So who signs with us next ?

Great so it worked out, it’s out there from other places. The whole I have sources trust me bro from other schools is so idiotic. If a UK fan did that on the loser Pegs site they’d be banned.
Oh the “trust me bro I have sources, I can’t reveal the super top secret sources but I have them trust me bro” line.
I’ve had legit sources a few times over the years and posted some of what I knew right here . And I would NEVER tell who my “source “ was . For one thing , you would no longer have that source and for another reason, I just wouldn’t do that to a person.
I’ve had legit sources a few times over the years and posted some of what I knew right here . And I would NEVER tell who my “source “ was . For one thing , you would no longer have that source and for another reason, I just wouldn’t do that to a person.
I’ve also had a source who was wrong. I’m very careful on my words and what I bring.
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I’ve had legit sources a few times over the years and posted some of what I knew right here . And I would NEVER tell who my “source “ was . For one thing , you would no longer have that source and for another reason, I just wouldn’t do that to a person.
I agree and fully understand. Just over the years people show up from other schools with their sources saying this and that. When recruiting seems to change daily.
according to the KSR board with recruiting guys, Mullins wont be at UK and he, Brown and other players they didnt name dont want to play with Jasper. The guys would not go into what people recruiting against us were saying about Jasper or why the camps are concerned about playing with him. But with them not wanting to go into details it makes me concerned thinking its to protect our future player and you only do that if its true about him
The Harrison twins supposedly don't want to play with Julius Randle in college either, right? I seem to remember some stuff like that.
I’ve also had a source who was wrong. I’m very careful on my words and what I bring.
Dude , back in the day I was friends with a team manager and he was showing me the new “Denim “ uniforms (before they had ever worn them) . One of the jerseys had “Jackson “ on the back. I said who’s Jackson? He said “some dude that’s transferring here from Florida State “ . So I posted on Wildcatchat that I knew for a fact that Randall Jackson was transferring here . Guess what ….he never came ! Made me look like an idiot !
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