SEC tourney seeding

So, it's Georgia / Oklahoma or LSU / Miss State. That's a tough one. Probably Georgia or M State wins. Not sure who I would rather play. Georgia probably.

And, if we win the first game then it's either Bama or Florida. Hmm. Think I would rather go with Bama. It's hard for a team to win three in a season.

Going to be a tough road no matter what path we go on.
6 or 7 is basically same thing though we are on same side of bracket and we would play a different team but who knows which team we would rather play of the 4 they all about same
I was focused on buying a ticket and I knew 6 or 7 seed were the same session. So, after TxA&M won I knew it didn't matter to my ticket purchase and forgot that UK could be a 7-seed ultimately (although I would still bet on FL winning that game and making UK the 6-seed).
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That A&M win over Auburn loams large now for Kentucky for those who rooted for Auburn.

We are lower in SEC seeding for sure

We are likely lower in NCAA seeding (or the same but they get region preference before us possibly)

I never understood why some of you rooted for A&M that game.
Because they whipped the floor at Rupp. I like Wade Taylor and his 7 year career.
I think Florida is locked in at 2. If so, id rather be the 7 than the 6. Mississippi State is struggling. Georgia is on a little steak. Id rather play Florida than Alabama. But also, obvious Ole Miss is not going to make that possible. We're going to be the 6 seed.

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I'm happy for the 9:30 game. Will at least get to watch it in full. Would have missed a good chunk of an earlier game just given conflicts.
I'd like to get Oklahoma, so that UK can take down my guy Jeremiah Fears a second time (I'll be sure to start another thread for my collection of haters).

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SECT doesn’t matter. We will get a quality game that will help our resume, win or lose.

Big Q1 win today sits us firmly on the 3 line.

10-9 vs. Q1. 7-7 vs. Q1A, I believe.

11-10 combined Q1/Q2. No bad losses.

It would take somebody going on a major tear to knock us down off the 3 line. .
I don’t think we are a 3 seed yet. I think the committee will take into account most of our big wins were with JR.
My biggest problem with the 3/6 seeds is the TV arrangement of the SEC tournament.

I don’t like how their Friday game ends at midnight or so eastern, they have to do postgames and such, then tipoff at 3:30 on Saturday.
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Just my person opinion, I’m completely fine with how it ended. Revenge game vs Georgia, get another shot at Bama, play the Gators (already beat them) and then most likely Auburn or UT in the final. I’m also much happier playing at night so work doesn’t get in the way Thursday/Friday