SIAP: Feamle athletes at Oregon sue the university on title IX grounds; cite NIL as well.

I recall msm repeatedly telling me women are as fast and strong as men. If that's the case, surely people must be lining up to watch women's sports. If they are, then surely nil takes care of itself. Right?

The very next lawsuit that should be filed is a Miami men's basketball bench warmer suing because the cavinder twins make way more in nil than any men's player, despite them being mediocre at actual basketball. Same for any of these female athletes that make bank from social media and the like.

After all, we're told equity is the goal and that is as unequal as anything in the nil arena. Yet somehow those examples keep getting ignored in the narrative and the news. Weird isn't it. Well only until you understand none of these proponents want actual equality. They just want the one way street equality, where any gains coming their way is good but any going another way is bad.
That’s my point. With as much money as Oregon throws around on facilities, it’s not unreasonable to expect them to install a couple of sand volleyball courts somewhere on campus. It’s just sand and some nets. There’s really not much excuse for Oregon not having their own court if they field a varsity team.
It's kind of funny bc when I worked at Oregon and oversaw some shared facilities with athletics as well as some other non-athletic facilities on campus, they really wanted one of our fields to put in sand volleyball courts and we said no. So, they went to the park. They found a new spot for courts on campus within the past couple of months.
Be careful, this dude has catfished a couple of dudes and @Fox2monk @Son_Of_Saul @RunninRichie will be furious if you call out their man girlfriend.
I just think it’s so weird that you continue to make new names and emails day after day to continue posting the same stuff. Why you think it’s not a woman in the first place and then waste so much time posting over and over seems like you have a mental illness.
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Absolutely ridiculous.

This is capitalism. Not everyone gets the same pay or opportunities, the market determines that. Bo Nix should get more in NIL than the backup setter for the volleyball team. Why is this so hard to understand?

32 selfish athletes wanting to ruin it for everyone- just like Ed O'Bannon with the EA Sports lawsuit.
Ed didn't ruin anything... The ncaa slapped his face on a video game and made millions off his image while not giving him a penny. The ncaa could have avoided all this paying athletes some of the massive profits instead of acting like they cared amateurism. LOL.
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Here we go was inevitable...bean counting and title 9 was always going to come in.

Said on the FB forum that this will probably lead to BCS taking a couple of super conferences and splitting entirely from NCAA/collegiate athletics. Do their own thing as essentially a pro/semi-pro organization. May take some basketball programs with them, or maybe the 20-30 basketball programs that are profitable and can command ratings split and do their own thing.

BCS makes way too much money and are becoming a pretty powerful entity that's going to have less and less interest in splitting money.

Most Athletic Depts and collectives can't afford to pay 400+ athletes.
That's what I'm thinking. 4 conferences with 50 to 60 teams... all the money with half the sharing.
Ed didn't ruin anything... The ncaa slapped his face on a video game and made millions off his image while not giving him a penny. The ncaa could have avoided all this paying athletes some of the massive profits instead of acting like they cared amateurism. LOL.

They did NOT make millions off his image. Nobody cared if he was on the game or not. Absolutely nobody.
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Yep. If they want more NIL money they should look more like her. It’s pretty simple.

Nobody really gives a shit if they’re good at their sport or not. Hell I don’t even know if Dunne is good. But I know I like looking at her and would give her money to let me look at her.
They were making the same comment on the wnba draft this year.... Instead of women showing up looking like dudes in suits and weird clothes, most of the women showed up and looked dressed to impress. The endorsement deals for several of the wnba players in this draft is higher than most of the allstars the last 10 years. People like attractive women it turns out.
They did NOT make millions off his image. Nobody cared if he was on the game or not. Absolutely nobody.
They picked him for a reason. They could have just used team mascots but they didn't. Are you for capitalism or not?
They picked him for a reason. They could have just used team mascots but they didn't. Are you for capitalism or not?

Oh lord here we go. Get off your high horse.

Millions of people were made unhappy because he didn't get paid $500 (which is what they offer to athletes now). Most athletes that played for schools like North Florida, Campbell, EKU, etc. were SO HAPPY and PROUD to be on a video game, one of the coolest things in their lives (my cousin being one of them when he played football for Murray State).

All of that ruined because Ed got greedy and wanted way more money than his useless face was actually worth. $500 is fair, happy kids are getting it. But 99.9% of athletes were thrilled with the arrangement and to be included in the game, so to go 10 years without these games because of one man's greed was sad to see for sure.

And he ruined the experience of every other division 1 athlete in both football AND basketball who dreamed of getting to play as themselves on a video game, to forever say "I was in a video game!". That got taken away because of his greed.
Yep...and quite frankly, all these female athletes complaining about fair or equal pay should really be directing their outrage at all the so called feminists who trumpet equal pay in everybody's face, but never, ever watch women's sports or support women's sports in any capacity.

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Are you that low class that you think making fun of marginalized people is what we're here for? Get that crap out of here.
They're mentally ill, not marginalized.
There's a great Bill Burr bit about trying to push women's sports on the masses when women won't even watch them. How they'd rather watch reality shows in which the purpose of those programs is to tear each other down and shit talk one another. One is built on teamwork and positivity, the other built on hatred, jealousy, and drama. Guess which one women watch in droves?

Having said that...there's been lots of bad takes in terms of NIL and it's seen here occasionally. Can't tell you how many times someone has whined about the NCAA doing something, as if they can reverse a SCOTUS decision or the idea of a cap, which won't occur either.
I linked the video. It's hilarious and true. The wnba is worthless.
They're mentally ill, not marginalized.
No, they're marginalized. But thanks for trying. You still have two more strikes. I have faith in you.

Transgender people are not mentally ill. People living their lives differently from you does not make them mentally ill. Just because TruthSocial and NewsMax and whatever other garbage you ingest wants to demonize them to help win elections doesn't mean they are actually bad people or mentally ill. Most just want to live their lives without being demonized.
Transgender people are not mentally ill. People living their lives differently from you does not make them mentally ill. Just because TruthSocial and NewsMax and whatever other garbage you ingest wants to demonize them to help win elections doesn't mean they are actually bad people or mentally ill. Most just want to live their lives without being demonized.
Nobody has a problem with people just wanting to live their life. The problem comes when they want to go into womens restrooms or play womens sports or have strip shows in front of children. I know you'll say "that doesn't happen that often"... well it shouldn't happen any. Nobody cared until those things started to happen. Leaving people alone goes both ways.
Oh lord here we go. Get off your high horse.

Millions of people were made unhappy because he didn't get paid $500 (which is what they offer to athletes now). Most athletes that played for schools like North Florida, Campbell, EKU, etc. were SO HAPPY and PROUD to be on a video game, one of the coolest things in their lives (my cousin being one of them when he played football for Murray State).

All of that ruined because Ed got greedy and wanted way more money than his useless face was actually worth. $500 is fair, happy kids are getting it. But 99.9% of athletes were thrilled with the arrangement and to be included in the game, so to go 10 years without these games because of one man's greed was sad to see for sure.

And he ruined the experience of every other division 1 athlete in both football AND basketball who dreamed of getting to play as themselves on a video game, to forever say "I was in a video game!". That got taken away because of his greed.
I was just noting you mentioned being for capitalism before but this take is the opposite. LOL. Not sure if you actually understand what a free market is. Try putting Lebron on a video game and tell him to be happy with $500.
Nobody has a problem with people just wanting to live their life. The problem comes when they want to go into womens restrooms or play womens sports or have strip shows in front of children. I know you'll say "that doesn't happen that often"... well it shouldn't happen any. Nobody cared until those things started to happen. Leaving people alone goes both ways.
Wrong. Being nosy is different than being bothered. Maybe if you weren't nosy you wouldn't be so bothered by people different than you. Just a thought.
Nobody has a problem with people just wanting to live their life. The problem comes when they want to go into womens restrooms or play womens sports or have strip shows in front of children. I know you'll say "that doesn't happen that often"... well it shouldn't happen any. Nobody cared until those things started to happen. Leaving people alone goes both ways.

Okay I agree...but don't gun lobbyists chalk up mass shootings to a "few bad apples" and say no changes are necessary, just a few bad apples, 99% of gun owners are good, honest citizens, don't just the whole group because of a few outliers, yada yada yada? Why sing a different tune for one group vs. the other?

There are a BILLION examples like that...immigration, white nationalists, etc.

Why do you have different outrage and different standards for different groups, seemingly based on which group votes republican and which group votes democrat?

Also, the whole "strip shows in front of children" thing is the biggest and most comical bit of media manipulation I have perhaps ever seen haha. It's actually comical that people fall for that schtick over and over.
I was just noting you mentioned being for capitalism before but this take is the opposite. LOL. Not sure if you actually understand what a free market is. Try putting Lebron on a video game and tell him to be happy with $500.

That's exactly what capitalism is....LeBron actually makes a difference in video game sales, jersey sales, etc...he is WORTH way more than that. People actually purchase things BECAUSE Lebron is linked to it or involved...same with Jordan, Kobe, KD, etc.

Ed O'Bannon isn't worth shit. People buy the college games to play as their favorite COLLEGE. I played those games to play Kentucky vs. Florida, vs. Tennessee, vs. Duke, etc.

I didn't buy the game to get to run around as Ed O'Bannon for a few months.

He made zero impact on how much or how little the game sold, and thus, he should be paid according to that impact.

Some current CFB players opted out of the $500 payment in this years game. Guess what? It will make ZERO impact on the games sales, or the experience people have playing them.


Because people play these games for the SCHOOLS.

Again, Ed O'Bannon brought zero value to the game itself, and he should be paid according to that value. Zero.
Okay I agree...but don't gun lobbyists chalk up mass shootings to a "few bad apples" and say no changes are necessary, just a few bad apples, 99% of gun owners are good, honest citizens, don't just the whole group because of a few outliers, yada yada yada? Why sing a different tune for one group vs. the other?

There are a BILLION examples like that...immigration, white nationalists, etc.

Why do you have different outrage and different standards for different groups, seemingly based on which group votes republican and which group votes democrat?

Also, the whole "strip shows in front of children" thing is the biggest and most comical bit of media manipulation I have perhaps ever seen haha. It's actually comical that people fall for that schtick over and over.
Well for one, owning guns is protected in the constitution, drag shows or men swimming against women just because they feel like a women is not. That’s a big difference between the two.

I’ve worked at bars that have drag shows, I have no problem with it, but it’s not some protected activity and neither is a person’s “feelings”. They can feel like a woman all they want doesn’t necessarily give them all the rights of a woman.
That's exactly what capitalism is....LeBron actually makes a difference in video game sales, jersey sales, etc...he is WORTH way more than that. People actually purchase things BECAUSE Lebron is linked to it or involved...same with Jordan, Kobe, KD, etc.

Ed O'Bannon isn't worth shit. People buy the college games to play as their favorite COLLEGE. I played those games to play Kentucky vs. Florida, vs. Tennessee, vs. Duke, etc.

I didn't buy the game to get to run around as Ed O'Bannon for a few months.

He made zero impact on how much or how little the game sold, and thus, he should be paid according to that impact.

Some current CFB players opted out of the $500 payment in this years game. Guess what? It will make ZERO impact on the games sales, or the experience people have playing them.


Because people play these games for the SCHOOLS.

Again, Ed O'Bannon brought zero value to the game itself, and he should be paid according to that value. Zero.
You're arguing 2 different things. Maybe he didn't make a difference and they just picked his image out of hat but that isn't their choice to make in a free market. They have to make an offer and he can accept or reject it. Do you think only superstars should have the right to negotiate pay?
Okay I agree...but don't gun lobbyists chalk up mass shootings to a "few bad apples" and say no changes are necessary, just a few bad apples, 99% of gun owners are good, honest citizens, don't just the whole group because of a few outliers, yada yada yada? Why sing a different tune for one group vs. the other?

There are a BILLION examples like that...immigration, white nationalists, etc.

Why do you have different outrage and different standards for different groups, seemingly based on which group votes republican and which group votes democrat?

Also, the whole "strip shows in front of children" thing is the biggest and most comical bit of media manipulation I have perhaps ever seen haha. It's actually comical that people fall for that schtick over and over.
A few differences... Nobody is trying to ban trans people. 2a or not, people commit murder. We don't ban "people". Immigrants.... You can actually look at data and illegal aliens commit crime at a higher rate than legal immigrants and natural born citizens.

It's not a different standard its just a different level of risk. We have allowed laws on guns despite the 2a saying "shall not be infringed". We've done that to minimize risk. Allowing men to simply claim to be women and allow them into womens spaces presents clear risk to women and children.

Not sure how you can say it's media manipulation to play video of grown men dressing in lingerie and dancing in front of children. At one in FL they were forbidden from doing it in front of kids under 18 and they cancelled the show. If they were just having fun and living their best life then why cancel the show when children aren't allowed to attend? Just seems weird. Like, I don't stop playing a video game because kids under 18 aren't allowed to play it. I'd think it would seem creepy to want to be in lingerie in front of kids. But that's just me.
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No, they're marginalized. But thanks for trying. You still have two more strikes. I have faith in you.
Nope. Transgender people suffer from a mental disorder called gender dysphoria.
Transgender people are not mentally ill. People living their lives differently from you does not make them mentally ill. Just because TruthSocial and NewsMax and whatever other garbage you ingest wants to demonize them to help win elections doesn't mean they are actually bad people or mentally ill. Most just want to live their lives without being demonized.
Actually they are. They suffer from gender dysphoria or GIID. It's a disorder on the DSM observational test(I believe version 5 now). Just because liberals and lgbtqrstuv want to try to normalize it, doesn't mean it isn't a mental illness. My gay friends can't stand how they have destroyed the progress they've made in just living life.

I don't read the news of any kind. I can think for myself.
Okay I agree...but don't gun lobbyists chalk up mass shootings to a "few bad apples" and say no changes are necessary, just a few bad apples, 99% of gun owners are good, honest citizens, don't just the whole group because of a few outliers, yada yada yada? Why sing a different tune for one group vs. the other?

There are a BILLION examples like that...immigration, white nationalists, etc.

Why do you have different outrage and different standards for different groups, seemingly based on which group votes republican and which group votes democrat?

Also, the whole "strip shows in front of children" thing is the biggest and most comical bit of media manipulation I have perhaps ever seen haha. It's actually comical that people fall for that schtick over and over.
There is a lot more crazy transgenders per capita than there are gun owners. This isn’t even debatable. A lot of them do have mental disorders. Why should we pander to them when they can’t even respect themselves? You say we should leave them alone, well they aren’t leaving us alone. In fact they are taking things away from real women. Calling them birthing people now? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Trying to say men can get pregnant? Also they are costing parents their children. These mentally ill and their supporters are getting in power trying to say a 5 year old is transgender, that’s sick. Sorry, I can respect gay people and all that, I can not support this. You can’t say it’s natural growth either because it’s been about 1-2% of total population forever, yet one generation is now claiming 1 in 5 are some kind of LGBTQ. That is manipulation.
Nope. Transgender people suffer from a mental disorder called gender dysphoria.

Actually they are. They suffer from gender dysphoria or GIID. It's a disorder on the DSM observational test(I believe version 5 now). Just because liberals and lgbtqrstuv want to try to normalize it, doesn't mean it isn't a mental illness. My gay friends can't stand how they have destroyed the progress they've made in just living life.

I don't read the news of any kind. I can think for myself.
Facts! I’ve lived in Key West and St Pete with high gay populations for a total of 12 years.

My gay friends (of which I have many and lived with a female and male at different times) all couldn’t stand the other letters tacking their issues onto gay and lesbians for the most part.

They said they’d fought so long and hard to get being gay normalized that it was very unfair for those other groups to pull them back down like crabs in a bucket when they were adding all their social proclivities onto them.

That’s straight from gay people, so if you’re not one of them maybe stop speaking for them, you may not realize you’re pushing an agenda they don’t want.
Transgender people are not mentally ill. People living their lives differently from you does not make them mentally ill. Just because TruthSocial and NewsMax and whatever other garbage you ingest wants to demonize them to help win elections doesn't mean they are actually bad people or mentally ill. Most just want to live their lives without being demonized.
First rule of transgenderism is there is no such thing as transgenderism. It is a completely made up phenomenon as a distraction to make ppl argue about something. Ladyboys whatever sure. It's not biological whatsoever. It is a mentality at best, meaning created in the head of the person. It's a mental situation dictated by some sort of illness, hence the high suicide rates for such a small percentage of the population vs other demographics.

With one exception being ppl who knew dirt on the Clinton's. Their suicide rate is like 100%.

Absolutely ridiculous.

This is capitalism. Not everyone gets the same pay or opportunities, the market determines that. Bo Nix should get more in NIL than the backup setter for the volleyball team. Why is this so hard to understand?

32 selfish athletes wanting to ruin it for everyone- just like Ed O'Bannon with the EA Sports lawsuit.

Yep and guys can play the girls and still get more dough now too. The AC/DC effect in reverse and even back and forth as needed... :rolleyes:
Transgender people are not mentally ill. People living their lives differently from you does not make them mentally ill. Just because TruthSocial and NewsMax and whatever other garbage you ingest wants to demonize them to help win elections doesn't mean they are actually bad people or mentally ill. Most just want to live their lives without being demonized.

Nah they do not want to live their lives, they want others to be made to accept it too. Stay out of my face and my kids face and I will stay out of your face.
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I can't even fathom who some of you are actually talking to here. We've got posters diagnosing millions on the fly and another above me so threatened that he's posting (on a board of likely, if not all, middle aged and older straight men) that trans people want to force him to accept their lifestyle and he's warning them (again, on a board of mostly, if not all, straight men) that they better stay out of his face and away from his kids. This is dipping into obsession as these same anti-trans threads pop up almost monthly with the same opinions and the same fears. I don't know what social media accounts taught you that most, if not all, trans people desire your kids but you guys gotta get a grip on reality and stop pretending to be frightened by shadows. There's no current law on the books that states you must create and have a boogeyman to bitch and freak out about. In fact, the only place I see anyone continue this topic of trans this and trans that - is here, on this board.

I doubt I'd like Taylor I don't listen to Taylor Swift and I don't complain about Taylor Swift. If you've decided you don't like or are permanently uncomfortable with trans people, cool I guess. One idea might be to stop thinking about them every couple weeks. Hard to take some of you seriously when you seem to act like the trans community are pedo vampires you must ward off at night while your children sleep. Alright, it's 5/13. I think by 6/15 there'll be another thread whining about trans people. Prove me wrong and learn to enjoy life and the people around you, even if they're different than you.
Listening to music and having a man dressed in a tutu on a Tuesday afternoon at Starbucks isn’t the same thing.

I personally don’t have a problem with someone who does as, again living in KW for 11 years I’ve seen it a million times, but that doesn’t mean all of America is okay with that.

I think a lot of middle America is going to vote the opposite way they did last election because they think it’s encroaching or will be soon on their little towns and communities. If that’s a concern for them, they can vote how they see fit.

That’s why we vote(at least in theory), we’re all different and have different values.

Doesn’t make any side right or wrong, it’s just the community and society they prefer. They’re not throwing them off buildings like it’s the Middle East, I think people mostly want a place for those people to do their thing and not in direct public or in front of children.

That seems respectable for me on both sides. Just like strippers work in buildings with windows blacked out, the girls working and people inside paying aren’t pushing it on anyone else.

Plenty of people don’t want strip clubs in their community, but since it’s not on public display, they live with it.
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This thread certainly devolved.

The trans debate amuses me. It’s a small fraction of the population, but to hear some of the histrionics, it would seem as if it’s 70 percent of the population waiting to jump out at a drag show to groom everyone’s children.

But, I grew up with glam metal and a lot of dudes looked like chicks (and performed in speedos with suspenders or some assless chaps) and nobody seemed to mind as long as there were decent riffs and a banger power ballad on every record.

Count me as one who could GAF less about the existence of trans people. Lifestyle ain’t for me because I enjoy being a dude who likes women. But trans folks don’t bother me or scare me, nor do I view them as a threat to society. Basically, my same stance as I had on the gays 10 years ago when they were granted the right to marry and it was going to be the end of the world as we knew it and blah blah blah.

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