SW Airlines gives morbidity-obese passengers a full row of free seats

I think there should've been a national discussion had once we realized plus sized caskets and hoodies that are sized 4x and 5x became making appearances. I sometimes buy band shirts/hoodies from European sites and it's rare to even see 2x and you never see 3x. Of course the lungs of a European are probably more discolored than the Ohio River, but still.
I don’t mind the policy as I’ve sat next to some pretty big people and have been crammed in my seat. All this policy does is after a passenger arrives to the gate, if there are open seats on their flight, they try and put the bigger person next to an empty seat at no cost. I actually think that’s best for everyone.

If the overweight person wants to guarantee a spot, then they must purchase the second seat.
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I used to be so fat that I couldn't get on all of the rides at Kings Island. I think its called 'drop tower' now but its that ride where you go up and then drop straight down. I couldn't get the harness on and one of the workers was tried to help but there just wasn't a way to get it on to where it be both safe and comfortable. And thats a ride a where everything is in the open, so EVERYONE go to see me do the walk of shame.

But at no point did I blame Kings Island. Just took it as a sign that I needed to lose weight.
They also get free grease if their fat asses still can’t fit in the seat. Help em slide right in.
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If you can't fit in one airline seat, you should be required to buy two or however many your fat ass needs so that your flab isn't spilling over onto other passengers.

I 100% understand not body shaming and promoting body positivity as a means to support someones mental health, but at what point does it become too much?
I absolutely loathe the body positivity agenda. I hate that they promote that you're beautiful no matter how you are. There is nothing beautiful about being unhealthy. I'm probably 50 pounds or more overweight and it is not a good thing. It's not beautiful and it's not healthy. I unfortunately had some health problems that contributed to my weight gain.

Stop promoting it like it's a good thing. I agree with not shaming people for it, but don't put them on a pedestal and turn them into models and reward them for it. You're just going to turn it into an even bigger epidemic as more people stop taking care of themselves.
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I mean, would you want those fattys in the back row if the plane were to ever come to an emergency stop or crash?
The woman in the article also wants hotels to start offering wider halls, wider elevators, reinforced beds, and stronger grab bars for the bathrooms.
“Stronger grab bars”

that made chuckle, in a sad kind of way.

That it should come to this.
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I 100% understand not body shaming and promoting body positivity as a means to support someones mental health, but at what point does it become too much?
In my mind, that point is at the “health at every size” point. I fully understand helping others like a rational adult should do and southwest appears to be doing, but the “ health at every size” concept disregards medical science. The claim is that fat people can be healthy and that metabolic syndrome doesn’t exist, and that’s just incredibly wrong.
Fat shaming is healthy and should be promoted. Barring a medical condition, you should be ashamed you’re obese and do what’s necessary to fix it before you die young.

The person shaming you for being fat is helping FAR MORE than the person telling you how great it is. Logically speaking, the one supporting it is trying to kill you. Excess weight has been and will always be a major contributor if not the primary cause in many deaths.
Fat shaming is healthy and should be promoted. Barring a medical condition, you should be ashamed you’re obese and do what’s necessary to fix it before you die young.

The person shaming you for being fat is helping FAR MORE than the person telling you how great it is. Logically speaking, the one supporting it is trying to kill you. Excess weight has been and will always be a major contributor if not the primary cause in many deaths.
There’s a reason that the Type II diabetes epidemic in this country is paralleling the obesity epidemic.
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I am curious. Do you think that the person who is morbidly obese doesn't recognize they are fat? Do you think they haven't felt the pains both physically and mentally of carrying around that much weight? Are they also supposed to stop participating in life because of their condition? A company made a decision to address a problem that impacts some of their customers. Why is that such an issue?

When it comes to accountability, where is the discussion regarding food companies that have specifically engineered their products and marketing to make you addicted and to crave more of it, while also deceptively trying to convince you that the food is healthy or wholesome? More importantly, where is the outrage over the FDA for allowing companies to continue to get away with it?

Obesity is a serious epidemic in our country and across the globe. If it was as simple a solution to solve as many on here are suggesting, then it would not be a problem that continues to increase. Hopefully new awareness with process foods, new approaches to nutrition and new breakthroughs in medication will help alleviate the issue. One thing that has certainly not worked has been shaming these people.
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Where's the initiative to get healthier if companies are just going to cater to them. If I know my options are a super tight uncomfortable seat, not flying, or being forced to pay for 2 seats, I'm probably going to want to look into my own personal choices and work toward getting better. You give them extra seats for free and they don't really worry about getting healthier. Then prices go up for everyone because of less paid seats being filled.
I don’t mind the policy as I’ve sat next to some pretty big people and have been crammed in my seat. All this policy does is after a passenger arrives to the gate, if there are open seats on their flight, they try and put the bigger person next to an empty seat at no cost. I actually think that’s best for everyone.

If the overweight person wants to guarantee a spot, then they must purchase the second seat.
I didn't think Southwest had assigned seats, just a numbered boarding system. If the flight is full, somebody is getting bumped, unless "Full" isn't really "Full" and they've held back a handful of seats for such circumstances.
I'm not interested in shaming anybody. Most who deserve it are beyond shameless anyway. That includes the "fat activists" the Marxist assholes glorify as another ridiculous victim group oppressed by "white supremacy", blah, blah, blah.

Saw a video showing leftist celebrated fat activist social media blowhards crying about their oppression, bragging about the beauty of their massive obesity, and demanding normalization of their sick life choices. Every one of them soon ended up dead.

I'm on board with educating and promoting healthier foods and reasonable regulation of growing practices where the harm to heath outweighs increased yields. But I wouldn't want to ban ice cream, potato chips, or other junk food just because some don't have the will power to avoid overindulging. Liberty above all.