Team Chemistry in action

Cal got what he wanted out of this trip. Team building. A little extra practice time and to see where each guy will fit. Thiero and Sheppard are going to cause Cal some headache because they will be pushing for starters minutes. Nice headache to have. If they stay hungry or even hangry they will be a blast all season. Sure they will make mistakes, sure it will not be a perfect year, sure we have to fit 2 seven footers into the lineup but it will be good to watch UK basketball again.... unless we are in for more stand around ball when the regular season starts.
I really enjoyed watching this tourney.
- Looks like we will have a few that are always in the upper % of stats, but anyone can lead any given night.
- with the towel whipping - it looks like they are having fun…and I don’t think we have seen that the last few seasons
- Cal isn’t just stomping and yelling - he’s enjoying his time with this team and coaching them.

Should be a fun year!
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Men never grow out of this per se. Sometimes childish fun is good for all ages.
I mean, I get your premise and agree childish fun is great, but I hope men can grow out of some things.

If a dude down at our neighborhood pool towel-whipped me, I would not be pumped about it.
I mean, I get your premise and agree childish fun is great, but I hope men can grow out of some things.

If a dude down at our neighborhood pool towel-whipped me, I would not be pumped about it.
Well, true. But if it was your buddy you've known for 15 years?

I mean, yeah going around pranking strangers usually involves cops and lawyers at some point.
I only got to see the games vs Germany and the final vs Canada. But this team, while they made some mistakes, didn’t look like a brand new team. Ball movement was something we haven’t seen the last few years and everyone seemed to be hyped for other guys making plays. Reminded me of some of Cal’s earlier teams in how they were having fun.

I’m still sticking with my wait and see approach, but this team should be entertaining to watch.
If you can't handle a little towel flicking, with a friend, at any age .... all I got to say is:

Lighten up Francis!
I mean, I get your premise and agree childish fun is great, but I hope men can grow out of some things.

If a dude down at our neighborhood pool towel-whipped me, I would not be pumped about it.

I saw the towel whipping after the game and it reminds you that these are just kids man.

We hold these guys to crazy high standards and they are still just kids.
This was going on as Cal was saying their just basketball players
Team Chemistry

When its there, you win games....

When its gone, you lose games.

Simple as that.

I bet reed shephard makes a lot of impact this season, and he's an in-state recruit. How about that?