So I have a question for you guys and gals as me and some co-workers have a differing opinion.

Would you be okay with certain people who knows where you hide a spare emergency door key such as a housekeeper, your child's bestfriend or boyfriend/girlfriend, house sitter, etc, letting themselves into your house without your knowledge beforehand?

Two immediate relatives that I trust implicitly have access to my place and can come and go as they please. That's it.
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It’s disrespectful to enter someone’s house without permission. I don’t even feel comfortable doing so by myself when I do have permission. Feed the dog, water the plants or whatever and then GTFO.
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I would say a courtesy call or text to say “hey, i left _____ at your house. Would you mind if I stopped by and got it while you’re at work?”would be best.

That said, when I was in high school I had a key to a friend’s house. We used to go party over there when they’d take weeklong family vacations. It was the 90s. Simpler time and no cameras everywhere.