Terrible episodes of great TV shows


Mar 21, 2008
Star Trek -- The Alternative Factor (1967)

^ The script was nonsensical even before it got gutted (because the showrunners got cold feet about showing an interracial relationship that was integral the episode's plot), and in addition, the episode's troubled guest star, John Barrymore, left at lunch on the first day of filming and never came back (which led to him getting hammered with a six-month suspension from the Screen Actors Guild). The result's possibly the least comprehensible episode of any Star Trek show ever, which is saying something, because as much as I love Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation, both have some insanely bad episodes.

The Office -- Scott's Tots (2009)

^ It's a fantastic episode, I just think it's too difficult to stomach, let alone enjoy, because it finally crosses the line concerning the crappy behavior of Michael and especially Dwight. I've seen it a few times but I doubt I'll ever watch it again.

Anyway, what's on your list? =)
I'm a Twilight Zone fan but the episode with Carol Burnett, Cavender is Coming, is God awful.
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The alien and the western episodes of the Dukes of Hazzard for me. Neither one was relevant to the rest of the series.

Also, the Lions, Tigers, Monkeys and Dogs episode of the Rockford Files. I know James Garner was sick during the final season which limited some of the things he did earlier in the series, but this is an AWFUL one, and they made it a 2-part episode. Just a Coupla Guys was another terrible episode where they just recast multiple bad guys from earlier episodes.
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The fly episode of breaking bad. Pretty sure I read about it being written out of spite or due to an argument or something.

I almost included that episode in the first post but I couldn't remember it well enough to comment on it.
I almost included that episode in the first post but I couldn't remember it well enough to comment on it.

I personally enjoyed Fly. It has a lot of great comedy between Walt and Jesse. It also has great relationship growth between the 2 and Walt feeling intense guilt over what happened with Jane and almost confessing to it.

It's a bottle episode though and I get people don't like it because not enough action. Walt and Jesse's relationship were the best part of that show for me though so I didn't mind.

I agree 100% with Scott's tots though. I struggle to watch that on rewatches.
Seems like a lot of those early 2000's HBO series had to shoehorn rape into the plot somehow.
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Aunt B's pickles

Most color episodes of Andy Griffith

The Seinfeld backwards episode I cannot stand.

The Seinfeld finale.

Newhart The Girl from Manhattan
Newhart had many episodes that were great and about 30 duds.

The last few WKRP episodes were horrible. I don't know who decided that Andy and Mrs. Carlson needed to be on the air so much.
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Aunt B's pickles

Most color episodes of Andy Griffith

The Seinfeld backwards episode I cannot stand.

The Seinfeld finale.

Newhart The Girl from Manhattan
Newhart had many episodes that were great and about 30 duds.

The last few WKRP episodes were horrible. I don't know who decided that Andy and Mrs. Carlson needed to be on the air so much.
Oh no, I liked the pickle episode. The Malcolm Merriweather episodes I didn't care for. The color episodes are not good.
I’ve never seen Sopranos, just vaguely remember that one episode and that was years ago. I’ve started on S1 not too long ago but never finished, I’d have to go back and rewatch it again..

There's some stuff that probably hasn't aged the greatest, but I'd definitely recommend taking the time out to binge. Like a lot of shows, season 1 you kind of have to get through and you can kinda tell they're feeling it out, but it gets really good. No spoilers, but if you can make it through the Big Pussy's storyline and not be into it, I'd be surprised.
I recall some of Breaking Bad's hardcore fans trying to convince everyone that 'Fly' was still far better than most of what was on tv at the time. For a few years, Gilligan was a god to the internet community. (I say this as someone who LOVED BB).

I'm not great with specific episodes but I remember a later episode of The Sopranos where Tony's son tries to kill himself in a pool or something. And then Tony found out and was screaming "what's wrong with you!" at him. Great show but I'm not here for teen drama and forced kid storylines.

On the reverse, I'm convinced every episode of Deadwood is perfect.
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Good Times when JJ joined the KKK and Florida went to work on the Alaskan Pipeline.

The real episode at Thelma's wedding, JJ ends up tripping Keith on his way down the aisle. Keith breaks his leg ending his about to begin pro football career.

That one fires up my wife nearly 45 years later. Me stating, "They aren't ever getting off that island", doesn't seem to help.
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King of the Hill - “Pigmalion”
It’s so dark and odd it just doesn’t seem right. Think Twin Peaks instead of King of the Hill. Fan sites claim that there was so much backlash that the network would not repeat it during the season’s rotation. Michael Keaton is the voice of Trip Larson.