Team walks out of practice

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I did. There wasn't a picture of this. There were several people who claim they can see a knife, even though the resolution is very unclear. Police are stating the knife was in the van. I think I will trust the police.

Again, if he had this knife in hand, why were the willing to scuffle with him with it, let him walk around his van with it, open his door with it and lean inside with it before you then shoot him in the back 7 times? From a logical standpoint, that just doesn't really connect.
So you trust the same police that you are accusing of murder. At this point you aren't even a good troll, you're just a moron.
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So you trust the same police that you are accusing of murder. At this point you aren't even a good troll, you're just a moron.
I trust the police. A few bad cops don't label them all bad. They are being honest when they say he wasn't armed. What benefit would the police have in admitting that if it weren't true? It's better for them if he was armed.
Other incidents
On November 23, 2019, a police officer approached the Mahopac, New York, home of Alex Booth, a 28-year-old Afghanistan veteran, to investigate an accusation of domestic violence. When Booth refused to come out, police set up a cordon around his home. Booth began streaming the events on his gun-themed Instagram account, where he used the username "Whiskey Warrior 556". Booth, who was wearing body armor and a knife, believed police had arrived to confiscate a 30-round magazine under his state's red flag laws.[1][61] During the standoff, Booth began livestreaming on Instagram about the standoff, referencing the boogaloo and posting memes.[2] He gained over 100,000 followers during the incident, some of whom urged him not to surrender to law enforcement. One follower with a large following of his own encouraged others to travel to the town and "shoot traitors". Booth's own posts became increasingly threatening, but he surrendered to police after a seven-hour standoff. Booth was arrested on charges related to the domestic violence accusation. The county sheriff's office denied Booth's claims that the arrest was related to his Second Amendment rights and reported that officers had found no firearms or magazines in the home.[1][61] The event was later identified as the cause of a large spike in boogaloo-related comments on the 4chan /pol/ board as well as on other boogaloo sites and right-wing militia social media pages, where followers organized to disrupt police by bombarding them with phone calls and posted incitements of violence.[2]

A Facebook user, who was later identified as Aaron Swenson, was arrested on April 11, 2020 in Texas after streaming a live video on Facebook in which he stated he was driving around looking for police officers to ambush. He was apprehended after a high-speed police chase and found to be wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying loaded firearms and ammunition. Swenson had shared boogaloo memes on his Facebook page and other adherents of the movement watched and commented during his live stream. Swenson had also posted a photo to Facebook the day after the shooting of Duncan Lemp in which he wore a Hawaiian shirt and combat vest and used the hashtag "#HisNameWasDuncan".[15][62]

Molotov cocktails allegedly carried by Boogaloo movement individuals Parshall, Lynman, and Loomis in Nevada, 2020
On May 30, three men who identified themselves as members of the boogaloo movement were arrested on terrorism charges in Las Vegas, Nevada. The men, who had been plotting since April to bomb an electrical substation, had decided instead to focus on the protests that were happening throughout the country in response to the killing of George Floyd. At an anti-lockdown protest in Las Vegas several days earlier, they had told a confidential informant that they intended to try to incite violence and kick off a riot at a George Floyd protest. They were arrested when they were found filling canisters with gasoline and creating Molotov cocktails on their way to such a protest on May 30 and each was charged with the federal crimes of conspiracy to damage and destroy by fire and explosive and possession of unregistered firearms. They were also accused in state court of felony conspiracy, terrorism, and possession of explosives.[21] The men have pleaded not guilty to the federal charges; as of June 24, 2020, they have not entered pleas for the state charges.[63]

On June 5, two men were arrested in Richland County, South Carolina for attempting to incite a riot at a George Floyd protest. Law enforcement believe the men are affiliated with the boogaloo movement. Both men were wearing Hawaiian shirts when they were arrested; one also had boogaloo patches and a flag; the other had two pistols and two long guns.[22][35][64]

On June 13, the United States Attorney's Office in the Northern District of Texas announced they had arrested a personal trainer with ties to the boogaloo movement. The man was arrested on steroids-related drug charges and in a search of his home law enforcement agents found steroids and firearms. The man had previously posted on social media about using "guerrilla warfare" against members of the National Guard deployed at the George Floyd protests, committing violence against looters and "hunting Antifa".[23][65]

On July 25 in Austin, Texas, an armed Black Lives Matter protester named Garrett Foster was shot and killed in an altercation with a motorist. Foster reportedly identified with the boogaloo movement and had expressed anti-racist, libertarian and anti-police views in his Facebook posts.[66]
Killings of police and security officers in California
Main article: 2020 boogaloo killings
United States Air Force sergeant Steven Carrillo and accomplice Robert Justus were charged with the June 6, 2020 murder of a Santa Cruz County deputy and the May 29 murder of a Federal Protective Service officer in Oakland. Carrillo is an active-duty member of an elite Air Force unit tasked with guarding American military personnel at unsecure foreign airfields.[55] Carrillo wrote "Boog" and the phrases "I became unreasonable" (a popular meme among boogaloo groups) and "Stop the duopoly" in his own blood on the hood of a vehicle he hijacked. The white van allegedly used in the murders also contained a patch with a boogaloo symbol and a ballistic vest bearing the boogaloo symbol of an American flag with an igloo instead of stars.[20][57]

Authorities linked the crimes to the boogaloo movement and said the men used recent demonstrations against racial injustice as a cover to attack law enforcement.[14] The FBI agent in charge of the investigation said in a news conference that the alleged perpetrators did not appear to intend to join the protests, saying: "They came to Oakland to kill cops".[55] Authorities have not yet determined a motive behind the shootings.[58] Several conservative commentators inaccurately linked the killing of the African American officer in Oakland, Dave Underwood to the George Floyd protests that were occurring at the time.[59] Media Matters for America, a left-wing organization that monitors right-wing media, characterized right-wing coverage of Underwood's death as an attempt to "discredit the wider Black Lives Matter protests".[60] Fox News anchor Eric Shawn spoke of the George Floyd protests, saying that "we have been under attack from domestic terrorists" and then reported Underwood's killing. Sean Hannity asserted Underwood was "murdered by rioters".[60] On June 1, President Donald Trump repeated the claim in a speech about the protests, saying: "A federal officer in California, an African American enforcement hero, was shot and killed. These are not acts of peaceful protest. These are acts of domestic terror".[59]
I have a very good idea. The video, police records and interviews have all confirmed this. His friend says he did. You also said he didn't call his friend. I think you just didn't realize that was public record. Why would you randomly call your BFF after you just shot and killed someone?

If he ran to the cops, why was he not with the cops? How did he end up at home in his bed with the cops having to track him down? That literally makes no sense. He may have gone in their direction, but he definitely didn't turn himself into them.

Oh, again sorry, in the chest. That again just changes everything!

I am not stirring any pot. I am providing factual data about a killer who broke several laws besides just shooting someone. You are defending the actions of a mass shooter who killed 2 and injured another. You are victim shaming and blaming. You are a very sick person!

I didn’t say he didn’t call his friend, I said he didn’t call and brag which is what you said, which was another embellishment. Did you ever think that maybe his friend was there?

The video shows him running to the cops, he literally runs up to them motioning. Do you honestly think if he were trying to evade them he would run to the cops? Think about that.

The kid was attacked, he defended himself. The prosecutors had to do something cause we know who riots if they don’t get their way. They also WAY over charged him in hopes of a plea deal, because they know he walks if it goes to court.

The kid was chased by the first guy, he was then chased and attacked by the second group, at no point was he the aggressor. That is self defense.

The only felony is the one you’re avoiding, a convicted felon that had a weapon drawn. I’m sure you want him convicted too, right?
I never said he was shot from across the parking lot. I said they had moved across the parking lot where the bag had been thrown. I was pointing out the bag was no longer even an issue. You don't get to shoot someone because they confront you. Again, learn about equal force laws.

If you feel your life is in jeopardy you most definitely can use deadly force in Wisconsin.
The guy was charging and accosting the kid.
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If you feel your life is in jeopardy you most definitely can use deadly force in Wisconsin.
The guy was charging and accosting the kid.
Actually you cannot. There are these little things called equal force laws. You don't get to shoot someone because you think they may hit you. You're grasping at the wind for a defense at this point. It's just not defendable. He went there looking for trouble as evident by illegally having and taking a gun across state lines. He killed a guy, called his friend, ran, got surrounded by people trying to stop more shootings. Killed another guy, likely cost another his arm, and fired blindly at several others. He then walked towards police, past them and all the way back to his home in IL. He was apprehended by the cops the next day. You would think someone claiming self-defense would take a few steps to make sure the police were involved much earlier on.

It's also coming out now that the militia group he was part of was created as a facebook group and evidently has had several other violent encounters. And were reported by several people previously as a violent hate group. Not a very good look.
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Actually you cannot. There are these little things called equal force laws. You don't get to shoot someone because you think they may hit you. You're grasping at the wind for a defense at this point. It's just not defendable. He went there looking for trouble as evident by illegally having and taking a gun across state lines. He killed a guy, called his friend, ran, got surrounded by people trying to stop more shootings. Killed another guy, likely cost another his arm, and fired blindly at several others. He then walked towards police, past them and all the way back to his home in IL. He was apprehended by the cops the next day. You would think someone claiming self-defense would take a few steps to make sure the police were involved much earlier on.

It's also coming out now that the militia group he was part of was created as a facebook group and evidently has had several other violent encounters. And were reported by several people previously as a violent hate group. Not a very good look.

He went there looking for trouble? That is your opinion that isn’t based on anything. There is video of him offering assistance to protesters.
I’m not grasping at anything, you can shoot someone if you feel your life is in danger.

You keep saying he illegally had the weapon, a 17 year old can own a weapon, in fact the Wisconsin law states that a 16 year old can own a rifle.

He did not fire blindly at anyone, please show in any of the videos where he is blindly firing at anyone?

I’ve got news for you, this kid will walk because rational thinking people realize it was self defense. He was running toward the cops, those that attacked him were going to be judge and executioner, their lives weren’t in danger from a person running away from them. He ran right by them and never threatened them.
I would say the same thing if it were you or I in his shoes or if a group of right wingers were attacking a Marxist and that person defended himself.
Nope and Nope. Mullen coaches at Florida. The player that threatened not to play was at Miss State.


Nice little Schtick you’ve got going on here, doesn’t make you any less wrong though. Kid walks, and you know it.

He didn’t call his friend to brag, he panicked just as most people would.

Didn’t a judge hold up extraditing him today? Probably because he sees these charges are ridiculous.

In wisconsin you must go to trial for a self defense, which explains why he was charged.
What "schtick" do I have going? When you kill 2 people, severely injure a 3rd, flee the scene, illegally possess and traffic a weapon, put countless other lives at risk, you are likely going to end up spending most or all of your life in jail. That is just common sense. Can you show us a similar instance where someone just got off free?

Sure he did! Why would he call his friend because he is panicked? Call 911! He was a police wannabe and member of some cadet unit. He worked as a part-time lifeguard at a point and was there with a militia unit, allegedly working as a paramedic. He should have ample knowledge and experience to call the 911, not his friends.

Why would he be panicked it he felt it was truly in self-defense?

Lol, no, he got a new attorney last night and they requested a 30 day extension. He'll be extradited.

Lol, where are you getting you have to go to court for self-defense in WI? The attorney office ultimately decides whether or not to bring charges.

Also, from your source:
Under Wisconsin state law, a person “is privileged … to use force against another for the purpose of preventing or terminating what the person reasonably believes to be an unlawful interference with his or her person by such other person.” In plainer terms, you can use force against another person if you reasonably believe force is necessary to prevent the imminent death or serious bodily injury of yourself or another.

You can only use the amount of force reasonably necessary to prevent the injury or death from occurring.
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KY is one of the financially poorest and least educated states in that nation. I think it wins for highest cancer rate and highest obesity levels. Who the hell would want to live there?

And, I was in the military for a bit. So, no, not all were optional in that regard.

Then why don't you go back to where ever you came from. or did they run you off too?
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But the difference is you were taught when to speak and when to hold your tongue. These young men are not. Most are brought up without father's and are not disciplined at home or in the schools. Teachers are afraid of them and mama is too busy to raise them and their daddy is unknown.

When they show they have athletic ability they are coddled even more. And we see the results. In today's world if you want to be a sports fan you are going to have to accept it the way it is. Pro sports and now college sports are focused on political statements. They control the agenda and we all know it. If a team will walk out of practice they will walk out and quit a game. The pros did and why not a college. Some will cheer this and others will be disgusted and stop watching. Who knows where we are headed but I doubt it turns out good.

While that is true, but at some point common sense should take over. I wasn't even the person they were looking for, but the view of the business end of a 357 told me to
Lol, what history of pulling guns on police? please provide this source!

He wasn't carrying a knife. The police have confirmed the knife was in the van and haven't even concluded he was reaching for it.

Just for the record a guy telling me he going to cut me and makes what looks like an attempt to get something to carry out that threat. If I have a gun on me he is getting shot, if it's only 7 times it's because the other 11 missed. I don't care what color he is, I am not getting cut while I am armed. It's the old story, don't bring a knife to a gunfight. If I go to jail, st my age how bad could out be.
While that is true, but at some point common sense should take over. I wasn't even the person they were looking for, but the view of the business end of a 357 told me to

Just for the record a guy telling me he going to cut me and makes what looks like an attempt to get something to carry out that threat. If I have a gun on me he is getting shot, if it's only 7 times it's because the other 11 missed. I don't care what color he is, I am not getting cut while I am armed. It's the old story, don't bring a knife to a gunfight. If I go to jail, st my age how bad could out be.
Then you would likely go to jail if he in unarmed and facing away from you when you shoot. Where did this guy tell the cop he was going to cut them or insinuate he was getting a knife?
While that is true, but at some point common sense should take over. I wasn't even the person they were looking for, but the view of the business end of a 357 told me to

Just for the record a guy telling me he going to cut me and makes what looks like an attempt to get something to carry out that threat. If I have a gun on me he is getting shot, if it's only 7 times it's because the other 11 missed. I don't care what color he is, I am not getting cut while I am armed. It's the old story, don't bring a knife to a gunfight. If I go to jail, st my age how bad could out be.
Grumpy, did Georgia walk out of practice the other day? I heard Miss State did and maybe Ole Miss. Not sure of the other SEC schools other than Florida did not.
Again, it’s not just missing one practice. It’s bringing politics into college sports. Most of us just want something that we can do without all the negative bs. But that’s just me...
Agree. Sports used to be, and should remain, the place where we can put all of that aside and "escape" from the day to day bs.

Thanks Colin and LeBron ...
People resist, it's part of the job. You don't get to decide to shoot them simply because they don't comply.

The cops and witnesses are saying he was unarmed and his knife was in his car. Originally there were claims of a gun in the car, but that was not accurate. The knife was found on the floor mat of the vehicle.

Lol, the cop was literally attempting to be judge, jury and executioner and you seem fine with that. I am all for letting the facts come out, but being fine with anyone being shot 7 times directly im front of their kids is appalling. Particularly when many other less lethal methods executed.

Do you think the police would have been as justified in shooting the 17 y/o kid with an assault rifle, who shot 3 and killed 2 or nah? Cause they just let him walk on by and go home to his bed.
Did you feel the same when Tim Tebow interjected his religious beliefs into the sport?
Did you hear me say anything about TT? One thing we should be able to agree on, the NFL sure dont tolerate prayer.

And you really equating prayer to the destruction of civil society through unrest, looting and violence? Wow. Is your best defense really a strawman, non argument?

P.S. I dont really believe you think that. Based on your other comments in this thread I think youre trolling.
Again, did i say anything about tebow? And why did you pick that as an example? I can guess why, and if i am correct, then that is your bias.

Yes they are. That is also your ignorance. Nothing will change your mind, and that is what makes you a troll.
I know you didn't mention it, that is why I asked...

I am pointing out why you think one is okay and the other isn't? Why does that bother you?

You don't get to pick and choose their beliefs. If you are going to let the one you agree with express theirs, you have to be willing to let those you don't agree with express theirs as well. If not, you are just being biased and probably prejudiced.
Then you would likely go to jail if he in unarmed and facing away from you when you shoot. Where did this guy tell the cop he was going to cut them or insinuate he was getting a knife?

Like I said at my age a life sentence doesn't look too intimidating today. Like you I wasn't there, so neither of us know what was said. Just like my original post says, don't threaten me or my family, I am not waiting to see if you are serious.
Our players walked out of practice in support of a sexual abuser who resisted arrest by fighting 3 police officers while brandishing a knife. Should he have been shot 7 times? Most likely, no. But why uplift this man?

Help me understand why this latest BLM movement by our players, among other athletes, are equating themselves with men that have criminal records and resist arrest?

When are all of these famous African American athletes going to hold the criminal element in the poorest parts of these cities accountable?

A "DISCUSSION" consists of directing attention to EVERY aspect of the causes for these situations. When I hear these athletes address the solutions to END the crime and violence in these areas, I'll be behind that movement 100%!!!
Our players walked out of practice in support of a sexual abuser who resisted arrest by fighting 3 police officers while brandishing a knife. Should he have been shot 7 times? Most likely, no. But why uplift this man?

Help me understand why this latest BLM movement by our players, among other athletes, are equating themselves with men that have criminal records and resist arrest?

When are all of these famous African American athletes going to hold the criminal element in the poorest parts of these cities accountable?

A "DISCUSSION" consists of directing attention to EVERY aspect of the causes for these situations. When I hear these athletes address the solutions to END the crime and violence in these areas, I'll be behind that movement 100%!!!

Most people don't bother to read up and get the facts about a person they are idolizing. They just go by the false image the media portrays for them.

If Adolf Hitler had been shot by the police, BLM and the media would be telling us what a sweet, loving, family man he was.
Just for the record a guy telling me he going to cut me and makes what looks like an attempt to get something to carry out that threat. If I have a gun on me he is getting shot, if it's only 7 times it's because the other 11 missed. I don't care what color he is, I am not getting cut while I am armed. It's the old story, don't bring a knife to a gunfight. If I go to jail, st my age how bad could out be.

My grandfather told me at a very early age, don't mess with an old man. He will kill you. Now that I can be considered an old man I understand what he meant. My family is raised, they are all very successful in life and no one is dependant on me any more.

So if I go to jail defending my property or life, I go to jail. But I go alive and well.
And you're just trolling with that comment.

Well, no, he’s not. When they get into the business of making social commentary, it’s pretty reasonable to want to know their stance on any and all societal events. To only speak on certain events implies certain things do, or don’t, matter.

Can’t have it both ways.
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Lol, what history of pulling guns on police? please provide this source!

He wasn't carrying a knife. The police have confirmed the knife was in the van and haven't even concluded he was reaching for it.
He has past convictions for threatening people with weapons, resisting arrest, domestic abuse, etc. He was in violation of a protective order for the 6th time when his ex called the cops on him for being at her house and threatening her. He had active felony warrants for sexual assault and domestic abuse. He fought the police and resisted arrest again.

There was a knife under his seat. What other reason do think he was reaching under his seat for? Do you think he wanted to grab his college diploma and show it to the cops?
They've made their point. Let's move on. Politics and sports should not mix. I look at sports as a way to get away from the everyday grind of life. Let's move on. Sports is a way for me to get away from all the crap we have to hear and see on the news. It is entertainment. Why can't we enjoy it as such and move on? Why does everything have to be a political statement? I don't get it?
BLM = Bout Losing Mind

Politics Divide. Plain & Simple.. UNITED we Stand, DIVIDED we Fall.. Right now this is a divided country and there no debate about it.

Until UK football players & coaches decide they want support from ALL the BBN as far as anything relating to the university & football team, I would reconsider going the political route. As mentioned, politics divide....

Some want a divided country because it makes & forces people to choose, pick, gravitate or lean to one side. It’s human nature. We were 1_Big Blue Nation with the same goal in mind, but something happened to change that. Think I’m just talking 💩, look at the reaction on here & social media outlets......

As a fan we are looked upon as a representation of the team at a game. Remember the incident at the 🏀 game against Tennesse. That act was looked upon as a representation of the team, the BBN as well as the individual themselves . To make it understood it wasn’t what they stood for, supported & approved by UK, she was Booted Out & Kicked to the Curb... No more attendance at the games...Bye Bye 👋 👋 .......

UK football you as well are looked as representation of the BBN.. On your own time not as a representation of BBN do whatever you wish, just do not do it as a representation as a whole of what I stand for & support. If it’s not what I stand for & approve of, I will wish you well, but You have been Booted Out, Kicked to The Curb. No more attendance at the games.....BYE BYE 👋 👋

I wish you well in your future endeavors & nothing but the best & good lUcK!!!!!

They may not give two 💩 💩 about My decision that I came too, but the satisfaction they get for standing for their cause and so important to them, I also get the same satisfaction for standing for mine...

If I’m the only one that does feel that way, oh well!!!!! But as I have seen on various social media forms & discussion boards, it appears I’m not the only one.

Peace & Be Cool ✌ ☮ 😎
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Unfortunately, with your sever lack of understanding for how the legal system works, you will be disappointed. He will spend most, if not all of his life in prison, getting that anal muscle worked out.

The guy never appeared to be a deadly threat, none of his actions suggests a deadly threat and he was unarmed. Just because Kyle retreated doesn't give him a right to shoot. He wasn’t on his private property.

Being a lunatic or acting like an ass isn't legal justification for killing someone. He could be mentally disabled.

Lol, if he didn't want to engage, he wouldn't be there with an illegal weapon. He sure wouldn't shoot.

They weren't "attackers," they were concerned citizens trying to prevent loss of more life. They are normally referred to as heros by the non perverse members of society.

He did shoot and kill them as soon as they approached. As he blindly fired at a crowd of people.

You are going to be very disappointed when he rots away in jail. He's a mass shooter and domestic terrorist member of right wing wanna be militia. They don't get out.

His friend has admitted he wasn't present, so there goes that theory. It also doesn't explain why he wouldn't call 911 or sceam for help. He absolutely called to brag. Why else call?

The Facebook group absolutely matters. It shows knowledge, possible intent, a pattern of violence among the group and reports of threats. It's very relevant to the real motivation.

If you want to help your prison buddy out, I would suggest sending some lube.

Boogaloo is very relevant. They are a very violent group with a violent message. They support physical violence against elected officials, law enforcement if needed and anarchy. They are actively seeking a 2nd civil war. They have killed 2 cops and a security guard in CA, tried to blow up an energy company in Vegas and has been caught instivating riots and violence at several protest related to BLM and George Floyd. If BLM and antifa are relevant, why isn't Boogaloo. Seems very politically motivated to only focus on 1 and ignore the others.

What happened in Portland last night was murder, what happened in Kenosha was self defense.
Rittenhous turned himself in that night, the Portland killers picked up their shell casings and fled.
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