tell they can terminate a lease because of the verbal part at anytime, without reason. Although, they are saying they are going to sell the property and that's the reason. I've spent hours reading (I'm no lawyer) and tried to figure out what options I could. I thought maybe because of my medical situation, I may have some kind of extra rights but I didn't come across any. I believe I'm considered a protected class but it's almost like a verbal lease, negates any of those. I'm so mad at myself, for trusting.

I was hoping our governor would step in and make it known, no one could be forced out. Other than postponing the hearings until May, nothing else has been done.

As nice as the place is I had such a bad feeling but I could tell she loved it, so I shook it off and we settled in.

Thank you guys for the advice and support and anymore on any rights we have, would be awesome. In my looking for places that might be available they are almost non-existent, everyone else is hunkering down. Which is literally what everyone should be doing and I thought surely with this pandemic, the compassion would kick in, I just don't get it. Although, after this started I found out one of them kicked their own mother's out (after the sister payed her, yes payed her!!!! To take care of her). So I don't think I knew them as well as I did.

Anyway, sorry I forgot to mention that part, which kind of gives you an indication of what their capable of.

Thank you guys, advice always appreciated, I will read through every reply. Thank you for the prayers as well.

Oh and one separate thank you for making me laugh, to the fella who told me to spit on him lmao.
Here is some advice from someone who is well versed in housing law at the state and local levels. I am just finishing a project for a client cataloguing all of the state laws related to housing and mortgage lending. Just this week I have been looking at all the laws relating to discrimination.

It is absolutely illegal in EVERY state for any landlord to refuse to lease a rental property or to evict someone based on their disability. You are protected by both the federal Fair Housing Act and by Ohio state law. You do not have to meet the federal qualification for disability payments to be considered disabled under these laws.

If you like, you can email me at and I can help guide you through this so you understand your rights and how to exercise them. You should not need to hire a lawyer to protect your right against discrimination by your landlord. I can show you how to print a copy of the law and hand it to him. He could owe you triple damages if you end up having to sue him.

I can also look up for you what is in the Ohio law regarding source of income. Many states also prohibit discrimination in leasing based on the tenant’s source of income. Whether you have a job or not does not matter, if you have income that is all government assistance and that is enough for you to pay your rent the landlord has to rent to you.
Here is some advice from someone who is well versed in housing law at the state and local levels. I am just finishing a project for a client cataloguing all of the state laws related to housing and mortgage lending. Just this week I have been looking at all the laws relating to discrimination.

It is absolutely illegal in EVERY state for any landlord to refuse to lease a rental property or to evict someone based on their disability. You are protected by both the federal Fair Housing Act and by Ohio state law. You do not have to meet the federal qualification for disability payments to be considered disabled under these laws.

If you like, you can email me at and I can help guide you through this so you understand your rights and how to exercise them. You should not need to hire a lawyer to protect your right against discrimination by your landlord. I can show you how to print a copy of the law and hand it to him. He could owe you triple damages if you end up having to sue him.

I can also look up for you what is in the Ohio law regarding source of income. Many states also prohibit discrimination in leasing based on the tenant’s source of income. Whether you have a job or not does not matter, if you have income that is all government assistance and that is enough for you to pay your rent the landlord has to rent to you.

I don't know how to prove it's because I can't physically maintain the property. I just think it's the only thing that makes sense, because we had just renewed the lease and they increased the rent. I think at most I may have a paper, where he wrote down the figures with the new payments. There is no date or signatures on it. We can switch to E-mail at some point but I have no problem sharing, as everyone here has shown a great deal of caring towards the situation. Here is what I was able to figure out on my own. The first thing I looked at was, if I was considered disabled, before I received the benefits. As far as I can tell I am, due to these four things, which are all well medically documented:
1) autoimmune disease
2) heart issue
3) feeding tube (I didn't see as much on this one but the people at social security told me it was big for approval).
4) Anxiety

I figured I would throw that information out real quick and see if that's enough to go off of, before asking you to go out of your way. I had a few people mention he was treading on dangerous ground by threatening me, since I am disabled but I don't know how well they no laws and regulations.

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I don't know how to prove it's because I can't physically maintain the property. I just think it's the only thing that makes sense, because we had just renewed the lease and they increased the rent. I think at most I may have a paper, where he wrote down the figures with the new payments. There is no date or signatures on it. We can switch to E-mail at some point but I have no problem sharing, as everyone here has shown a great deal of caring towards the situation. Here is what I was able to figure out on my own. The first thing I looked at was, if I was considered disabled, before I received the benefits. As far as I can tell I am, due to these four things, which are all well medically documented:
1) autoimmune disease
2) heart issue
3) feeding tube (I didn't see as much on this one but the people at social security told me it was big for approval).
4) Anxiety

I figured I would throw that information out real quick and see if that's enough to go off of, before asking you to go out of your way. I had a few people mention he was treading on dangerous ground by threatening me, since I am disabled but I don't know how well they no laws and regulations.

Also, they are proceeding as of it was a month, to month thing because of the verbal agreement. Although, they handed me a lease termination paper. This paper listed no reason, just a paper letting us know that the lease had been terminated. There has never been any property damaged, cops called, etc. Only disruption would be probably five times where an ambulance had to rush me to the hospital. Just trying to give you as much information as I can think of to see if it's something you can help with. Thank you so much by the way, I literally wish I knew more of you in everyday life. I know we have our disagreements on here (on basketball) but when it comes to my situation, it reminds me of my hometown, growing up in the country. People would help one another and were kind to each other. It's awesome to see people are still out there in the world like that.


Sorry to tag you in both I accidentally separated them.

Let me know if any additional information is needed, or if you think that's enough to work with and if so, I will definitely be willing to follow your step by step directions on how to proceed. Thank you so much. Thank you to everyone here, I have tried doing a lot of research, it's hard with being sick, as determined as I am. This thing is just kicking my butt more day by day and taking some of the fight out of me.
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Just make sure if you end up going for a temporary restraining order that you have every detail of the harassment. From papers given to you, text and if verbal threats time and dates. If I was you I would try and talk to a lawyer and see what can and cant be done.
I could never be a landlord. I don’t have the heart to evict ppl-especially a family w kids. I would suck at it and lose money.
Come up with a reasonable amount of time you can deal with on moving. Tell the landlord you will be out in X amount of days/months whatever that is. Pay the man his rent in the meantime. If he won't agree to your time frame (assuming its reasonable--not 5 years from now), tell him to evict you and you're not giving him another dime moving forward.

I suspect once he considers the time and aggravation of an eviction, plus not being paid during this time, and the low probability he'll ever recover the lost rents; he might be inclined to see things your way.

I think the guy is a rump being this way, especially with all circumstances considered. But, ultimately its his property and ultimately if he wants you to move, you'll move at some point. I understand you're sick and I understand the Virus going on, but the sooner you get this worry off of your plate and this clown out of your life the better off you will be.
Just wanted to give take a second to say thank you to Nicholas. I'm not gonna include your last name but I know you will know if you see this. I tried to E-mail a thank you but I always have trouble sending emails. So I wanted to take a moment and express my gratitude and let you know it means the world to me. Hard times just keep coming and I know so many Americans are struggling as well, heck the whole world is. Thank you once again and God bless you and your loved ones.

Also, I feel I should just give a big thank you to this entire board for everything. The advice, prayer and financial help has been amazing. Not to mention being able to speak here, like I can't at home. My poor little lady is a giant stress ball and thanks to this board I have got to see some moments of joy. Also, the fact I can still come here and have the distraction of speaking about the sport I love. Thank you all BBN and God Bless.