Seth Greenberg throws low key shade at UK on Arkansas radio

Some talking heads are probably playing into a character when they’re being insufferable, Digger Phelps mentioned above being an example (at least in my opinion). Those types of acts can take some criticism and not fly off the handle because the beef is with the character, not the person behind it.

Other guys though, not an act, it’s just who they are. I consider Greenberg in this second bunch. When he’s condescending, it seems like that’s just who he is and when he gets criticized as a result, it burns him up because it’s the core of his actual persona.
I don't know. You could be right. I think Seth is ultimately pretty mid at his job. I think he likes the attention because he knows he'll never be top tier amongst his peer group. So, he gets to be besties with a 'HOFer' and get attention from a huge fan base. What we're seeing is Greenberg's ceiling. Once this saga fades away, I think we'll see Seth Greenberg fade away as well. This divorce has value to ESPN, right now, it won't forever.
The moment I absolutely KNEW Greenberg was nothing but a shill for Cal was when he jumped on the "Kentucky needs new facilities" bandwagon that Cal was forcing down everyone's throats as his latest excuse for failure.

“He does need new facilities,” Greenberg told KSR on the Sources Say Podcast this week. “That’s not me being a mouthpiece for Cal. Pat Forde wrote something like — Pat, do your homework dude. I can name 50 schools that have better practice facilities than (Kentucky’s), it’s antiquated.

Absolute BS.
When you get paid millions as a coach or probably high six figures as a TV personality, you forfeit the right to criticize the passion of a fanbase. That passion is why you get paid what you do. So long as it doesn't cross into the criminal with threats or violence, it's fine. If it bothers you Seth, quit and go sell insurance or work in a factory.

At the end of the day, what Seth (and Jay Williams too for that matter) is mad at is UK fans saying " We Told You So!!" after a Spring, Summer and Fall of telling us we were wrong. With every Cal failure and UK success, we're going to keep reminding you of how bad you suck at your job but you asked for it. We know a lot more about it than you do, so STFU. As far as Arkansas fans go, other than thinking you got one over on us and running your mouths about it, I don't have a lot of hostility for you, other than same thing, "We Told You So"
Seth did something you shouldn't do as a member of the media, he befriended Cal and became too close to him, probably because he wants to be associated with a HOF coach. Now, he has no choice, he has to go out of his way to take up for Cal and fight his battles for him. The last thing he wants, is to lose his HOF idol.
“All the noise that goes on within your fanbase or another fanbase where he came from”

Never had much use for Seth G. most of the crap he says on ESPN is jibberish
Said this before.. the split between Cal and UK is something we've almost never seen in sports.

It's not like Cal was old, or retiring, or wasn't as good. He wasn't slowing down, or wanting to try coaching at a different level. He didnt get a promotion from another program.. He just seemingly gave up trying to win, and he almost did it out of spite. So the fans really have every right to kind of hate this guy, for at least the near future. They could have tolerated an aging Cal, one who tries but just doesn't have it anymore, or one who at least was taking the losses hard. This was totally different. It was a full on divorce.
A contentious one!