SOT: Meanwhile, in Ohio HS Basketball

I never said that. You said that. What I said was 90% of all fights in the NBA are a minority talking a swing at a white guy. Almost every one. LeBron in his time has swung on about 5 guys. All white.
I lived with 30 minorities in the same rooms and buildings and tents. Mostly low income guys. If you are Not aware that they are raised in the City to hate whites, that’s because you haven’t lived with them.
Truth hurts sometimes and it’s not always popular but it shouldn’t be hidden.
Inner city kids are raised with a prejudice.

Here’s 16 minutes of NBA fights from the last 5 years. Not many white boys in any of them. Therefore, I am calling BS on your claim.

And to your ridiculous last line, if you believe rural kids who grow up in 96+ percent white communities aren’t subconsciously raised to be suspicious of anyone not white, then you’re blind to your own prejudices. There’s racists in all races. To imply that everyone in any given race is a racist is silly.

I grew up in Anna back in the 80s. It was a "big town" to me. I drove through there in the summer of 2020...good lord. The 1500 number shocks me. I wouldn't have guessed 500 by the looks of it.
Drive through Friday after 4. Everybody is on the sidewalks.

Cairo has some neat old mansions.

The museum is cool with local history. Cairo is the northern edge of the Mississippi Delta.

It is probably the closest to a ghost town east of the Mississippi that there is.
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This lady comes from a long line of succesful D1 athletes in her family .. she played a year at UConn before transferring . Her nephew was the Ky HS POY in baseball just 4 years ago . Her team played in the finals just last year .. she knows more about sports and basketball than 98% of humanity . The OHSAA did NOT follow the brackets that were on there website .. they are NOT playing at Dayton U as in previous final fours , they got ASSIGNED Logan HS at 3-4 pm yesterday. That’s exactly how it shook down . At noon yesterday the team was unsure of the bracket and the opponent . I know I was having dinner with her . D5 girls side .
Thanks for the info. I looked into it a little more and it looks like they made that change going into the season when they went from 4 divisions to 7 divisions, which wouldn't allow all state semifinal games to played at 1 location (UD Arena) and they decided to pair the teams that are closest together in the state semi's for travel purposes, and announcing the location based off who the 2 teams were. Makes a little more sense now (not saying it's a perfect system), but I much prefer a clean bracket that shows te exact path and who pays who in advance.
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I never said that. You said that. What I said was 90% of all fights in the NBA are a minority talking a swing at a white guy. Almost every one. LeBron in his time has swung on about 5 guys. All white.
I lived with 30 minorities in the same rooms and buildings and tents. Mostly low income guys. If you are Not aware that they are raised in the City to hate whites, that’s because you haven’t lived with them.
Truth hurts sometimes and it’s not always popular but it shouldn’t be hidden.
Inner city kids are raised with a prejudice.
You are an absolute clown. I bet you think you are without prejudice/racism
I grew up in Anna back in the 80s. It was a "big town" to me. I drove through there in the summer of 2020...good lord. The 1500 number shocks me. I wouldn't have guessed 500 by the looks of it.
Been to Anna many times. Lots of UK fans in southern Illinois. They even used to sell the Cats Pause mag in some area Wal-Mart’s
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You are an absolute clown. I bet you think you are without prejudice/racism
You see why you can’t tell the truth. People like you get upset.
I can tell the kind of person you are because instead of explaining why , you just started name calling.
You know nothing about me but let me explain why I know this. I’m white. My best friend for 8 years was black. We couldn’t always run together. Why, you ask?
I take him to a party will all whites people treated him fine.
First time he took me to a 100% black party, I was there 5 minutes, surrounded and told to GTF out.
Tried it again, this time I was punched from the side. Went with him to play cards. Told to leave. Went to his playground for basketball, elbowed in the mouth and told that’s what you get for coming where you don’t belong.
My views are from experience not reading the internet.
If you are white, have a buddy take you to a 100% black party. Not mixed company 100%.
You won’t be there long.
See most whites have never done that. You are at the least gonna be surprised. At the worst punches in the mouth.
Give it a shot Mr. Internet know it all.
Maybe work on that 0.04 ratio of your's before judging other's posts.
Bless your heart. Too bad likes were started in 2015; this poster opened his account in 2002. The 6,349 posts are all of his posts since 2002, so naturally, his likes-post ratio which be much lower than yours, since you started in 2023. Besides, "likes" are the most juvenile thing ever. Anyone can get likes by posting the popular thing. I do not care about likes; I do not even know my ratio, nor do I care. My life is not defined on who likes my posts on an anonymous message board. I could start a "Duke Sucks" thread and get a ton of likes.
You see why you can’t tell the truth. People like you get upset.
I can tell the kind of person you are because instead of explaining why , you just started name calling.
You know nothing about me but let me explain why I know this. I’m white. My best friend for 8 years was black. We couldn’t always run together. Why, you ask?
I take him to a party will all whites people treated him fine.
First time he took me to a 100% black party, I was there 5 minutes, surrounded and told to GTF out.
Tried it again, this time I was punched from the side. Went with him to play cards. Told to leave. Went to his playground for basketball, elbowed in the mouth and told that’s what you get for coming where you don’t belong.
My views are from experience not reading the internet.
If you are white, have a buddy take you to a 100% black party. Not mixed company 100%.
You won’t be there long.
See most whites have never done that. You are at the least gonna be surprised. At the worst punches in the mouth.
Give it a shot Mr. Internet know it all.
People get upset with your truth because you failed to see the big picture. You are basing your personal experience (which absolutely could be true) and taking it to create broad generalizations. That is the issue I had (and others) with your post. If you re-read your post objectively and pretend for a second that it didn't happen to you, you might be able to see how it came across. As someone posted earlier, there are rural/city whites who are racist AF also. Racism is on both sides. Then you took your experiences to make the statement that 90% of all fights are a black player going after the white player. I wasn't the only that called you out on that BS statement. Prove that and I will apologize and go away.
Bless your heart. Too bad likes were started in 2015; this poster opened his account in 2002. The 6,349 posts are all of his posts since 2002, so naturally, his likes-post ratio which be much lower than yours, since you started in 2023. Besides, "likes" are the most juvenile thing ever. Anyone can get likes by posting the popular thing. I do not care about likes; I do not even know my ratio, nor do I care. My life is not defined on who likes my posts on an anonymous message board. I could start a "Duke Sucks" thread and get a ton of likes.

Thank you for blessing me. It's called engagement. If a ratio is that bad it's likely because the person is on a lot of block lists. You have a great day as well :)
Thank you for blessing me. It's called engagement. If a ratio is that bad it's likely because the person is on a lot of block lists. You have a great day as well :)
Nah, he's only posted about 403 times since the like button started (assume it started at the beginning of 2015, which I think likes came later in 2015). So 221/403 is not bad. It took me two minutes to figure this out. But I'm glad you can feel validation for having a bunch of likes. Where does this get you in real life?
Been to Anna many times. Lots of UK fans in southern Illinois. They even used to sell the Cats Pause mag in some area Wal-Mart’s
Tons of us there. It was the WPSD Paducah effect. We got CBS from Cape Girardeau MO (that showed Mizzou home games), ABC from Herrin IL (that showed Illinois home games), and got NBC from Paducah that obviously showed UK games. I just liked UK games the best. Boom, a fan was born.
People get upset with your truth because you failed to see the big picture. You are basing your personal experience (which absolutely could be true) and taking it to create broad generalizations. That is the issue I had (and others) with your post. If you re-read your post objectively and pretend for a second that it didn't happen to you, you might be able to see how it came across. As someone posted earlier, there are rural/city whites who are racist AF also. Racism is on both sides. Then you took your experiences to make the statement that 90% of all fights are a black player going after the white player. I wasn't the only that called you out on that BS statement. Prove that and I will apologize and go away.
See I can’t teach you, but you can learn. I know you won’t. But you could.
Grab a black friend.
Have him walk through St. Matthews, or Cherokee Park Neighborhoods alone. Just a 30 minute walk. After his stroll…..
Then you go down and take a 30 minute walk through Park Duvall where I went to school as a White kid. Let me know how it works out as soon as you get out of the hospital. You won’t make it without being jumped.
I don’t make the rules bro but ignoring how things really are do not change them.
Black racism has been eased because it was brought to light and being dealt with. White hate, no one wants to say a word or your a racist.
Try this in 7 other major cities as well. The result WILL be the same.
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See I can’t teach you, but you can learn. I know you won’t. But you could.
Grab a black friend.
Have him walk through St. Matthews, or Cherokee Park Neighborhoods alone. Just a 30 minute walk. After his stroll…..
Then you go down and take a 30 minute walk through Park Duvall where I went to school as a White kid. Let me know how it works out as soon as you get out of the hospital. You won’t make it without being jumped.
I don’t make the rules bro but ignoring how things really are do not change them.
Black racism has been eased because it was brought to light and being dealt with. White hate, no one wants to say a word or your a racist.
Try this in 7 other major cities as well. The result WILL be the same.
Still waiting to see that 90% of all NBA fights are a black dude punching a white dude....
See I can’t teach you, but you can learn. I know you won’t. But you could.
Grab a black friend.
Have him walk through St. Matthews, or Cherokee Park Neighborhoods alone. Just a 30 minute walk. After his stroll…..
Then you go down and take a 30 minute walk through Park Duvall where I went to school as a White kid. Let me know how it works out as soon as you get out of the hospital. You won’t make it without being jumped.
I don’t make the rules bro but ignoring how things really are do not change them.
Black racism has been eased because it was brought to light and being dealt with. White hate, no one wants to say a word or your a racist.
Try this in 7 other major cities as well. The result WILL be the same.
Just curious , what cities are they in ?