Taking a break from the boards for a while.

I have recently been experiencing some issues with anxiety and panic disorder. I feel that social media and message boards have only added to the daily stresses we all have experienced during COVID, social unrest, etc. so I am stepping away from all of it for a while. I feel right now it's more important to focus on my family, faith and getting better. I may check in from time to time but just trying to refocus my life on the things that are truly important to me. I hope to be back around in a normal capacity by football season if not before. Have fun, be safe and be kind to each other. :)
I have no social media, try not to watch the news. It's all bought and paid for. Hope you get feeling better, soon. Anxiety and panic disorder are extremely serious. I think I'll join you in taking a long break. Best of luck my man.
Taking a break from the internet and tv will work wonders.
It does, but as a friend said the other day all that’s going on right now is more compelling to watch on TV and social media than anything on your favorite streaming app. I’ve been reading a lot as I used to. I consumed Southernmost, if your familiar with it, in one sitting last night. I’m thinking about reading War and Peace again. That should take a few nights, lol.