Rural NC Walmart

Stan the caddy

Apr 14, 2023
Just stopped at a Walmart in BFE NC.

There were 9 school buses parked in one spot in the lot - Latinos milling around the area. The info on the sides and front of the buses was crudely spray painted over.
Inside there were people leading groups of Hispanics around and then paying for their shit with cash. Almost 100% non perishable shit. I can’t come up with another explanation than they are illegals being bused somewhere. I’ve been reluctant to believe that the border was being flooded but this really looked weird. It’s Hard to come up with another scenario that makes sense.
Sounds like the Walmart near my girlfriend in rural NC. And there it is migrant farm workers. That county is huge in agriculture. She hates going to her local Walmart on Saturdays for that reason.
Was at Shillito park not long ago at the playground with my son. Probably 30 people or so, after a little while my wife looked at me and said, “do you realize we are the only Americans here?”. I looked around and she wasn’t wrong.
Was at Shillito park not long ago at the playground with my son. Probably 30 people or so, after a little while my wife looked at me and said, “do you realize we are the only Americans here?”. I looked around and she wasn’t wrong.
Jacobson is the same man.

Public parks and lines at the gas station for lottery tickets. Their 2 favorite activities.
Yesterday’s conspiracy is today’s fact. Huddled masses and all that, though.

congrats on obeying the law while others seem to not have to.
Yeah, I don't get how this isn't visible to all. This has got to stop. No nation can sustain what is happening and we're the worst at allowing it. I'm all for people coming here and becoming an American, but it has to be done right and in limited numbers. We will pay a big time price for all this willy nilly all over the country. We already are but you ain't seen nothing yet.
Yeah, I don't get how this isn't visible to all. This has got to stop. No nation can sustain what is happening and we're the worst at allowing it. I'm all for people coming here and becoming an American, but it has to be done right and in limited numbers. We will pay a big time price for all this willy nilly all over the country. We already are but you ain't seen nothing yet.
The ones that could wont. They don’t care.
Just stopped at a Walmart in BFE NC.

There were 9 school buses parked in one spot in the lot - Latinos milling around the area. The info on the sides and front of the buses was crudely spray painted over.
Inside there were people leading groups of Hispanics around and then paying for their shit with cash. Almost 100% non perishable shit. I can’t come up with another explanation than they are illegals being bused somewhere. I’ve been reluctant to believe that the border was being flooded but this really looked weird. It’s Hard to come up with another scenario that makes sense.
Where was this in NC? I was just in the OBX
Just stopped at a Walmart in BFE NC.

There were 9 school buses parked in one spot in the lot - Latinos milling around the area. The info on the sides and front of the buses was crudely spray painted over.
Inside there were people leading groups of Hispanics around and then paying for their shit with cash. Almost 100% non perishable shit. I can’t come up with another explanation than they are illegals being bused somewhere. I’ve been reluctant to believe that the border was being flooded but this really looked weird. It’s Hard to come up with another scenario that makes sense.
Not a big deal. This plays out every payday in central and south Florida when the farm workers get paid. They'll roll into Wally World in the buses, spend their money and head back to their community. There are tons of them in our area working the farms west of I-95 out towards Okeechobee. You'll also find them at places like Wawa early in the AM getting breakfast before going to work at roofing, landscaping , construction, or whatever jobs.
Sounds like the Walmart near my girlfriend in rural NC. And there it is migrant farm workers. That county is huge in agriculture. She hates going to her local Walmart on Saturdays for that reason.
This is exactly it. We used to live in south Georgia and saw this all the time. At certain times of the year, these folks are working 16 hour days picking watermelons, cantaloupe, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, etc, etc. They live in shitty housing and don't have cars, so their employers bus them all to 'town' at the same time to shop. Many of them are on H2A work visas and return home in the off-season.

It's complete bullshit how these people are demonized.
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Thanks for the explanations - makes sense. They weren’t making any trouble and were all polite. I’ve not been to that part of the country very often so it was a new experience for me to see this, and with all the venomous rhetoric being spewed about immigrants, I jumped to the wrong conclusion.
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Farms. They are an irreplaceable piece of our agricultural industry.
Farms, meat and poultry packing plants, skilled and unskilled construction, landscaping, roofing, the plastics and other industry too. Hell, they should build skill centers at the border and give them skills tests to match them up with potential employers. I retired from a chemical company that has a large plastics segment. I retired from the plastics tech services division and visited a lot of film and sheet plants around the country and a lot of them employed Hispanic and Latino workers. The production manager at an Indiana facility told me that even though communication with them could sometimes be tough, that they were quick learners, wanted to do a good job, showed up for work, and showed up on time. Work in the film and sheet industry is hot, hard and can be dangerous. He told me that most of the non-immigrant guys who are hired last only one or two pay cycles before quitting.
Thanks. Glad to have been wrong on that one.
With all due respect to those in this thread who seem to know otherwise, how do you know that you were wrong that they and their employers followed the rules? For that matter, that they were seasonal workers and not the latest guests of some unaccountable NGO?

Legal migrant workers are not the same as the 10 to 30 million people who broke the rules to come here and have never gone near an orchard.

This is not a difficult thing to comprehend. Nor is it unreasonable to ask.
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As part of my job I have daily interactions with Food Manufacturing Companies. One of them is a Catfish Company in the Mississippi Delta. I.E. - Middle of nowhere.

The Catfish industry has been struggling because around 75% of restaurants that serve "Catfish" are using an Asian product that is NOT Domestic Catfish.

When Covid hit, the Catfish Processor couldn't find anyone to work there. Nobody wanted to be in close quarters with others 50 hours a week. In turn the Company worked out a deal to bring Mexican Nationals to work there and they were issued work Visa's from the U.S. Government.

Upon arrival the Mexicans were shown the process and trained. Within a week they had the facility running at maximum efficiency and Catfish was being produced in mass. The Catfish Company was ecstatic. Six months later the Visa's were due to expire and the US Government took the position that things were better now and the Catfish Company could find local workers in Mississippi. Once the Employees here on work Visa's were removed everything went to hell again. They could not find any employees and production was slowed to a trickle.

I imagine the folks that were working there lived similar to the way described at the Walmart. For me, I've lived in South Texas fir the last 17 years. If I see a bunch of Mexicans at Walmart I call that any other day 😅.
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It's complete bullshit how these people are demonized.
You mean being told they're all rapists and criminals as white people in the crowd cheer? That they've destroyed their country so they're coming to destroy ours next? That they're lazy but also single-handedly stealing all our jobs? That Americans (ie whites) will soon be a minority because the "invaders" are coming and they're popping out kids left and right? That when they've crossed, they're used as pawns by politicians, sometimes bussing them to different parts of the country so they're someone else's problem and then those politicians brag about doing so on social media. You mean how they're also invading America to apparently only vote against one party? That they're leaving their hell-hole country and making ours a hell-hole?

Obviously we need to get a handle on the border but yes, they're all constantly trashed as invaders, rapists, and thieves. Meanwhile, who do I see all over the place? Healthy looking white people with signs begging for money. They're not stealing our jobs when we as Americans don't want them to begin with.
You mean being told they're all rapists and criminals as white people in the crowd cheer? That they've destroyed their country so they're coming to destroy ours next? That they're lazy but also single-handedly stealing all our jobs? That Americans (ie whites) will soon be a minority because the "invaders" are coming and they're popping out kids left and right? That when they've crossed, they're used as pawns by politicians, sometimes bussing them to different parts of the country so they're someone else's problem and then those politicians brag about doing so on social media. You mean how they're also invading America to apparently only vote against one party? That they're leaving their hell-hole country and making ours a hell-hole?

Obviously we need to get a handle on the border but yes, they're all constantly trashed as invaders, rapists, and thieves. Meanwhile, who do I see all over the place? Healthy looking white people with signs begging for money. They're not stealing our jobs when we as Americans don't want them to begin with.
If you look around and see nothing but white people begging for money then take a ride out to South Louisville. Your tune would change.
With all due respect to those in this thread who seem to know otherwise, how do you know that you were wrong that they and their employers followed the rules? For that matter, that they were seasonal workers and not the latest guests of some unaccountable NGO?

Legal migrant workers are not the same as the 10 to 30 million people who broke the rules to come here and have never go gone near an orchard.

This is not a difficult thing to comprehend. Nor is it unreasonable to ask.
That’s fine, and it’s why I did ask. The useful replies, while anecdotal, seem to come from very level headed posters and make a lot more sense than the conclusion I jumped to.
As part of my job I have daily interactions with Food Manufacturing Companies. One of them is a Catfish Company in the Mississippi Delta. I.E. - Middle of nowhere.

The Catfish industry has been struggling because around 75% of restaurants that serve "Catfish" are using an Asian product that is NOT Domestic Catfish.

When Covid hit, the Catfish Processor couldn't find anyone to work there. Nobody wanted to be in close quarters with others 50 hours a week. In turn the Company worked out a deal to bring Mexican Nationals to work there and they were issued work Visa's from the U.S. Government.

Upon arrival the Mexicans were shown the process and trained. Within a week they had the facility running at maximum efficiency and Catfish was being produced in mass. The Catfish Company was ecstatic. Six months later the Visa's were due to expire and the US Government took the position that things were better now and the Catfish Company could find local workers in Mississippi. Once the Employees here on work Visa's were removed everything went to hell again. They could not find any employees and production was slowed to a trickle.

I imagine the folks that were working there lived similar to the way described at the Walmart. For me, I've lived in South Texas fir the last 17 years. If I see a bunch of Mexicans at Walmart I call that any other day 😅.
Again, the key point and really all that matters: have they followed the rules to be here, just as we all have to follow the rules every day.
Again, the key point and really all that matters: have they followed the rules to be here, just as we all have to follow the rules every day.

As a legal immigrant I appreciate that. And there’s certainly no way to know their legal status, so that’s a fair point. My only thought there is that without those 9 busloads I saw on Sunday, would anything in that county/area ever get planted or picked?
I worked with migrant workers in the tobacco fields when I was in high school. This was the late 80’s/early 90’s. They were hardworking men who just wanted to earn enough money to send home to support their families.

And they would buy me beer.

We need sane immigration policies but we also need to reward those that come here, work hard and want a better life for themselves and their families with a path to citizenship.
You mean being told they're all rapists and criminals as white people and in the crowd cheer? That they've destroyed their country so they're coming to destroy ours next? That they're lazy but also single-handedly stealing all our jobs? That Americans (ie whites) will soon be a minority because the "invaders" are coming and they're popping out kids left and right? That when they've crossed, they're used as pawns by politicians, sometimes bussing them to different parts of the country so they're someone else's problem and then those politicians brag about doing so on social media. You mean how they're also invading America to apparently only vote against one party? That they're leaving their hell-hole country and making ours a hell-hole?

Obviously we need to get a handle on the border but yes, they're all constantly trashed as invaders, rapists, and thieves. Meanwhile, who do I see all over the place? Healthy looking white people with signs begging for money. They're not stealing our jobs when we as Americans don't want them to begin with.
Your takes are so f'n bad you sound like a miserable person that blames everything on whites. Its not sunny, its the white mans fault. F you and your racist takes.
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Obviously a lot of our ancestors simply showed up on a boat and were granted citizenship. There needs to be a level of screening nowadays of course but if people are coming in to work hard and do good work it’s a benefit to us all, it’s how we became such a great country. Hopefully we’re not making the citizenship process too unnecessarily daunting.
Like it or not, Democrats, more than a few times, have been heard to ask "Who's going to clean our toilets?" when border control is mentioned. That's what they & the RINOS really think of them. And the US Chamber of Commerce & their bribed politicians aren't a damn bit better.
Obviously a lot of our ancestors simply showed up on a boat and were granted citizenship. There needs to be a level of screening nowadays of course but if people are coming in to work hard and do good work it’s a benefit to us all, it’s how we became such a great country. Hopefully we’re not making the citizenship process too unnecessarily daunting.
No kidding.

My Irish ancestors probably just showed up in the late 1800’s and were auto enrolled as citizens.
Wasn't this the guy who smugly laughed at every 3rd post from Conservatives on the debate night?
Wasn't this the guy who smugly laughed at every 3rd post from Conservatives on the debate night?

I laugh at all of the nuts (not conservatives but the extreme caricatures of right wing stereotypes.) Best entertainment on the inner webs.
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I have to say it's refreshing to read a rational thread on a Hot Topic like immigration. I applaud everyone on this thread for doing so.
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Obviously a lot of our ancestors simply showed up on a boat and were granted citizenship. There needs to be a level of screening nowadays of course but if people are coming in to work hard and do good work it’s a benefit to us all, it’s how we became such a great country. Hopefully we’re not making the citizenship process too unnecessarily daunting.
With birth rates the way they are, we need immigrants -- if Peter Zeihan and his kind are to be believed. Dude did call the War in Ukraine almost to the calendar year and is a fellow graduate of the UK Communication Department so I'm inclined to believe him.

Of course that also means we need to scrutinize the hell out of who we let in but the policy needs to be toward inclusion. My white ass won't be slopping catfish tanks for pay any time soon, so thank God there are people who will.

I laugh at all of the nuts (not conservatives but the extreme caricatures of right wing stereotypes.) Best entertainment on the inner webs.

Ryan Gosling Barbie GIF by Warner Bros. Pictures
With birth rates the way they are, we need immigrants -- if Peter Zeihan and his kind are to be believed. Dude did call the War in Ukraine almost to the calendar year and is a fellow graduate of the UK Communication Department so I'm inclined to believe him.

Of course that also means we need to scrutinize the hell out of who we let in but the policy needs to be toward inclusion. My white ass won't be slopping catfish tanks for pay any time soon, so thank God there are people who will.

The idea that if we deport 12,000,000 illegals ( who will take probably 12,000,000 more dependents and spouses with them) and unemployed Americans will then take up roofing, masonry, landscaping, farming, childcare, cleaning, etc. is wishful thinking. If they were willing and able to do so they would already be working.

But an open border is unacceptable as well. Maybe after the election Congress will suddenly do it's job and pass a new immigration policy. That too is probably wishful thinking.

As an aside, I just retired a year and a half ago. It is amazing to me how many men I see during the day just wandering around doing basically nothing. No wonder there is crime with so many seemingly with nothing to do.