Writers are like anyone else - they like some people, others they don't like. Bilas and DeCoursey, for example, like Cal, and that's reflected in what they say and write. Forde and Goodman, for example, don't like Cal, and that's reflected in what they say and write. Has nothing to do with any overarching conspiracy involving whole corporate entities like ESPN. Goodman does like Pitino and Self. His particular mix of likes and dislikes makes for some obvious conclusions as you read what he writes and understand what he says.You don't REALLY believe that anyone at ESPN cares about Louisville, do you? Or that such a prestigious school has some huge, wide-ranging web of journalists that they can decide the focus of the network? Come on, now.
You don't know Tard fans very well...I would think that most UL fans are going to stay quiet for a little longer. I don't know all the details but I think Skal gets cleared. His hands are clean.
It's called the NCAA Clearinghouse.
It's called the NCAA Clearinghouse.
UK fans will be paranoid because of Kanter. It will be 30+ years before that is let go. Skal wasn't a pro athlete and hasn't taken any money. If he did, Forde, Thamel, or the dozens of other journalists out there driven to take UK down would have found something by now. They've had a year.
But there were a lot of rumblings going on around his guardian and his recruitment. Even alot of guys here said we should back off before he committed. Now, I'm not saying that there is reason to be concerned but I at least understand why some are concerned. To simply dismiss the concern and act as though there were never any questions about his situation is just not true. I'm not saying that you did that, I'm just making the point because some on here are acting like the others are crazy for being concerned. Tie that into the fact that the NCAA is about as corrupt and inconsistent as it gets and I think it's understandable that some are concerned. I, at least, understand why some are concerned.
I stand corrected! Thanks for letting me know.
Was that recently?Coach Cal said earlier in an interview he's not worried about Skal's elegibility.
Rumblings? You mean rumors? A lot of the same went on and around with Anthony Davis ($200,000) and Nerlens Noel. Both played without missing a game. People linking Skal to Kanter are nothing but paranoid. Kanter had a $30,000 paper-trail. Skal doesn't.But there were a lot of rumblings going on around his guardian and his recruitment. Even alot of guys here said we should back off before he committed. Now, I'm not saying that there is reason to be concerned but I at least understand why some are concerned. To simply dismiss the concern and act as though there were never any questions about his situation is just not true. I'm not saying that you did that, I'm just making the point because some on here are acting like the others are crazy for being concerned. Tie that into the fact that the NCAA is about as corrupt and inconsistent as it gets and I think it's understandable that some are concerned. I, at least, understand why some are concerned.
Yes. Matt Jones relayed that message today. UK has Sandy Bell and former NCAA compliance officials working under her. They know what's going on.Was that recently?
That's not true. Also I'm not worried.I asked about this last Friday and Dakota and KA4Prez ripped my thread.
Now they seemed worried!
That part is key to where Skal currently stands. When Kanter's amateur status was in question UK was told to hold him out of practice. He wasn't allowed to practice with the team until his appeal was filed.UK spokesman on Skal: "We don't confirm eligibility of any of our student-athletes until the first game. Everyone has been practicing."
That's not ripping a thread. Also some of my comment is outdated as the media has now mentioned something from the NCAA recently. Other then that everything is still factual. There is no physical evidence against Skal as everything is just hear say.Here is what you said Dakota
As mentioned over the past six months Skal is on the roster and if uk had a game tonight he would be on the court. The NCAA has said nothing about any concerns, at least to the media. Labissiere will be good to go if there was any concerns we wouldn't have had to wait until October, the final off season month, to hear about it. The whole money to a guardian thing just seems like a distant memory now as nothing in the media has come out about it in a while.
14 Dakota25, Thursday at 5:34 PM
I just stopped listening to anything Skal related completely. He's playing until he's not.
You not hearing any more rumblings out of Memphis on this?
So basically it may still be just AAU Coach Keith Easterwood last November on Parrish's radio show spouting off?
We have heard rumors "other coaches" saying he will never be eligible but never any names.
I'd say if there was any solid evidence of anything we would be hearing much more. Nothing stays quiet in Memphis against UK.
Without him UK still has a solid core and can make the final four but will most likely end up in the elite eight. With him then UK has a great shot at the title.I'm paranoid. This just came across the ESPN scroll.
I do not trust the NCAA when it comes to our team.
Skal is absolutely necessary for this year's team.
Without him UK still has a solid core and can make the final four but will most likely end up in the elite eight. With him then UK has a great shot at the title.
This begs the question: have any of UK's guys been cleared?
What's the precedent for clearing players at this point in the year?
Coach Cal said earlier in an interview he's not worried about Skal's elegibility.
How could you possibly know that? Especially considering the season hasn't even begun.