I am sure Tom is the front runner but that doesn't mean anything. Texas would be insane not to have Tom at the top of their list. That is actually no surprise at all. However, Tom absolutely love it here and has turned down Texas, Tennessee and Indiana in the past and those are just the ones we know of. Tom has built UofL from the ground up and quite frankly we have the best facilities in the country at this point. At this point in Tom's career, he is not going somewhere so he can oversee a complete overhaul of facilities. He has pretty much said the next stadium expansion is his last task at UofL. After that, he can sit back and enjoy what he's built. He doesn't have to worry about starting from scratch.
Like I said, not on bit of a surprise that he is candidate number 1. But that's from Texas' end. In the end, I can promise you he stays here. The grass isn't greener on the other side and why leave happy? He ain't leavin' boys so go ahead and get used to that. IF you want to keep dreaming that he's headed off to Texas, be my guess but you're going to be wrong in the end.