Ruh Roh, KFC leaving Louisville

That’s fine if the current job she has is as far as she wants to go . Remote workers should never expect a promotion. I always advise young people to go to the office and get to know the bosses . That’s how you get noticed and promoted .

lol. My old supervisor worked 95% remote. Got a promotion just fine.
You get noticed and promoted by getting your work done and in high quality.
When I first started at my former job I came early, stayed late. Did that for 3 years. Know what i got me? An unexplained "your services are no longer needed'

Sounds like you are very prejudice against remote workers.
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I understand that view, but honestly my wife works from home and can do her job easily here. She probably gets more work done at home than in the office. Her day used to consist of about 6 meetings a day. Now she has about 2 and the rest she can actually work. Remote work has really become viable and saves companies money from less buildings while getting the same work done.
Agree. My brother manages corporate audit teams remotely for Grant Thornton and remote is the future. Leasing building space is an expense and not a necessary one for many, many jobs.
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Yeah but it’s hard to say “We’re leaving Kentucky due to taxes” when you’re keeping a headquarters in California, one of the most taxed states in the Union.
In California, not all businesses are required to play by the same rules. Here is one article from 1994 about how they were specifically trying to keep Taco Bell headquartered in CA. I tried to find a more recent article about what happened politically, but obviously they succeeded in incentivizing Taco Bell to stay because they did not move in the past 30+ years.
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Kentucky Fried Chicken is leaving its ancestral home state by relocating its U.S. corporate office to Texas.

"Ruh Roh" lol
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I went the other night. I spent 25$ just on me. I did eat a lot. But not 25$ worth. I just got i think 3 hard tacos, 2 gordita’s and a lrg mt dew.

$25. Food in general has skyrocketed. it’s unreal
It really is man. Everything at the store is $5/6/7, eggs, cheese, cereal, etc… it’s insane. Then you get into meats, cleaning supplies, and it’s crazy how expensive it is to live right now. That’s what I was talking about about earlier. You could have ordered Olive Garden to go. I got a seafood Alfredo the other day. 2 breadsticks, a box of salad, and a huge serving of Alfredo with about 15 shrimp and 15 scallops on it. So much better food and deal. I think it was $21-$22 after tax. I get Cheddars shrimp Alfredo all the time and it’s even cheaper. Like $15-$16.
Fast food is so expensive now you may as well get something decent like Outback/Texas Roadhouse/ Olive Garden. I can get 2 meals you could share almost for 4 people for the price of 4 combo meals.
Preach@. although you can still get KFC for one for less than ten dollars
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Most of their offices left a few years ago. What remained was mostly symbolic anyway, so this is no real loss.

I know most people didn't know, because the news magically only covers new jobs. Not when we lose important (financially and symbolically) to another state.

Should've been huge news but wasn't.
I understand that view, but honestly my wife works from home and can do her job easily here. She probably gets more work done at home than in the office. Her day used to consist of about 6 meetings a day. Now she has about 2 and the rest she can actually work. Remote work has really become viable and saves companies money from less buildings while getting the same work done.
I do not doubt what you say about your wife and how much she gets done working from home; but for everyone worker like your wife, I have witnessed more that take advantage of the situation.
I know for a fact that when JCPS in Louisville goes to NTI, it is like a paid day off for employees.
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Forgot about that... yea the Pot Pie is elite as well.
Have a JFC close by work. They’ve usually sucked service wise. But yesterday I placed an order online in the parking lot after work for me and the good lady wife. Left immediately after I submitted it, no traffic so I was in their lot in less than 3 minutes, nobody in the DT lane so I pulled right up gave my name and pulled around, he was opening the window to hand me my food as I pulled up. Total time less than 4 minutes.

Anywho, sucks they are leaving. Though I think they are keeping the building in Louisville and some support staff is staying here for now at least. But yeah still sucks. Kinda like Papa John’s leaving Louisville a couple of years ago.
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The colonel would burn the new kfcs to the ground and start new ones. The chicken sucks and the gimmick corn potato chicken bowl?
Now don’t knock the famous bowls. Those bowls represent how I eat my thanksgiving dinner. Not from a bowl, mind you, but I think I put about a bit of everything on my fork when I take a bite. And I’ve always,since I was a kid, mixed my taters and corn, and if there’s gravy, bonus.
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I understand that view, but honestly my wife works from home and can do her job easily here. She probably gets more work done at home than in the office. Her day used to consist of about 6 meetings a day. Now she has about 2 and the rest she can actually work. Remote work has really become viable and saves companies money from less buildings while getting the same work done.

This is what the “everyone must work in an office” people are missing. Some folks are just better working from home. I am one of them. My line of work requires a lot of reading with a need for intense focus aka silence. I’m also an introvert and never viewed work as a social playground. I am here to work and don’t really care about your weekend plans or your kid’s ballgame, certainly not to the point I want to hear about it unprompted.

For me, I am 3x as productive from home. Quiet. No involuntary idle chit chat with coworkers. No being interrupted from working because my colleagues across the room won’t shut their mouths for 2 seconds ever. Meetings that could be emails but instead devolve into an hour of BSing are now just emails. I no longer waste 10-12 hours of my personal time each week driving 120 miles roundtrip to and from work while fighting major metro area rush hour traffic each day. I can stay up later and get up later, which extends my free time in the evenings. The piece of mind knowing my day is over once I close that laptop is priceless.

I get that remote work might not be for everyone, but people who don’t know me, my job, my personality or my work style trying to say they know what’s best for my situation piss me off. If an office job works for them, cool. Enjoy the office. But don’t advocate taking remote work away from me because you are either mad you don’t get to work from or or if one had been brainwashed to believe a physical office is somehow magical.
That’s fine if the current job she has is as far as she wants to go . Remote workers should never expect a promotion. I always advise young people to go to the office and get to know the bosses . That’s how you get noticed and promoted .

I’ve been promoted three times since March 2020 and have never once spoken a word in person to my boss’s boss who keeps giving me promotions and raises.

It’s almost like a competent employee can be rewarded without the need to schmooze with the brass.
The last time I went to KFC they said they were out of chicken. I'll never go back.
Look, to each their own, but we're slowly becoming a bad sci-fi movie parody. People are forgetting how to look someone in eyes, give a hand shake, and say "thank you". We're losing the little things that make society human. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to tell you it isn't a good recipe for humanity. No, we'd rather stay on our couch and pay $35 two have two Taco Bell burritos delivered.
I think smart phones and social media could be blamed for this as much, or more, than work from home. Young people will text and message each other in the same room instead of actually talking. Or…heads just buried in phones.
Thankfully this has been in the works for sometime and most people knew it was happening, just a matter of when. Still sucks to lose business out of the city and state. If Humana were to merge or sell, that would be a HUGE loss for Louisville and Ky. It's going to happen, its just a matter of time as well.
I went the other night. I spent 25$ just on me. I did eat a lot. But not 25$ worth. I just got i think 3 hard tacos, 2 gordita’s and a lrg mt dew.

$25. Food in general has skyrocketed. it’s unreal
I'd rather take that $25 and buy some thighs or WHOLE wings and have food for days. If you guys make your own wings, buy them whole. Much cheaper you just have to cut the flaps off and separate the flats from the drums. A little work for a lot of savings. We don't do fast food regularly anymore and haven't in a long time. If by chance we do have FF, it's Jersey Mikes or Chic fil A.
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This is kind of infuriating to me. Doubt I ever eat KFC again (not that I ate it much before).

I've been researching and can't find a solid answer. Anyone know if this means that the actual Yum! HQ is leaving Louisville? What is leeft in the state of Yum! after this?
Taco Bell in the 90's had Skyline Chili style cheddar cheese packed into their tacos. Then they switched to that Kroger Brand grated style cheese packed in their tacos. Then they switched to a few pieces of that sprinkled across the top. It sucks. Complete crap.
This is kind of infuriating to me. Doubt I ever eat KFC again (not that I ate it much before).

I've been researching and can't find a solid answer. Anyone know if this means that the actual Yum! HQ is leaving Louisville? What is leeft in the state of Yum! after this?
Not sure about the Yum Center but I would say they have a contract if anyone wants to look it up. Have no idea if they plan to renew it.

I do know that they are going to build their new, fancy, flagship restaurant in Louisville. I have no idea what one looks like. lol.

They are also still donating 1M per year to UL for something or another.
It’s a dumb move by Yum! ultimately. You’re devaluing an international brand for an organizational hierarchy of 150 people. When people from other states mention KFC, the response from Kentuckians will be “yeah they aren’t even in Kentucky.” The next thing you know, they are Ollie’s Trolly.
This is kind of infuriating to me. Doubt I ever eat KFC again (not that I ate it much before).

I've been researching and can't find a solid answer. Anyone know if this means that the actual Yum! HQ is leaving Louisville? What is leeft in the state of Yum! after this?
Yum is staying for now, think it’s around 500-600 jobs staying and 100 KFC jobs moving to Texas. Probably just a matter of time before it is gone though.
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Yum is staying for now, think it’s around 500-600 jobs staying and 100 KFC jobs moving to Texas. Probably just a matter of time before it is gone though.

Our state has failed if/when that happens.

Somehow, one of the historically worst stewards locally, Churchill Downs, is now one of the few investing back into the state. There's been a consistent trend of local corporations growing, selling out, moving out of state for decades. We either have to put a stop to that or find ways to foster more growth in small business, but I feel like nothing changes and the trend continues.

At least you can't package and ship out Churchill Downs or the Kentucky Derby.