Team Practice at Drake's Crib

This is the stuff that comes along with Cal that doesn't come along with other coaches.

He will crush recruiting and he will crush celeb connections & NBA connections like no other coach in America.

You may not like his lack of inbounds plays, but this stuff does matter when trying to attract top-level talent.
This is the stuff that comes along with Cal that doesn't come along with other coaches.

He will crush recruiting and he will crush celeb connections & NBA connections like no other coach in America.

You may not like his lack of inbounds plays, but this stuff does matter when trying to attract top-level talent.
that's great except it hasn't resulted in more titles, and that's the measure for success right?
that's great except it hasn't resulted in more titles, and that's the measure for success right?

I agree cal should have another title or two but this stuff is inconsistent as hell on here. No coach with more experienced and talented teams has won more than one title post Rupp. Hall failed having his best players 3 or 4 years and same with pitino and Smith.

I've also noticed our fans ignore this for multi year players as well. With Caliparis one and done freshmen it's been they are failures for not winning in one year but mashburn, issel, prince, etc get worshipped for not winning n 3 or 4 years (to name a few players of many). 2 of the 3 didn't even make a final four n their time at UK.

Be consistent.
I agree cal should have another title or two but this stuff is inconsistent as hell on here. No coach with more experienced and talented teams has won more than one title post Rupp. Hall failed having his best players 3 or 4 years and same with pitino and Smith.

I've also noticed our fans ignore this for multi year players as well. With Caliparis one and done freshmen it's been they are failures for not winning in one year but mashburn, issel, prince, etc get worshipped for not winning n 3 or 4 years (to name a few players of many). 2 of the 3 didn't even make a final four n their time at UK.

Be consistent.
you think Hall was praised for just winning one? Pitino left at the top of his game and the team the following year won a national title.

if anything, the fans are absolutely consistent.

this issue isn't about the one and done - that is Cal's choice of how he tries to win (assuming he is trying)

at the end of the day its about results, whether he goes with one and done, 4 year guys or grad student transfers, the measure for success is titles, he's now been here longer than any coach not named Rupp.
This is the stuff that comes along with Cal that doesn't come along with other coaches.

He will crush recruiting and he will crush celeb connections & NBA connections like no other coach in America.

You may not like his lack of inbounds plays, but this stuff does matter when trying to attract top-level talent.
Reasons why if he can turn it around, he should stay.

But he HAS TO WIN. Period.
that's great except it hasn't resulted in more titles, and that's the measure for success right?

Well for starters, it can't "just" be titles or bust as other great coaches only have 1. I think Final 4s are about as close to a "title" in sports as anything else. It's not easy to get one, that's for sure. Coach K, the supposed GOAT coach only has 4 Final4's in the last 20 years.

While these last few years have not been great for Cal.. his approach was working VERY well in the 1st half of his tenure here. 2009 to 2015 is more than anyone could ask for. I don't think it's reasonable to expect much more. We'll see if he can recapture some of that magic this year.
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Well for starters, it can't "just" be titles or bust as other great coaches only have 1. I think Final 4s are about as close to a "title" in sports as anything else. It's not easy to get one, that's for sure. Coach K, the supposed GOAT coach only has 4 Final4's in the last 20 years.

While these last few years have not been great for Cal.. his approach was working VERY well in the 1st half of his tenure here. 2009 to 2015 is more than anyone could ask for. I don't think it's reasonable to expect much more. We'll see if he can recapture some of that magic this year.

I think those first 6 years were about more than recruiting though. Cal’s approach and demeanor have changed for the worst as well. He coddles some of these guys too much imo. I just can’t see what happened with Shaedon Sharpe and Savhir Wheeler happening during the first half of Cal’s tenure.

Hopefully he’s also came to the realization that stuff just hurts the program
Agree. Just win.

But the large majority on this board who have used a few down years to personally trash the man should never celebrate another win under Cal … or for UK period.

Criticize the coaching/results fine. That’s part of it.
Well for starters, it can't "just" be titles or bust as other great coaches only have 1. I think Final 4s are about as close to a "title" in sports as anything else. It's not easy to get one, that's for sure. Coach K, the supposed GOAT coach only has 4 Final4's in the last 20 years.

While these last few years have not been great for Cal.. his approach was working VERY well in the 1st half of his tenure here. 2009 to 2015 is more than anyone could ask for. I don't think it's reasonable to expect much more. We'll see if he can recapture some of that magic this year.
If you look at coach K he averaged a title roughly every decade.

When you talk about being the gold standard and you "eat first', then you take the expectations you create.
If you look at coach K he averaged a title roughly every decade.

When you talk about being the gold standard and you "eat first', then you take the expectations you create.

So if Cal were to win a title this year, that means he's winning a title every 7 years, and therefore he's past Coach K and absolved of any criticism?

Cal probably shouldn't have done his whole spiel about winning multiple titles.. not for any reasons pertaining to his ability, but more so that winning multiple titles is just not easy in college basketball.

I'm fine with his accolades to date. The problem is that they are front loaded and we still don't know if he found that mjo.. then again it's not like Coach K had a great stretch during this time either, he just had a more recent Title. But Coach K from 2016 until last year wasn't any thing great.

it would be strange to have a house look like a museum inside, a very nice museum.
If you look at coach K he averaged a title roughly every decade.

When you talk about being the gold standard and you "eat first', then you take the expectations you create.
Once Cal retires we’ll really be able to have this debate. Until then just speculation. Which I guess is the point of sports message boards.
So if Cal were to win a title this year, that means he's winning a title every 7 years, and therefore he's past Coach K and absolved of any criticism?

Cal probably shouldn't have done his whole spiel about winning multiple titles.. not for any reasons pertaining to his ability, but more so that winning multiple titles is just not easy in college basketball.

I'm fine with his accolades to date. The problem is that they are front loaded and we still don't know if he found that mjo.. then again it's not like Coach K had a great stretch during this time either, he just had a more recent Title. But Coach K from 2016 until last year wasn't any thing great.
Cal fans are too quick to forget that with that single title, it also includes the worst season in the history of the program, worst single loss, Kansas passing us in all time wins and a host of other issues as coach.

For the past several years, Cal is writing checks with his mouth that his coaching ability can't cash. The revenge tour comes to mind.

People can talk about the down years with Coach K, but history proves he adjusted, adapted and continually returned back to form.

Right now, many people are high with this team thinking its a throw back to to the early Cal era. To lead with "so if Cal were to win a title this year" highlights that. I'm guessing you'll argue otherwise but if fits the tone of the board lately.

The problem is every year the fans rationalize some set of data points to proclaim that this is the year.

I expect this year to be better than last year, but the bar is set pretty low for that. But there is nothing that leads me to believe we are closer to a title game, and its more likely yet another season of Cal defending his decisions and coaching ability after a few key losses, a mass exodus of players at the end of the season and fans frustrated on what might have been if the Coach put more effort into program continuity.

Then the fanbase will get to hear about how great the next group of recruits will be , forget about last year because its obvious why we weren't going to win with that group, but this year....ahhh...this year, its different

In the end analysis, even if Cal were to get this figured out, I think I can make a pretty strong argument the damage done to the program in the meantime wasn't worth it. Short of multiple titles, its definitely not worth it.
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