Ron DeSantis was at the game today

You wrote this and it sounded good to you.
It's amazing you pretend to have a moral high ground on anything.

Every single Republican and 51 Democrats voted in favor. Shockingly, 158 Democrats opposed it.The bill targeted rapists, pedophiles, domestic abusers, and stalkers, ensuring they couldn’t stay in the U.S. Opponents claimed it "demonized immigrants," but how does protecting convicted predators help anyone—especially their victims?
It's amazing you pretend to have a moral high ground on anything.

Every single Republican and 51 Democrats voted in favor. Shockingly, 158 Democrats opposed it.The bill targeted rapists, pedophiles, domestic abusers, and stalkers, ensuring they couldn’t stay in the U.S. Opponents claimed it "demonized immigrants," but how does protecting convicted predators help anyone—especially their victims?
Alright I’m not reading your weird propaganda tweets. I don’t give a **** about Democrats….

Ron Desantis is a piece of shit human, that’s alll
They are losers, bye bye…Florida is full of losers, just go home.
This UK team is quite possibly the greatest basketball team ever. I’m not exaggerating They are the best…Tremendous, may be an understatement…
Everyone else? Losers
Sitting courtside next to Joey Craft. Didn’t see anything about anywhere or I wasn’t paying good enough attention.

Lil Ronnie watched his team fail. They failed hard. Harder than anyone maybe ever. He should be bigly embarrassed. I know I would be. I hope they all go home and dream about Kentucky tonight. That sweet Old Kentucky Home that wasn’t so sweet to them today…
Failed hard?? They dumped 100 pts on us at Rupp. They only lost by six.
I liked that he was court side at Rupp enjoying such an incredible game. When Arky comes to town, it would be nice to see Huckabee or Clinton at the game. It’s a great venue and the SEC is the best conference in the country. Smart of DeSantis to take advantage of an opportunity to take that in with his daughter.
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Disney owns ESPN. Disney wants to sexualize kids. You support those things. No wonder you oppose DeSantis.
So is it the GOPedo now as well? Matt Gaetz? Every house member knew what he did. And he was nominated to head the DOJ? Jim Jordan, pedo protector is also a committee head.

Trump was Epsteins best friend for 10 years and is on tape saying Epstein was a “terrific guy who loved women as much as him and that he liked em “very young.”

Bill Clinton was on Epstein island how many times? Sometimes it seems like our entire country is run by scum…that we vote for.

So yeah, F Disney and ESPN, but if we are really against child molesters, maybe we should stop voting for them,….vote for scum, get scummy candidates. Get crummy candidates and you get pedophiles and $36T in debt…

Probably gonna get banned/flayed, but it is amazing to me how many people excuse their bad behavior by pointing at the other sides bad behavior (which is usually true), but them being wrong, doesn’t make you right…
  • Haha
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So is it the GOPedo now as well? Matt Gaetz? Every house member knew what he did. And he was nominated to head the DOJ? Jim Jordan, pedo protector is also a committee head.

Trump was Epsteins best friend for 10 years and is on tape saying Epstein was a “terrific guy who loved women as much as him and that he liked em “very young.”

Bill Clinton was on Epstein island how many times? Sometimes it seems like our entire country is run by scum…that we vote for.

So yeah, F Disney and ESPN, but if we are really against child molesters, maybe we should stop voting for them,….vote for scum, get scummy candidates. Get crummy candidates and you get pedophiles and $36T in debt…

Probably gonna get banned/flayed, but it is amazing to me how many people excuse their bad behavior by pointing at the other sides bad behavior (which is usually true), but them being wrong, doesn’t make you right…

Matt Gaetz was cleared by Merrick Garland’s DOJ, who has been locking up Biden’s political adversaries. You’d think that Garland would’ve prosecuted that guy if their was any legs to it.

You really need to quit the fake news propaganda you keep spewing.
Matt Gaetz was cleared by Merrick Garland’s DOJ, who has been locking up Biden’s political adversaries. You’d think that Garland would’ve prosecuted that guy if their was any legs to it.

You really need to quit the fake news propaganda you keep spewing.
Haha. So protectionism it is. He was never exhonorated….the deep state hid the report from the American people…and let a pedophile stand in Congress. Maybe not as bad as George Santos…but bad…

Glad he was exhonorated. Surely he will be the head of the DOJ, LOL.

Funny how when the vote was public, no GOPers voted for it, but when the vote was private, it was released…and no one was saying he was “exonerated”, LOL. Loved how Greene lashed against republicans for releasing the report. So much for that whole “ tranparency for the American people” thing….I loved how her and Massie blew up the whole slush fund though. “I know what all of you have been doing.” Please, do tell.

But got it…. Nothing to see here. You are OK with pedos as long as they are in your party…your point is clear.

Obi Wan Mind GIF by Star Wars
It does seem like BS that they didnt mention it during the game. ESPN/Disney needs to realize they have lost over half the country. They are a publicly traded company and need to act with fiduciary responsibility.
Perhaps he didn't want the attention there. Could have led to a lot of booing, taking from the game.
It is cool when any celebrity whether a politician or movie or music star is at a Kentucky home game. It shows Rupp Arena and our Kentucky basketball team as the place to be for college basketball across the country. I remember Ali sitting by Jeff Sheppard on the bench. Awesome. You don't see this at almost any other program.
Sitting courtside next to Joey Craft. Didn’t see anything about anywhere or I wasn’t paying good enough attention.

Lil Ronnie watched his team fail. They failed hard. Harder than anyone maybe ever. He should be bigly embarrassed. I know I would be. I hope they all go home and dream about Kentucky tonight. That sweet Old Kentucky Home that wasn’t so sweet to them today…
Embarrassed? He's the best Governor in the country and people should cherish him for doing everything he can to keep innocent women safe from illegal monsters. Don't hear much out of Florida, you? Rape and Muder in Athens, , GA. Rape and murder of a 13 year old girl in Houston, Gangs taking over Apartment complexes in CO.

Pretty quiet in Florida. Embarrassed over a game played by kids? "Little Ronnie" ???? GTFO
Embarrassed? He's the best Governor in the country and people should cherish him for doing everything he can to keep innocent women safe from illegal monsters. Don't hear much out of Florida, you? Rape and Muder in Athens, , GA. Rape and murder of a 13 year old girl in Houston, Gangs taking over Apartment complexes in CO.

Pretty quiet in Florida. Embarrassed over a game played by kids? "Little Ronnie" ???? GTFO
Well you know we really handed Florida a butt-kicking and this really hurts them...because Florida is so passionate about their basketball ;)
I go to Florida a lot. It’s far superior to most everywhere else in the country. The numbers of people flocking there bear that out. Much of this due to him.

Imagine being so full of TDS that you’d want to argue this. Get help, man.
So is it the GOPedo now as well? Matt Gaetz? Every house member knew what he did. And he was nominated to head the DOJ? Jim Jordan, pedo protector is also a committee head.

Trump was Epsteins best friend for 10 years and is on tape saying Epstein was a “terrific guy who loved women as much as him and that he liked em “very young.”

Bill Clinton was on Epstein island how many times? Sometimes it seems like our entire country is run by scum…that we vote for.

So yeah, F Disney and ESPN, but if we are really against child molesters, maybe we should stop voting for them,….vote for scum, get scummy candidates. Get crummy candidates and you get pedophiles and $36T in debt…

Probably gonna get banned/flayed, but it is amazing to me how many people excuse their bad behavior by pointing at the other sides bad behavior (which is usually true), but them being wrong, doesn’t make you right…

Hey. It was just a basketball game.
Hey. It was just a basketball game.
Yeah, once it moved to the Paddock it changed…

Posted originally the guy had a right to attend a game without being harassed. Whether you agree with him or not. Kinda like standing during a game. You have the right to stand or not…

Once it went political Just love picking on those who are lost in the swamp…on either side of the swamp, LOL.
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And if I DID care about politics, I’m a Confederate Kernel, ye dumb sumbitch
Just curious if Andy Beshear was at the game and got a chance to talk Governor stuff with RD?
This thread was posted in HOB when I was drunker than the night your mom ****ed your dad and everybody there gets it because they’re smart and have a sense of humor. It gets moved here and all the smooth brain tightass dipshit politards **** it up. Like they **** everything fun up.

Go figure.

I don’t give a goddamn about politics and now I’m mad at myself for havin those last 3 Steel Reserves. Quote me again with some bullshit thinkin I’m even the least bit concerned whatsoever about politics and I swear I’ll tie a loop in a belt and hang myself so I don’t have to read it.

It’s in your hands.

Edit: oh shit I think he posts on HOB. Just saw he liked a post of mine. **** me
Welp I'm hard as hell
Appreciate ESPN not promoting UK association with Ron Desantis. Not good for branding

🤣🤣🤣 You're right....definitely don't want people to think DeSantis is here to upstage the dolt we currently have.
My assumption is that he was here to enjoy an awesome basketball game. He had a great seat to what some are calling an instant classic and a wonderful game to kick off the start of the SEC season. Neither team disappointed. Shift the game to Gainesville and the outcome is likely different. Good for DeSantis to not make a big deal out of his appearance. Seems he may just be a basketball fan taking advantage of an opportunity.
Appreciate ESPN not promoting UK association with Ron Desantis. Not good for branding
Mark Pope didn't seem to care. Before he even shook Golden's hand in the postgame handshake line, went right for DeSantis to shake his hand (look at the 16:37 mark in the below video). Glad to see UKs coach welcome him and thank him for coming...

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I thought I saw a little bitty dude who wears high heel boots to try to appear like he’s 5’7.

(Politards, I’m just kidding. Let’s not get too upset.)

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