Running thread

Running 50 miles at one time, or even 30 or 20 for that matter, can't be healthy for the body. I don't care what any of you say. Your body has to be screaming at you, "Fu*k You, Fu*k You!" Terrible for your joints, your muscles, and I believe your heart as well.
^So I hit a massive amount on this with "long term effects of Ultra Marathoning."

Not a ton on joints but it appears some real correlation btw Cardiomyopathy and prolonged Ultra training is definitely present. Including our boy Cabalo Blanco.

I wouldn't mind eventually going for an ultra, full IM or something like that... not a bucket list really just something I might do.

This post was edited on 10/14 11:50 PM by anthonys735

Video on these studies
Originally posted by anthonys735:

A long run schedule should ebb and flow through two to three building weeks and cutback weeks to recover. Once you get into the longer miles, you can alternate a longer run one weekend with a shorter run the next. This allows your body time to recover from the last effort before you hit your next building long run.
While I agree that running consistent 10-25 miles everyday isn't probably the safest approach, the above advice is pretty vague and it goes against nearly every major run coach out there. Consistency is way more important than any ebb or flow.
And the second line is just plain dumb regardless of the distance, or possibly just too vague considering Active typically just regurgitates random quotes. If your long run on a weekend is 10 miles, you don't just switch down to 6 the next weekend. Recovery is more a matter of the runner and the base they have with them.

PTI has been the king of LSDs for as long as I have known him... which are typically the safest type of running you can do. His injury likely has more to do with either only running 4 days a week without throwing some shorter distances in there to achieve mileage or running at a pace out of his norm. The most common runner injuries out there (ITBS, stress fracture, tendinitis) typically all happen from fluctuations in weekly mileage and intensity.

Run Less Run Faster is a solid read... especially for triathletes or the time-crunched runner who only has 4 days/week to train for a marathon. But it has its limits and the authors even say so themselves in the book. Its not for people out trying to BQ or people who have a significant base. Its more about weeding out the junk runs.
Originally posted by PTI (pti):

back of the heel.


not happy right now.
If it's really bad, you might consider asking a doc for some Mobic (generic is meloxicam). It's an NSAID that does wonders for me when I have flare ups.
* I'll give it a few days to see how it pans out before visiting a doc.

* Good articles, anth. But I use stuff like that more as a "guide" than as factual proof. Everyone's body is different. So you can read studies that say running is bad for you, others that say it's great. It just depends on the individual. Same, as you have seem, from the barefoot running craze. It's a godsend for some, and injury-causing for others.

For me, I just hit it too hard on back-to-back days. On tue/wed/sun of last week, I pushed it hard. Not a good idea, clearly.
One of the things those studies dont take into account nearly enough --> how hard you're working. I'm no scientist, but I can tell you from lots of experience, back-to-back long-slow-distance runs is much easier on the body than 1 day of going all out (like trying to PR a half marathon, for example).
The ultra/heart problems I just found while trying to find that article I read about ultras a few years ago. Still can't find it although it kind of follows the same path.

Regardless I think we can all agree ultras aren't really good for your body. Just like triathlons or any long distance endurance race. The training can be good for you but that stuff is pretty damn hard on your body.

The barefoot thing for me was patience. Trying to do 10% -> 20% -> 30% isn't in my wheel house and takes the fun out of it.

Race next weekend I'm not wearing a watch for the first time. Watch and ipod are the two items I found that leaving home make my runs 1000 x's more enjoyable.
Umm... for god sake just take this week off at least PTI (pti). I assume you're still planning on running Nashville and that's your main concern. Is it 3-4 weeks away?

Rest, nsaids, ice maybe? I know it sucks and I'm as stubborn as anyone about taking "time off" but c'mon.

----> 41 miles last week. Been doing ~30/week for weeks. Was probably too big a jump in hindsight.

----> I think the running thread would enjoy seeing anthony735 in his new shorts. TIA
*Assignments sent out today for the ING NYCM:

Bib #2272

Orange Wave #1, Corral #2

9:40 a.m.

*19 days.

*Last long run was this past Saturday, 22 miles in 2:55. Not a bad training pace.


I'm sure I'll have a really non-flattering event photo taken next weekend with them on. Likely getting passed by a speed walker with a huge front wedgie.
@ the urge 5 minutes in. I mean its weird what that the lady who got got crapping next to a house BUT I get it. I've looked around before for a discrete location.
Nashville Marathon 2011, a massive shit pain at mile 9. Came from out of nowhere and doubled me over mid stride. That Best Western up the hill might has well have been a lost city of gold for me.

Figure it only cost me about 3-4 minutes though.
The year of the infamous anth pic I was terrible off. I typically can hold out but not that year. I was nervous because I thought I was well past any options. Found some, finally. Never want to feel like that again and honestly if it happened again I'd just quit.
PTI, tomorrow I'm most likely having dry needling done to my foot. They stick acupuncture needles into the trigger points. It's supposed to work great but hurt briefly (unlike acupuncture). I'm terrified. I'm having him take pictures of my foot and calves with needles sticking out of them, and I am showing them to my students to torture them. Chances are, you see them on Facebook and/or Twitter too, for the fun of it.

My brother ran the Iron Horse half this weekend, his first half marathon. He ran in 1:37. My SIL also ran, her first half, and ended up at 1:39 and 2nd in her age group, only 30 seconds off of first. My 7 year old nephew is going to be a kick ass little runner someday, unless the poor kid inherited Aunt LB's ultra slow genes. I'm the slowpoke in a family of fast (or formerly fast) runners, including my Dad, Mom, brother, and SIL.
RE: running gear

I think its extremely specific. PTI(pti) even said as much in his. The shorts that I USED to love were a little heavy but I liked the full boxer brief liner. Probably didn't bother me because I'm normally pudgy and slow.

Moved on to their light as air product and wouldn't switch if I had to. Tried several others and own them but they ride up or something.

Very specific with my shirts, prefer Nike.

Bulega socks with the little extra piece on the back that keeps them from riding down.

Nike Vomeros

Asics tights

Headsweats visor.
* 95% certain it's achilles tendinitis. There were some very helpful videos on that described the symptoms, causes, treatments/exercises/etc.

good news = fairly common / not a "major" deal
bad news = usually lingers for 7-8 weeks


* this is a huge part of my life. Socially/mentally/physically/stress reduction. Pissed.
Went through two stretches this year where I had to shut it down for a few weeks. Try the elliptical. I hated it, but it allowed me to keep my conditioning somewhat in line and made me feel like I wasn't a total slob for not getting any cardio.
Dry needling felt weird but didn't hurt too badly. It was a weird muscle twitch where the needle went into the tightness. Amazingly, my foot feels fine now. He pricked me probably 20 times in various trigger points in the shin, calf, and foot. The warning stuff he gave me said I could feel really groggy and get a headache after it, but I thought that sounded ridiculous. I've felt oddly calm all day long.

I'm curious to see if the foot pain is truly gone or if it's just temporary.
Must've been inspired by PTI (pti) because since I've run with him in NOLA, I've done long runs of ---->

17, 10, 11 and 15 today.

Absolutely love this time of year for getting out there. Wanted to keep going this morning.
Achilles is feeling significantly better now. It's been 2 weeks since I've run -- but probably going to give it a little temperature check with a slow, easy couple of miles today.
First stand alone 1/2 marathon in a year.


It was cold as balls. I like running in the cold, but it was miserable.

* Biggest
of the day was Anth and my pops. Dad busts out a 1:36 at 53 years old. That is absolutely hauling ass.

at Skiny-anth. Think he was 1:42 or something like that. Had he actually ran the miniMarathon this year, I have zero doubt that he would be in the 2:45 to 3:00 range. I know not being fat helps, but damn.

Those are some serious times, particularly Big A. Jesus.

And Fat Anth couldn't even break 2 hours -- the new, slimmed down version of him posts 1:42. Eek.

Anth, you may be interested in this book:


That guy has all kinds of books out there about dieting specifically for different types of endurance athletes.

Congrats all around, Schems.
Forecast for New York next Sunday:

Mostly clear, high of 56.

Forecast for Nashville next Sunday (for PTI's Ultra):

Sunny and high of 61.

Can't ask for much better than that.
Yeah, I've been reading on weight vs time. Plan on getting down to 175ish for the marathon next year. I think it was :)30)/lb or something like that.

Probably could have got 1:39 also because I had a 5:30
negative split. 8:15 vs 7:37(IIRC). I hadn't run further than 9 miles since last mini and I quit running with a watch so I was kind of pacing myself the first 6 anticipating a wall. Cranked it up pretty good at 9. Passed the 1:45 pacer at 10 so I cut those 3 minutes in the final 3 miles.

-Really, really enjoying running right now. Probably because I'm getting faster. In fact finding hard to get myself into the pool because I'd rather run.

-MCF finished 3rd in a helluva age group BTW. Did you get a bat?

-First time I've experienced what was the closest thing to tourette syndrome while running. Girl running by me for the first 3-4 before I assume realizing she was running way too fast, just yells out "F*CK YEAH!!!! YEAH I SAID F*CK!!"" about 30 seconds into the run. I'm like WTF is going on here. The she proceeds to sing at full force the next 3 miles. It was awkward as hell.

-Anyway, solid PR for me. 13 minutes below my PR(1:55) and 1:03 below my FANTH finshes.

This post was edited on 10/26 5:34 PM by anthonys735
Just curious, I need to drop a few. I've been dealing with nagging plantar fascitis (sp?) for nearly a year. Anyway, how much are you down to see that kind of drop? Congrats on the PR

However, I was 193 a few years back and in pretty good shape and the best I could get was a 1:55 in Vegas IIRC.

Some is obviously weight and obviously the rest is good training. BTW, I pretty much have just been running 5.25 of rollers on gone over that maybe 7-8 times in the past 4 months.
Originally posted by pb1992:
Just curious, I need to drop a few. I've been dealing with nagging plantar fascitis (sp?) for nearly a year. Anyway, how much are you down to see that kind of drop? Congrats on the PR
Try some Airr Orthotics by Sofsole. Cured my plantar's issue. I've seen them at Finish Line and Dick's, but that's it.
Originally posted by anthonys735:

However, I was 193 a few years back and in pretty good shape and the best I could get was a 1:55 in Vegas IIRC.

Some is obviously weight and obviously the rest is good training. BTW, I pretty much have just been running 5.25 of rollers on gone over that maybe 7-8 times in the past 4 months.

40 is awesome. Congrats again. I could drop most of that myself. I've gained a good 20lbs over the course of the year battling injuries. Started out with a stress fracture and somehow developed the plantar after 8 weeks in a boot. Sucks.

Thanks for the Orthotics tip. I've had a prescription for custom ones for 6 months and can't bring myself to shell out $400 for them. I'll check these out.

This post was edited on 10/27 5:43 PM by pb1992
Welp knee is jacked. Goddamnit.

Inside left knee. Sore, dull pain. Ran an easy 5 yesterday and my quads were sluggish but other than that everything felt like normal after a race.

Woke up this morning and knee is hurting pretty good, got better as the day went on. Tried to run tonight and it wasn't preventing me from running but it was consistently hurting. So I stopped about .2 in and trotted home. SMH.

Guess I'll get in the pool tomorrow and take running easy for a few days to see if it goes away.
Seriously suffering from 1st mile syndrome lately. Just no desire to be there or to continue. I push through but the runs are miserable. Hopefully it will pass soon.
*Congrats on those times y'all, esp. your pops. Thought he was a boss anyway just for doing Bourbon Chase but he's received several more points for posting a time like that. Fingers crossed I can do it in 20 years.

----> Still have a goal of breaking 1:30 for a half but gonna have to get a good bit faster. MCF, you're right there man.

* Did 165 miles this month. Has to be a record for me.
Runners block. Sucks.

Find a trigger. For me I like to snack on those cliff gel block things. I take two when I get home because they taste good. For some reason I make myself run. If you're really struggling make a deal that you're going to treat yourself if you go out and run that day. Make it a pizza or a juicy cheeseburger something like that.

Once you get better and faster you look forward to it. I literally hate not running now-a-days. Even the first mile.
At 27, really getting committed and focusing on running for the first time in my life. I have always worked out consistently since about age 16, but have focused mainly on weights and running has been a 'side' activity varying in degree throughout the year. At my age, profession, and based on my goals, running just makes a lot more sense. I no longer desire to be big and muscular. I want to be slender with low BF, relieve stress, continue to be self competitive, be healthier, and have a hobby I can enjoy with others that keeps me somewhat disciplined.

For the first time in my life, I've dedicated a whole month to nothing but running 3-5 times a week, absolutely no weights and have really, really, enjoyed it. Mixed with weights I used to treat running like the 'side' activity it was, but making it my main focus has made it a lot more enjoyable and I have made a lot of progress very quick. I used to trot 2 or 3 miles after lifting weights maybe twice a week. After a steady month of consistent runs of varying distances between 3 - 4- 5 - 6 miles, I wanted to see what I could bust out on my traditional 3 mile loop compared to my old times and pace. Really pushed it hard and felt borderline miserable but ran it in 20:42 which came out to be an average pace of 6:54 a mile. I was shocked and very stoked because I know I have room to make good improvement. I normally ran it in the 24's with a 8+ pace.

That aside, recently I have linked up with some other runners in the area and am really enjoying the moderate distance loops. Bought all the cold weather gear and hope to maintain through the winter and hit a few halfies this spring.

Just wanted to drop in and say hello, I will be following your alls progress and hopefully posting mine as well from time to time.
It'll pass. This happens every so often. Probably every 6-9 months where I just get uninterested in running. I find if I cut back and do some other activity but keep just a little bit of running in the rotation, I'll usually break through the wall. Just sucks when you're going through it.
3:32 unofficially. Very difficult course today with the hills and a strong headwind from the north, and the course is almost entirely due north for first 20 miles. Toe cramps at mile 24 kept me from a sub 3:30, but I'm not too disappointed under those course conditions.
Thew winds ate up the elite runners, I figured it was pretty bad. Congrats.

Those crowds looks
not sure I'd like that at all. 45k is just unreal.

Mutai is just a badass. Toyed with that group today.
Been laid up for close to a month now -- which is awful. Heel doesnt hurt normally, but will get creaky every now and again (like this morning), and I'm really holding out as long as possible so I don't reaggravate it and have to start over from scratch.

Joined a gym -- and I forgot how awesome that is. Been spending 2 hours/time there. About 1 hour cardio + 30 minutes weights/abs + 30 in the steam room/sauna/shower. Great way to waste time.

If all goes well I'm going to shoot for 5-10 miles this week, and build up very slowly.

Obviously missed the Nashville Ultra yesterday, even though I know I could have pulled it off -- just wouldn't have been worth the consequences.
Thanks. The spectator crowds were awesome. Really pep you up. After we got over the bridge, the runners spaced out pretty well. Very little difficulty navigating.