SI cover controversy?

I've come to appreciate the Kardashians a bit. All of them are very successful. They seem to be pretty self-aware who they are.. and they drive liberals/ugly women into a frenzy. Not to mention, I'd take them over most women in Hollywood.
Having a few fat girl Internet troll losers say negative things on Twitter hardly counts as a “controversy.” But I’m sure it will continue to be manufactured as such. And I’m sure this thread will get 8 pages and eventually devolve into everyone finger pointing blame and calling each other pedophiles.
Still blows my mind that these people are massively rich and famous and all because she was in a sex tape with a then marginally famous rapper.

They're famous because they're famous, which made them rich. Now they're rich and famous because they're rich and famous.

Kudos to them for literally making something out of nothing but their status is an indictment of society as a whole.
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Having a few fat girl Internet troll losers say negative things on Twitter hardly counts as a “controversy.” But I’m sure it will continue to be manufactured as such. And I’m sure this thread will get 8 pages and eventually devolve into everyone finger pointing blame and calling each other pedophiles.
Spoken like a true pedophile, imo.
Yasss kweeen yo go gurlllll

Apparently Kim turned Pete Davidson into a well dressed respectable looking young man?

There is no controversy. It’s literally a made up story based on like 3 Twitter comments. It’s what constitutes 50% of news today and it’s a smart strategy to be able to generate constant news and clicks where there are formally none to be had. This story benefits yahoo, the kardashians, and SI as they all get attention so it’s in everyone’s favor to generate the article. Kyle Tucker, MJ, and Jerry Tipton could generate 15 articles a day from comments on this MB if they were savvy enough.
Still blows my mind that these people are massively rich and famous and all because she was in a sex tape with a then marginally famous rapper.

They're famous because they're famous, which made them rich. Now they're rich and famous because they're rich and famous.

Kudos to them for literally making something out of nothing but they're status is an indictment of society as a whole.
Man that hawg she took deserves her all the riches one can attain. One Ray J cooch stabbing and people deserve what they want. I feel bad for all the ones that never saw a dime from it.
Having a few fat girl Internet troll losers say negative things on Twitter hardly counts as a “controversy.” But I’m sure it will continue to be manufactured as such. And I’m sure this thread will get 8 pages and eventually devolve into everyone finger pointing blame and calling each other pedophiles.
Ah, the subtlety of sarcasm lost.
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Still blows my mind that these people are massively rich and famous and all because she was in a sex tape with a then marginally famous rapper.

They're famous because they're famous, which made them rich. Now they're rich and famous because they're rich and famous.

Kudos to them for literally making something out of nothing but they're status is an indictment of society as a whole.

Can I like this 1000 times?
There is no controversy. It’s literally a made up story based on like 3 Twitter comments. It’s what constitutes 50% of news today and it’s a smart strategy to be able to generate constant news and clicks where there are formally none to be had. This story benefits yahoo, the kardashians, and SI as they all get attention so it’s in everyone’s favor to generate the article. Kyle Tucker, MJ, and Jerry Tipton could generate 15 articles a day from comments on this MB if they were savvy enough.

Sort of like this?

I am fine have Kim K on the cover. She's really attractive. Do I like the body types in the more Kathy Ireland fold? Sure. But I get it with her.

However, and this isn't really controversial, putting overweight women on the cover is just a little bit of virtue signalling and a lot of trying to get people to talk about you. For example, Yumi Nu is relatively attractive. But if you put her up against a random draw of the ADPis or Kappa Alpha Theta's at UK she'd be in the bottom 10%. Same for Megan Thee Stallion. And if you start throwing in the Transgenders, well that's a separate category of awful.
Know you’re really trying when the only white model of the 4 on the cover is an old wrinkled hag in a one piece. Literally.

Next year I hope they put a trans dude with a pecker bulge on the cover.
So, Michelle (Big Mike) Obama? To each his own I guess. ;)

Personally, I don't mind a big girl. Keeps my fingers warm in the winter. I also suspect that guys that protest too much about a fluffy girl are worried that they lack enough to keep her satisfied.