Texas Shoots Back At Muslim Terrorists

I think 18 people in total have been killed in an abortion clinic bombing. Oklahoma City was over 20 years ago and it's debatable whether it should be considered a "Christian attack." Meanwhile hundreds if not thousands of non-Muslims are killed every single day in the name of Islam. Great comparison.
McVeigh said many times he went away from religion (raised Catholic) when he joined the army and before being put to death said he did not believe in hell. So for someone to manufacture him into an idiotic "same!!!" type argument just shows the degree which they want to troll.
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And yes, there are major differences in Charlie Hebdo and this attack. Both places were likely places to be attacked and were attacked by heavily armed men wearing body armor. That's where the similarities end.

In one attack, the attackers did anything they want, killing as many as they wanted and basically just wandered the streets looking for others to kill, knowing they wouldn't put up any resistance because of both culture and French laws. 12 innocents died and 0 terrorists.

Meanwhile in Texas, armed officers shot the terrorists dead while only one person (a security guard) was injured. 0 innocents died and 2 terrorists.

So, yeah. Huge difference.
Why is it OK to demonstrate when something is considered unjust or wrong but, when it comes to Islam many in this country cower and say shhh don't say or do that because you will cause a problem. And some of you say they are not imposing or trying to impose their will upon us. OK then. Also, rioting in the streets is not safe or a smart thing to do but, according to some it is the only way to get your grievance out. Double standard?
Why is it OK to demonstrate when something is considered unjust or wrong but, when it comes to Islam many in this country cower and say shhh don't say or do that because you will cause a problem. And some of you say they are not imposing or trying to impose their will upon us. OK then. Also, rioting in the streets is not safe or a smart thing to do but, according to some it is the only way to get your grievance out. Double standard?

Shh. What you have done is called out the flawed leftist ideology where hypocrisy and liberalism go hand in hand.
I agree it was not the most PC event, but they have a right to do it. If they want to hold a drawing contest of Jesus, fine. I also can almost guarantee no Christians would try to go shoot up people because of it. These Muslims take the joke that is religion too serious IMO.
YOu can guarantee there isn't one single Christian in the world that wouldn't shoot up a place over that? How much money would you like me to steal from you in a bet then?
Look, Christianity is as big of a load of bullshit as Islam, but if you think Cletus McBiblethumping Redneck is going to go try and put down heretics because of drawings, you're intentionally being dense.
You're not very familiar with the history of the Christian religion then.
You're not very familiar with the history of the Christian religion then.
Don't try and pivot from the point. We're all well-aware of medieval actions by religions 500+ years ago.

Today, this doesn't happen with Christians.

Today, over half of all practicing Muslims polled by Pew Research openly admit to believing in Sharia Law and honors killings being acceptable. Who's to say how many more believe it behind closed doors.

This is no longer the 1400's, Christianity realized it 300 years ago, Islam hasn't.
Ha. I think Bluekel just trolls, but it's always funny to see the people who come along to seriously argue since there were Crusades centuries ago, that means a Christian is likely to shoot up a Jesus drawing contest.
Don't try and pivot from the point. We're all well-aware of medieval actions by religions 500+ years ago.

Today, this doesn't happen with Christians.

Today, over half of all practicing Muslims polled by Pew Research openly admit to believing in Sharia Law and honors killings being acceptable. Who's to say how many more believe it behind closed doors.

This is no longer the 1400's, Christianity realized it 300 years ago, Islam hasn't.
Islam is about 700 years younger than Christianity. Kids will be kids, y'know.
The simple point being - when someone that follows Islam does something, people want to decry that all Muslims and followers of Islam are insane, radical people. When some nut does something in the name of Christianity (KKK, abortion clinic bombings) then it is just a crazy INDIVIDUAL. The percentage of Muslims committing terroristic acts is tiny. However, the faction of radical Muslims is far more violent than that of Christianity. Still, it is individuals and small groups that are the problem...not the entire Muslim people.
You're not very familiar with the history of the Christian religion then.


Let's hear the predictable talking points you'll regurgitate trying to act as if Christians are on par with Muslims.

Let's hear you bastardize the origin of the Crusades and then bring up the KKK (while you ignore they were Democrats) and put that on 'The Bible.'
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The simple point being - when someone that follows Islam does something, people want to decry that all Muslims and followers of Islam are insane, radical people. When some nut does something in the name of Christianity (KKK, abortion clinic bombings) then it is just a crazy INDIVIDUAL. The percentage of Muslims committing terroristic acts is tiny. However, the faction of radical Muslims is far more violent than that of Christianity. Still, it is individuals and small groups that are the problem...not the entire Muslim people.
Stop perpetuating this fallacy. It's not true.

The simple point being - when someone that follows Islam does something, people want to decry that all Muslims and followers of Islam are insane, radical people. When some nut does something in the name of Christianity (KKK, abortion clinic bombings) then it is just a crazy INDIVIDUAL. The percentage of Muslims committing terroristic acts is tiny. However, the faction of radical Muslims is far more violent than that of Christianity. Still, it is individuals and small groups that are the problem...not the entire Muslim people.

This type of thought bothers me because it shows you have not read anything about Islam or the history or how sadistic this 'prophet' was.

There are over a 109 verses calling for the deaths of non believers. There are calls to rape as well as calls to lie to advance the cause of Islam. Anyone that takes up for these psychos are absolutely blinded by their ideology and misinformed on history.

Compare scripture of both and then compare the acts you brought up and how they fall in line with said scripture. And if you think Christians are a threat to civilized societies while Islam isn't then there is nothing that can possibly be said to you .
I find it funny folks worry what radical Muslims think. I can guarantee they don't care what you think.
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This type of thought bothers me because it shows you have not read anything about Islam or the history or how sadistic this 'prophet' was.

There are over a 109 verses calling for the deaths of non believers. There are calls to rape as well as calls to lie to advance the cause of Islam. Anyone that takes up for these psychos are absolutely blinded by their ideology and misinformed on history.

Compare scripture of both and then compare the acts you brought up and how they fall in line with said scripture. And if you think Christians are a threat to civilized societies while Islam isn't then there is nothing that can possibly be said to you .

You should read the Bible as well. Incest is big!
For something so isolated and tiny, radicalized islamists sure are influencing several significant countries....and growing rapidly.

Let's hear the predictable talking points you'll regurgitate trying to act as if Christians are on par with Muslims.

Let's hear you bastardize the origin of the Crusades and then bring up the KKK (while you ignore they were Democrats) and put that on 'The Bible.'

So the Democratic Party in 1865 has the same beliefs and platform as today's?
Obama is secretly the Grand Wizard POTUS.


Just fear Christian radicals when you go to the planned parenthood clinics, you never know what may go off.
So the Democratic Party in 1865 has the same beliefs and platform as today's?
Obama is secretly the Grand Wizard POTUS.


Just fear Christian radicals when you go to the planned parenthood clinics, you never know what may go off.

The Democrats are still by far the most racist group in this country. Their racism is just more subtle.

Skip to 5:12 where this 'black conservative' discusses this same garbage that the parties switched.
It's been 6 years since the last abortion clinic attack. 8 total people have ever died from an abortion clinic attack and only 1 in 15 years. The last KKK murder that I can find is from 1980. But hey, it's exactly the same as Islam!
There are millions of peaceful Muslims in the world, but the number of bat shit crazy radicals isn't as small as some would have you believe. There are hundreds of thousands if not more of them. And the world would be a better place if they were all completely wiped out.

You can't fix them by talking to them or reasoning with them. They truly believe in their faith and that is not a good thing in this case.

The problem is, them more we kill in the Middle East trying to be the World Police the more of them become radical.

It doesn't matter what our policies are or which political party is in power in the US, they simply don't care. And neither the democrats or republicans have come up with a solution that has a chance of making a difference. Not a chance.

I wish we would just leave the Middle East and let them kill each other.
Kudos to Texas. You saw a major difference here than what you did with the Charlie Hebdo crap.

People need to stop pandering to Muslims and cowering in fear. Every religion gets made fun of in this country with no consequence. It's only Muslims that do this crap.

I've studied enough about Islam to know how messed up and evil it is. Maybe the world should hold these cartoon ck tests worldwide and use them as mouse traps for Muslims.
Did we? Seems to me like people still were shot and people still died. The only difference is that 'your side' won, this time.
Welcome to ignore... And hopefully on a lot of poster's ignore list. :rolleyes: X 100
The simple point being - when someone that follows Islam does something, people want to decry that all Muslims and followers of Islam are insane, radical people. When some nut does something in the name of Christianity (KKK, abortion clinic bombings) then it is just a crazy INDIVIDUAL. The percentage of Muslims committing terroristic acts is tiny. However, the faction of radical Muslims is far more violent than that of Christianity. Still, it is individuals and small groups that are the problem...not the entire Muslim people.
The percentage of Muslims committing terroristic acts is tiny. Is a argument that is shrinking by the day. As Iraq and Syria and Yemen prove everyday in the news. Difference is when somebody blows up a abortion clinic... He IS a nut. But when someone cuts off a head or flys a jet into buildings... He is practicing their religion.
It's been 6 years since the last abortion clinic attack. 8 total people have ever died from an abortion clinic attack and only 1 in 15 years. The last KKK murder that I can find is from 1980. But hey, it's exactly the same as Islam!

It's still killing and maiming in name of religion or an idea. Does a body count matter how sincere one is than the other?

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