SIAP: Mark Pope Shows Love for Calipari

I believe he’s genuinely appreciative of Calipari. Everything he said in the interview was true and sheds light on the kind of person we have as our head coach. I don’t think there’s anything hidden or deceptive about what he said. M. Pope is a Christian man, living a life with honesty and integrity. I’m very happy Calipari is in Arkansas. Why would M. Pope bash him? He’s just not that kind of person or coach.
Yeah, I don't have any problem at all with Pope complimenting Calipari. I would compliment Cal for the exact same things. He did do some great things at UK and for the state of Kentucky. His first 6 seasons at UK were excellent. That stretch is one of the best in program history. It rivals Pitino's stretch from 1994 to 1997. One title, a runner-up, multiple final Fours. I don't have to insult Calipari's contributions in order to also acknowledge the significant slide that happened in his last 5 years. We can blame it on whatever- I have some theories. The loss to Wisconsin with the 2014-15 team, the lifetime contract, the Covid pandemic- all of these adversely affected him.

Anyway, I commend Coach Pope for taking the high road, and really it's the only viable road he could take. He's not gonna slam Cal just like he wouldn't slam any former coach. He's gonna say good things. That's wise for multiple reasons, not the least of which is the fact that Cal brings his Razorbacks to Rupp next season and will be playing against Pope every year now. Cal has enough angst against UK without having a reason to hate Pope, too.

But I would love to hear what Pope's thoughts were, as a fan of UK, on Calipari from 2021 to 2024. I bet his thoughts are similar to ours. I also bet, knowing the game as he does, he would have been frustrated watching last season's team completely collapse with such a high potential.
Coaching is a fraternity. It’s rare to see a coach badmouth another coach unless they’re bitter enemies.

And despite what we think about Cal as fans, he’s in the HOF and pretty widely respected in coaching circles.
Cal is Mr.1-15 . Cal in 15 years had how many recruiting classes that were No.1 or 2? 1 for 15, needs to sink in. One title in 15 years. Is that what the BBN, aka the mob, wants at UK?
OTOH, this board gives voice to people's judgments about Calipari's motivations and morality that are backed entirely by jack spit. It's just possible that the current coach knows more about Calipari the person than anonymous commenters.

You never know, you know? I suspect that's one of the reasons we're warned against making judgments.
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1 Thessalonians 5:18 "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

No lying involved. You can always find something to be thankful for. And if you can't, try harder.

Without getting into the weeds, Mormonism at least thinks it's Christianity and this is literally nothing besides Mark Pope acting like a Christian.
No reason for Pope to dislike Cal as he has done nothing to him.
This. He just grateful to have the chance to coach here. Why would he make waves with a man he doesn't really know.

Even most of the internet tough guys online would of done same as Pope. It's just what you do. Pope I think is just a genuine nice guy.
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Cal didn't leave on bad terms. He left when he knew it was time. He could of let Mitch fire him and the university would of owed him a fortune. His method was very competitive until the NCAA started letting kids play five or six years of college basketball. He just couldn't adjust..
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Here's the link: Mark Pope Shows Love for Calipari

I'd be interested in hearing the reactions of various posters: people who hate Cal, people who love Cal, people with mixed feelings about Cal, etc.
Exactly what I would expect Coach Pope to say about his predecessor. Pope loves Kentucky and Coach Calipari is the last coach that continued the the greatest tradition in college basketball by bringing a title to the Commonwealth.