I honestly can't say that I like her or hate her as I've most likely never listened to more than 30 seconds of any song she's ever done. Does that mean that there might not have been one of her songs playing as background music that I've heard multiple times? No, I'm sure there has been. But, if I don't listen and don't know who the artist is, there is no way in hell I'm going to be able to say, 'That's a Tay-Tay song!'. For the most part, I don't listen to anything that's on mainstream pop radio. It's just not my cup of tea. While scanning the dial, I may hesitate for a few seconds on a song I haven't heard before, but very, very few songs have grabbed my attention long enough to even care who performs it.
It's easy to say that something you dislike 'sucks' but I try not to do that. I just plain and simply don't listen to certain kinds of music (metal, rap, today's pop, hip hop, bro-country, et al) and don't know any of the artists other than hearing their name. So, assuming we 'all' know TS's music is a false assumption. If you can't recognize a single song of hers (even if you've heard it), that's NOT knowing her music.
Getting offended on other people's behalf because someone says their favorite musician's music 'sucks' is ridiculous. Why should anyone care if everyone doesn't have the same musical taste and that those who disagree feel your favorite sucks? We don't all like the same music so why get offended if someone has different tastes? We don't all like the same type of women - why would I care if I think my wife is gorgeous and some stranger says she's a dog? That opinion means nothing and affects me not in the least.