SI : The Almanac Has UK 6th in SEC

Should UK be higher in the SEC?

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Coach K also has won 5 National titles, and been to 13 FF's.

No one said UK has not had good teams since 2015----They have.

When is the last time Self/K---who yu brought into this conversation had 3 seasons in a row, as Cal has had? Which includes a 9-16 year. K's last losing season was in 1983. Selfs last losing season was 1994----at Oral Roberts. K last missed the NCAAT during COVID. Before that, it was 1983. Self has never missed the NCAAT at Kansas. Or Illinois...His last miss was 1998, while at Tulsa.

Losing in the 1st round/2nd round is not the end of the world---but when you couple that with a 9-16 year, well.........................And look Cal has brought this on himself. He walked the walk and talked the talk for 10 years----And now he's not living up to the monster HE created.

Cal has not won the SECT since 2018---In his first 8 seasons, he won SECT 5x's...MOF, UK has not made the SECT Final since winning it in 2018----So minus COVID, that is 4 straight SECT's with no UK in the Final.

See where the "concern: is coming from?

Your faith in Cal is certainly justified....But the concern is just as justified.
Well k also had a miserable year in the 21 season. Nobody but our fans gives 2 shits about that year. It's understandable why that was a disaster.
Yes k has had 2 seasons ina row exactly like our last two. Pretty solid team entering the tournament and lose 1st rd. Come back next year and lose 2nd rd. Only dif is k always got sucked off and gave a high seed every year