Terrence Williams In Deep Doo Doo

They're just now getting around to sentencing him? That was at least a couple years ago when that story broke. I'd forgotten all about it.

And he's hardly alone. There were a whole bunch of ex NBA players involved in that scam. But I seem to recall that TW was the ringleader.
And you don't go to like easy go to MAN's jail for that.

He's not going to have a fun time.
It’ll be easier than time served at most prisons. For a purely-financial federal crime like this he’ll likely be sent to a minimum-security federal pen. Those facilities are known for being the softest time in our prison system.

But it’ll still sure suck compared to the life he had as a baller.
Three words:

Don't matter how much money you have in there. Matter fact the less the best. Talk about extortion. They will kill you for a randsom in a heart beat. I've seen it with my own eyes. Pretty nasty business, gets messy quick. Can't run or hide. Respect rules the joint. Period..... if you don't have it, you will learn it. Maintain self respect while giving it can be tricky around that crowd. It's possible, I did 5 flat here in Kentucky. Quite a few years ago. Had no issues to speak of really. Don't gamble. No meddling what so ever, same as snitching.. Don't call anyone outside there name especially B!%@# or punk. Maintain 2 second look rule, any longer and a stupid MF will think your meddling then you are a snitch then called a B!%@# then you fight or get extorted every week by every one willing to try. Anyway, Goodluck Terrance. It's a hornets nest my friend. 😂
Will be playing prison rec ball on the yard for the next 10 years 😆
Yes he will. Well he will do 85% then probably paroled. Bad news for him, he won't be the best or biggest even though he is 6 foot 6 or 7 I believe. It does suck when the reality sets in. Usually when they bring you in cuffs from the court room and you get back to the waiting cell. You know your there for ( in my case) 5 years. That's a long time, I don't care what anyone says. I know people get more but doesn't 5 isn't alot. 10 years I his case at 85%. I was eligible for parole after 20% because I did state time not federal time, Big difference in sentencing. You can't get out of there and NEVER have any privacy. The shower is the only place you can be completely alone. It's a mind f@#$. Lights never go off really, you may cut one switch of lights but there's 4 switches so it doesn't get much lower. It's a dreadful feeling. Guilt, shame,remorse,anxiety,depression just to start. You know all the things you own will be gone. Everything. Rock bottom for most. Then you have the crowd that is proud of it. Bost and brag about there crimes and researching and being mentored to be real criminals when they get out. I don't know that people really grasp what prison is about. The process of doing some real time. It's not a place you EVER want to go.
Sounds about like a Pitino player while he was at UL. Anyone with morals and values wouldn’t be thrilled with prostitutes so he had to recruit the type of players he did.
T Will always brings back the memory he’s the one that grabbed UK player dunking to injure someone right?