Skal Labissiere still not cleared by NCAA...


Dec 29, 2003
Talked to his guardian, who says it has nothing to do with UK and compliance on our end. Wouldn't comment on what it might be. Don't kill the messenger.
I would say if there was any damning evidence to rule him inelgible wed have heard some grumblings. I'm not too worried with it at this point, even though it's hard to trust the NCAA.
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Hope he gets cleared. He is the difference between a Sweet 16 and a National Title imo.
Guess I figured the Aussie and Kiwi might be the only issues. Skal went to HS in Tenn for chrissakes.
He'll be cleared. The NCAA has nothing to keep him from playing. This isn't an academic issue.
Question, because I don't trust the NCAA at ALL when it comes to Kentucky.. What stops them from keeping this an "ongoing inquiry"? Mark Emmert clearly is no fan of Calipari's, and I'm sure he's not the only one. What happens come start of the season and NCAA is still sitting on this? Do we play Skal with the belief that the NCAA has nothing to show he's ineligible?

It wouldn't surprise me if some in the NCAA are just prolonging this out of spite..
Neither was Kanter
And if there's a paper trail that says Labissiere was paid $67,000 to play professional basketball, then he'll have the same problems as Kanter.

Somehow, I don't think there is.
Guess Goodman had enough of covering the hooker scandal involving his boy toy RIcky P and decided to throw some shade towards the team and coach he despises more than any other. Keep throwing sh*t out there Goodman; in a vain effort to smear UK and Coach Cal.
Then why the big bold letters? The NCAA can hold players out of competition for more than just academic issues, obviously.
Because some assume it's an academic issue when it's not. It is nothing like Kanter. Again, point me to any evidence that Skal has taken any money. Skal's case is more like Noel's that anything.
IMO its his guardian being looked into by the NCAA. The rumors of requesting pay for play is what its about. Once again, JMO.
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I stand corrected then. This will give UL fans something to hang their hat on.

I would think that most UL fans are going to stay quiet for a little longer. I don't know all the details but I think Skal gets cleared. His hands are clean.
Just read that this was always going to be a last minute thing and UK expects him to be cleared (also on twitter). Corky being Corky.
UK spokesman on Skal: "We don't confirm eligibility of any of our student-athletes until the first game. Everyone has been practicing."
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Pretty much what I've thought all along, he hasn't been cleared yet. I've always been worried about this, and will continue to worry until I hear he HAS been cleared. I'm going to worry about anything involving UK and the NCAA. Sounds like it could actually be Nov. 13th before we know for sure one way or the other.
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Since Kanter, Ill never trust the NCAA.

Iirc, there was some sketchy stuff regarding his guardian asking for donations for their private team. It was odd, but nothing really solid. Plus, at worst the guardian benefited but not the player.

But......never trust the NCAA.
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Worrying is a waste of time. The NCAA punked us on Kanter and we still went to the Final Four.

We will roll with who we've got, and it will be a fun season. More than likely that will include Skal.
Worrying is a waste of time. The NCAA punked us on Kanter and we still went to the Final Four.

We will roll with who we've got, and it will be a fun season. More than likely that will include Skal.

I think this team is going to be incredibly fun. The trust factor with some of these kids is something Cal hasn't really had in a team since 2012.
ESPN's UL pimps attempting to deflect attention from Whoregate.

You don't REALLY believe that anyone at ESPN cares about Louisville, do you? Or that such a prestigious school has some huge, wide-ranging web of journalists that they can decide the focus of the network? Come on, now.
You don't REALLY believe that anyone at ESPN cares about Louisville, do you? Or that such a prestigious school has some huge, wide-ranging web of journalists that they can decide the focus of the network? Come on, now.

No, but UNC and Duke get full cover 24/7. And since Louisville isn't on their radar, it's going to go slightly uncovered as well..

Had this been UK, ESPN would damn near break for comment during an NFL show.
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You don't REALLY believe that anyone at ESPN cares about Louisville, do you? Or that such a prestigious school has some huge, wide-ranging web of journalists that they can decide the focus of the network? Come on, now.

I've been telling everyone for years that no one anywhere outside of Louisville cares about UL. Thanks for confirming that
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How could you possibly know that? Especially considering the season hasn't even begun.

I'm going off of Ulis running the point, Skal being an incredible kid, and what I already know about our returnees. The last few years there's been some times he's had some trust issues with some guys, imo. I just don't see that this coming year. We've got too many "team" guys in huge roles.
A little refresher on the issue of a guardian or other adult seeking money for steering a kid to a school. The classic case is Cam Newton, who, remember, was cleared to play in a matter of days -- even after the NCAA found proof that his father had sought money to steer him to Mississippi State. Here's a summary of the NCAA findings: "The documents indicate Newton's father, Cecil Newton, and ex-Mississippi State player Kenny Rogers sought from $120,000 to $180,000 for the quarterback to sign with the Bulldogs out of junior college but didn't ask any other school for money."

But Newton was not held responsible for actions by his own father, or Rogers, who claimed to be acting as his 'agent.' The reason? There was no formal, signed agreement naming Rogers as Newton's agent, Newton didn't gain any profit from the attempted shake down, and he was not held responsible for the actions of his father.

I can't see Skal's case being any more damaging than Newton's father demanding $180,000 for his son to sign. And that wasn't deemed a violation.

Yeah, because the NCAA is a model of consistency. Lol
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I've been telling everyone for years that no one anywhere outside of Louisville cares about UL. Thanks for confirming that

I grew up an hour from Kentucky, with half of my family living in Kentucky, and my dad a full out UK fan. I've got uncles who are alumni, and I've been associated with Kentucky for numerous events/dates etc. .

I never understood one thing about them until I started getting online in the early/mid 2,000's. They're nobodies on the national scene. That's why I am so surprised Rick thought he could change that. What an ego.
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