Saddest movie ever

Blue Valentine
I watched that when it first came out about 13 years ago. I remembered it being a downer. Watched it again on HBO a few months ago and it's just so damn depressing all around. Dead dog, raising kid that's not yours, wife hates you, gets the wife fired, and gets left. The movie ends on that note.
Also based on a true story. The opening scene of Antietam is reminiscent of Omaha Beach scene in Saving Private Ryan.
And the end of Saving Private Ryan as well. The only sound in the sold out theater was the muffled sobs of several people as everyone quietly filed out.
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Hachi: A Dog's Tale

Dog follows his owner to the commuter train every day and is there waiting for him when he comes back each day from work. The owner dies at work. Then it follows the dog who obviously doesn't know what happened to his owner.

If you love dogs, do NOT watch this movie. Dang it was sad.
I went to his statue in Tokyo . Tear jerker movie.
The Zone of Interest is another sad, depressing Holocaust movie. It's subtitled, but well worth watching. It follows the daily life of Auschwitz Commander Rudolph Hoss and his family, who lived right outside the camp walls. It's a combination of sad, disturbing and disgusting as these people merrily went on with their daily lives knowing the horrors that were happening on the other side of that wall in their backyard.

Transformers the movie 1986.

I was like 8 or 9 and they killed Optimus in the opening act. I was devastated. That whole movie was some serious violence and death. Some pretty dramatic crap for young me. But it was the 80s. They had balls back then. We all did. It was rated PG or R. no in-between. R usually meant you were going to see a boob.

Dude, put that in a “spoiler” for those of us who haven’t seen the movie yet.
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In my experience my saddest movies ever are:
Shindlers List
The Champ
The Green Mile
The Pianist
It's a Wonderful Life

I'm sure there's more I can't think of at the moment. I cried at all those listed and not ashamed to say I did.
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Hachi: A Dog's Tale

Dog follows his owner to the commuter train every day and is there waiting for him when he comes back each day from work. The owner dies at work. Then it follows the dog who obviously doesn't know what happened to his owner.

If you love dogs, do NOT watch this movie. Dang it was sad.
Forgot that one. Based on a true story. Dog movies get me big time. My Dog Skip and Marley and Me I can hardly hold it together.
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Robert Redford's directorial debut which won best picture and screenplay in 1980.

Mr. Jones about the Holodomor in Ukraine in the 1930's. Stalin purposely murdered close to 4 million people via starvation and covered it up. Thousands were forced to become cannibals in order to survive.

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Watership Down is another one I'll mention. I'm good never seeing animated animals die again for the rest of my life.
I put some real thought into this one. And after a long, hard debate, I will go with Friday The 13th. I mean so many innocent lives were lost, simply because they wanted to go party at Camp Crystal Lake and get it on with their boyfriend / girlfriend. Jason Vorhees should rot in eternal hell for the terrible acts he did to those poor, innocent campers. It doesn't get much sadder than the reckless taking of human life. I think we all would have been better off if he had really drowned in the lake. Such a travesty that could have been adverted.
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Younger me didn't handle watching Mufasa getting merked by his brother very well. But that movie had a comeback story so..
True. From almost the beginning Disney animation was pretty much like, "The people you love are going to die, sometimes tragically. Deal with it, 6 year old..."
Arnold Schwarzenegger Reaction GIF
Talking about emotion....unsolved mysteries was definitely up there too. The music, imagery, and robert stack's delivery had me scared of aliens, bermuda triangle, and random serial killers looking in my window.
He was great as the voice of Ultra Magnus.

That after school special/movie about the suburban little white kid that contracted aids from a blood transfusion in the 80s. Ryan I think. That was some effed up crap. Smacked middle class white America in the face. Thought they were immune to that. It was some messed up stuff that kid had to go thru before he died.

I remember taking our kiddo to the children's museum in indy several yrs ago and they had a room set up in there as a replica of his bedroom. Was some weird shit to be in. I had completely forgot about that until the museum.
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Requiem For a Dream gets my vote, but Skammen's pretty close. Been a while since I've seen either.
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Forrest Gump is kind of a huge bummer at the end, really. So was bicentennial man honestly.
So many but nothing tops Schindler’s List. That movie was infuriating and terribly sad.

Brian’s Song
Love Story
United 93
Green Mile
Oh geez, I forgot about United 93. Great film but man, who comes home from a tiring day at work and thinks, "I want to watch a movie about one of the hijacked planes on 9/11."

That's one of those movies Hollywood felt it had to make, was actually good and respectful, but who would watch it more than once?
The Straight Story was sad and uplifting. What made it sadder is that the lead actor died shortly after.
Speaking of sad sports movies, has anyone seen Bang the Drum Slowly? Don't think I ever watched the whole thing, but is notable because it was one of the first movies De Niro ever appeared in.

By the way, Gallipoli is pretty damn sad as well, first major film for Mel Gibson, IIRC.
I find war movies sad and depressing, like We Were Soldiers. I get they are supossed to be, but I am usually not in the mood to watch a movie like that. I prefer fantasy/escapism.
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I’m of the same opinion about the saddest movies come from the military genre:

The Yellow Birds (hard to watch)
Thank You for Your Service

Many others, but if you don’t get emotional about our military personnel’s sacrifices….I probably won’t enjoy your company
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