Should Student Loans Be Forgiven or Enforced?

So what gives Biden the right to revise any contract. Are liberals accepting him as their dictator now? Why do we have a Congress? Why do we have courts? Do we really need either if one man can tell a special group they do not have to honor the loan they agreed to.

What a country.
I have seen where at least one state AG plans to challenge Biden's legal authority to forgive student loan debt. Even Nancy Pelosi said the President lacked the authority a year ago. This likely won't be decided until after the fall elections so Biden's vote buying may still help his party.
My post stands. Working on the back end with the interest rates is the most important part of this order. Say My god all you want. It doesn't change the veracity of my comment. It isn't a total solution but at least its a start.

Lol yes definitely.
In this instance, the argument is the HEROES Act gives him the right just like it gave him the right to suspend any student loan payments during Covid.
Heroes Act? What hero takes out a loan and then looks for the government to forgive it. Some hero. A hero to me would be a plumber that is willing to show up at 2:00 AM and repair a broken water line under a concrete slab.

Bringing Covid into this argument is weird. I would imagine most students took out loans before Covid and if not, Covid has nothing to do with their refusal to pay back the loan.

This is a vote grabbing move and nothing else. The problem for Biden is most Americans see it for what it is. Why not let Congress take up the issue and bring it up for a vote. The people supporting it have the majority.
In this instance, the argument is the HEROES Act gives him the right just like it gave him the right to suspend any student loan payments during Covid.
The Trump administration said that the Heroes Act did not authorize debt cancellation only a temporary pause in payments. Biden is taking the other side of that argument. Last year, Pelosi said she agreed with Trump's position. The courts will likely decide who is right.
The Trump administration said that the Heroes Act did not authorize debt cancellation only a temporary pause in payments. Biden is taking the other side of that argument. Last year, Pelosi said she agreed with Trump's position. The courts will decide who is right.
I'm not saying it does. I am saying that the basis for their argument is on the HEROES Act. Keep in mind they used the Heroes Act as a basis to forgive student loans of disabled borrowers as well as to forgive those of borrowers who work in public service. Neither of those instances were challenged legally which is why they say it applies here as well. Legal experts (you can find plenty online discussing it) seem to think there is an argument that it does apply in this case. They also say Biden has a "plan B" in place to allow the forgiveness if this first argument fails.
I'm not saying it does. I am saying that the basis for their argument is on the HEROES Act. Keep in mind they used the Heroes Act as a basis to forgive student loans of disabled borrowers as well as to forgive those of borrowers who work in public service. Neither of those instances were challenged legally which is why they say it applies here as well. Legal experts (you can find plenty online discussing it) seem to think there is an argument that it does apply in this case. They also say Biden has a "plan B" in place to allow the forgiveness if this first argument fails.
Biden's plan B should be to go to Congress for explicit authorization. He could use reconciliation again next year if his party holds the Senate and House.
I have seen where at least one state AG plans to challenge Biden's legal authority to forgive student loan debt. Even Nancy Pelosi said the President lacked the authority a year ago. This likely won't be decided until after the fall elections so Biden's vote buying may still help his party.
But what standing does a state government have to challenge this? The student loan program is purely federal.
But what standing does a state government have to challenge this? The student loan program is purely federal.
There are still some private student loans ($12 billion worth) from companies like SoFi. It's the AG of Arkansas leading the charge. I haven't seen her argument for standing.

I would also think that a member of Congress would have standing as they are claiming Biden is overstepping his authority and infringing on their's.
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Guess what? Contracts can be revised. Biden just did it. Guess what else? Totally new contracts can be written between parties, which is what the PPP was. But you keep arguing one is fair, and the other is not, all while ignoring the power imbalances between businesses (who have a powerful lobby and were able to get very favorable contract terms for PPP) and college students (who have no one lobbying on their behalf and get taken advantage of by colleges and universities that charge whatever they want). JFC, I know you understand.

I've said enough for one day, so have a great day y'all, I'm gonna hang up and listen.
I didn't argue that one is "fair" or not. I said that you are ignoring the fact that terms of the agreement on PPP and student loans are completely different -- and I'm right and you have no response other than to go to nonsense horseshit about power imbalances or whatever.

Business owners are generally capable of negotiating better terms than 18 year olds. So?

Also, college students are supposed to have colleges arguing on their behalf and colleges' interests are completely different from students, so that is just inviting the fox in the henhouse. I feel bad for people in student loan debt but forcing their pain on the taxpayers is simply tyranny.
I'm not saying it does. I am saying that the basis for their argument is on the HEROES Act. Keep in mind they used the Heroes Act as a basis to forgive student loans of disabled borrowers as well as to forgive those of borrowers who work in public service. Neither of those instances were challenged legally which is why they say it applies here as well. Legal experts (you can find plenty online discussing it) seem to think there is an argument that it does apply in this case. They also say Biden has a "plan B" in place to allow the forgiveness if this first argument fails.
Plan B

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I don't see standing either. Also it would seem to not be worth the political risk imo
So the Republicans should let Biden get away with spending $500 Billion without possible legal authority because of fear of political risk. That is crazy. Find some safe seat or retiring member of Congress to challenge it.
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So the Republicans should let Biden get away with spending $500 Billion without legal authority because of fear of political risk. That is crazy. Find some safe seat or retiring member of Congress to challenge it.
If it was truly about student loan forgiveness, there would have been legal challenges to the forgiveness for disabled borrower and those that work in public service.
If it was truly about student loan forgiveness, there would have been legal challenges to the forgiveness for disabled borrower and those that work in public service.
Just because they didn't challenge something a year or two ago doesn't prevent them from doing it now. Especially when we are talking about $500 Billion now versus a few million before.
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Not really. I would question more the motives of forgiving the debt now when it looks like the Democrats need an election boost than the motives for opposing it.
One doesn't absolve the other from questions. You just choose to overlook one moreso than the other. Both have legitimate questions for the motivation although Biden made student loan forgiveness a focal point in his campaign so who knows how long this has been in the works.
PPP: Gov't throwing money at businesses
SLF: Gov't throwing money at students

Sincerely, eff all y'all who think there's a distinction, or who think PPP/SLF was "right" and the other one "wrong." We're spending money we don't have (again) on a lot of former students (just like we did for businessses with PPP) who don't need it to help the minority who do, and getting more in debt as a country in the process.

But hey, let's b!tch and moan and fight amongst ourselves because that guy's pockets got filled this time around but mine (that got filled last time) didn't.
It's patronage with a different name.

The regime wants to fortify the coffers of a particular classification of individuals and institutions to advance their own political power.
Everything they’ve done has been about solidifying their grip on power. From media to the IRS to the unreal spending to the attempted federalization of elections. There’s no way they’ll allow an interloper like DJT to ever happen again.
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I feel bad for people in student loan debt but forcing their pain on the taxpayers is simply tyranny.
As a policy position I don't really agree with the forgiveness, but don't we pass other's pain along to other taxpayers every single day in this country? Why is student loan all of a sudden any different? My tax dollars pay for FEMA funds that help victims of hurricanes. My tax dollars pay for the lung cancer treatment for the Medicare patient that smoked their whole life. My tax dollars help subsidize mortgage write offs for other home owners. My tax dollars pay for bombing countless children in the Middle East. My tax dollars paid for PPP loan forgiveness for countless companies that didn't actually need the money. My tax dollars paid for billions in hand outs to cable companies who were supposed to install fiber optics all around the country and never did.

Simple truth is our tax dollars pay for tons of stuff we either don't agree with or benefit others. That's just how taxes work.
So what gives Biden the right to revise any contract. Are liberals accepting him as their dictator now? Why do we have a Congress? Why do we have courts? Do we really need either if one man can tell a special group they do not have to honor the loan they agreed to.

What a country.
He's not revising a contract. He's telling the Dept. of Education to simply not collet the debt. The government cannot revise a private contract, which is why it only applies to federally backed loans. It's also a reason why Reedy Creek won't actually be dissolved in Florida when it's all said and done. DeSantis can't alter a contract between Reedy Creek and its bond holders.
As a policy position I don't really agree with the forgiveness, but don't we pass other's pain along to other taxpayers every single day in this country? Why is student loan all of a sudden any different? My tax dollars pay for FEMA funds that help victims of hurricanes. My tax dollars pay for the lung cancer treatment for the Medicare patient that smoked their whole life. My tax dollars help subsidize mortgage write offs for other home owners. My tax dollars pay for bombing countless children in the Middle East. My tax dollars paid for PPP loan forgiveness for countless companies that didn't actually need the money. My tax dollars paid for billions in hand outs to cable companies who were supposed to install fiber optics all around the country and never did.

Simple truth is our tax dollars pay for tons of stuff we either don't agree with or benefit others. That's just how taxes work.

I don’t understand your post. So because taxes suck and are wasteful we can’t complain about taxes or more waste? Doesn’t that sound like how we went from a 3% income tax that was initiated in 1861 (almost 100 years after our country started) that I’m sure they promised would never go up to the 37% tax + state tax + property tax + social security tax + etc etc. This country was founded because we didn’t want to get taxed for tea and you act like tax is a universal commandment from god. If we don’t complain and pitch a fit what’s to prevent it from being 80% in 20 years? All politicians give a shit about is being re-elected, if everyone laid down with wasteful spending due to whataboutism like your post we’ll all be f*cked in 10 years.
I don’t understand your post. So because taxes suck and are wasteful we can’t complain about taxes or more waste? Doesn’t that sound like how we went from a 3% income tax that was initiated in 1861 (almost 100 years after our country started) that I’m sure they promised would never go up to the 37% tax + state tax + property tax + social security tax + etc etc. This country was founded because we didn’t want to get taxed for tea and you act like tax is a universal commandment from god. If we don’t complain and pitch a fit what’s to prevent it from being 80% in 20 years? All politicians give a shit about is being re-elected, if everyone laid down with wasteful spending due to whataboutism like your post we’ll all be f*cked in 10 years.
No, my point is where do we draw the line on what we complain about? Forgiving this amount of student loans is a literal drop in a bucket compared to all the other government spending. What is it $400 or so billion? They're not printing new money for it, it's just revenue that won't be collected. Money that would have been collected over the course of decades because these loan terms are very long. It can probably be safely assumed the majority weren't being paid back within a decade, so spread that money out over ten years and it's $40 billion per year of decreased revenue, maybe $50 billion if you want to include interest.

The budget last year was $6.8 trillion. The lost revenue annualy from forgiving the debt amounts to 0.7% of last years budget. I have a feeling people are just using money as an excuse for not liking this. It probably has more to do with disagreeing with "handouts", (which again, where do you draw the line with complaining about them?) and the fact that it's Biden doing it.
The lost revenue annualy from forgiving the debt amounts to 0.7% of last years budget.

.7% after 10 years will be 7%. If you don’t give a shit about a small amount then they keep incrementally raising and it becomes a large amount. What happens if this “debt relief” that Biden just passed is found to help the democrats win and him re-elected? That’s right, they’ll start incorporating “debt relief” all the time to buy votes and keep ramping it up to get more votes, because that’s all they care about. What would happen if people massively bitched and pitched a fit about this and it didn’t help democrats win or get re-elected? It would stop. (I’m not doing a pro-Republican anti-democrat post I’m just saying for the purposes of this argument, for example the PPP loans were done by Republicans) All taxes are are a way for politicians to get more money to appease their voter base to get votes. At this point we have sufficient (and have had sufficient) taxes to run this country, if we don’t complain because it’s only a small amount like you’re saying they’ll just keep increasing.
.7% after 10 years will be 7%.
No it won't be. It'll be 0.7% each year for 10 years. After a decade it's 0.7% of the entire budget over that decade. If you counted the entire amount against one year's budget, sure, it'll be 7% of this year's budget. But the money isn't being "spent" this year, it's being spread out over the next 5 or 10 or 15 years. So we should compare the total amount forgiven to the total government spending over the total number of years until these loans would have been paid back.
No it won't be. It'll be 0.7% each year for 10 years. After a decade it's 0.7% of the entire budget over that decade. If you counted the entire amount against one year's budget, sure, it'll be 7% of this year's budget. But the money isn't being "spent" this year, it's being spread out over the next 5 or 10 or 15 years. So we should compare the total amount forgiven to the total government spending over the total number of years until these loans would have been paid back.
Cool. Go ahead and venmo me 0.7% of your annual income.

Much appreciated!
No it won't be. It'll be 0.7% each year for 10 years. After a decade it's 0.7% of the entire budget over that decade. If you counted the entire amount against one year's budget, sure, it'll be 7% of this year's budget. But the money isn't being "spent" this year, it's being spread out over the next 5 or 10 or 15 years. So we should compare the total amount forgiven to the total government spending over the total number of years until these loans would have been paid back.

FFS. You missed the forest for the trees. This stupid policy passed was .7%. If we shouldn’t give a shit like you said some other random vote-buying bullshit would be passed next year that would be ONLY!! .7% next year, etc etc. that’s how we’ve gone from 3% in 1861 to 40+ % now. That’s why people bitch about increased waste. You seemed confused about it. That’s why.
FFS. You missed the forest for the trees. This stupid policy passed was .7%. If we shouldn’t give a shit like you said some other random vote-buying bullshit would be passed next year that would be ONLY!! .7% next year, etc etc. that’s how we’ve gone from 3% in 1861 to 40+ % now. That’s why people bitch about increased waste. You seemed confused about it. That’s why.
But why is this specific item the thing people are getting so upset about? That's my main point. If people equally applied their outrage at government spending, that's one thing. But they don't. Every conservative bitching about this was mainly silent during the previous administration as the deficit got larger and larger each year (I'm not saying this applies to you, I'm just talking generally). It's fine to disagree with excessive government spending, but let's do it equally. I'm seeing a lot of people who only seem to be disagreeing with spending when it's a Democrat doing it.

And do you really think we could have the same level of government services if income tax was 3%? While the military budget certainly needs to be cut, it's more expensive to have a great military now than it was then. Things like the FDA, USDA, EPA, etc. didn't exist back then. There was no FEMA to assist with natural disasters, or Medicaid to help the poor (and realistically we can't let the poor die in the streets due to lack of healthcare). The world is more complicated and it just costs more to provide a modern society a basic level of services than it did in 1861. Government spending can certainly be cut, but using 3% in an argument is being disingenuous.
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PPP: Gov't throwing money at businesses
SLF: Gov't throwing money at students

Sincerely, eff all y'all who think there's a distinction, or who think PPP/SLF was "right" and the other one "wrong." We're spending money we don't have (again) on a lot of former students (just like we did for businessses with PPP) who don't need it to help the minority who do, and getting more in debt as a country in the process.

But hey, let's b!tch and moan and fight amongst ourselves because that guy's pockets got filled this time around but mine (that got filled last time) didn't.
At any point are you going to address my point that the terms of PPP and student loans were fundamentally different?
But why is this specific item the thing people are getting so upset about? That's my main point. If people equally applied their outrage at government spending, that's one thing. But they don't. Every conservative bitching about this was mainly silent during the previous administration as the deficit got larger and larger each year (I'm not saying this applies to you, I'm just talking generally). It's fine to disagree with excessive government spending, but let's do it equally. I'm seeing a lot of people who only seem to be disagreeing with spending when it's a Democrat doing it.

So your whole point is a political gotcha moment pointing out that partisan political people are assholes? Could t you simply say the same thing about YOU not caring that much because it was passed by democrats? Either way it seems we agree, it’s a massive waste, in a long line of waste with our bloated government.
So. $10k drops off a $100k school loan.
$90k left. At what point does the interest on the $90K go back to the student to owe $100k?

this is one big ruse to pay the school loaners money off the money that was not being collected the last two years
So your whole point is a political gotcha moment pointing out that partisan political people are assholes? Could t you simply say the same thing about YOU not caring that much because it was passed by democrats? Either way it seems we agree, it’s a massive waste, in a long line of waste with our bloated government.
I actually disagree with the policy. It's mind boggling to me that progressives latched onto this because it's largely a handout to upper middle class white people. My wife and I snuck in under the income cap largely thanks to a slightly down year for my business in 2021, and she received a Pell Grant, so we're personally benefitting quite a bit from this. We 100% do not need it at all. We own a house in a nice NYC suburb and have no kids. We want for nothing.

If this administration really wanted to give a $400 billion handout surely it would have been better to just extend the child tax credit or give aid to people who really need it. Yes, I understand a lot of that requires Congress because it's budgetary, but it would have probably helped a lot more people.
One doesn't absolve the other from questions. You just choose to overlook one moreso than the other. Both have legitimate questions for the motivation although Biden made student loan forgiveness a focal point in his campaign so who knows how long this has been in the works.
You conveniently ignore that conservatives have opposed loan forgiveness every single time it’s been brought up. This isn’t a recent phenomenon. Democrats had control during Obama and didn’t do it. They have been in control now for a year and 8 months. Why now? The answer is obvious.
You conveniently ignore that conservatives have opposed loan forgiveness every single time it’s been brought up. This isn’t a recent phenomenon. Democrats had control during Obama and didn’t do it. They have been in control now for a year and 8 months. Why now? The answer is obvious.
Except none of that is true. Democrats had “control” of Congress for a grand total of 4 months under Obama until a Republican filled Senator Kennedy’s vacant seat. It was during that 4 months that Obamacare passed. If Democrats had control the entire time like you insinuate, Garland would be a sitting judge on SCOTUS as Mitch never would have been able to block his confirmation hearing. The Senate requires 60 votes to pass legislation. Currently, their is a 50/50 split in the Senate with the slim difference being Harris being vote 51. 9 Republicans have to vote for a “democrat” legislation to pass. Even more if a Democrat (Manchin and Sinema are the 2 most common) doesn’t vote for the legislation. Also conservatives didn’t oppose loan forgiveness in PPP. It passed with a 96 - 0 vote. They just oppose it when you middle class benefits. When it’s the middle class, it is a handout. When it is for the financial elite, they call it a

Your post is simplistic and misleading at best. It is completely wrong and an outright lie at worst.

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