RIP Sinead O'Connor


Feb 4, 2004
Singer of one of the most iconic songs of the early 90s passed away after battling mental health issues for decades. Nothing compares 2 U was huge in the early 90s and you couldn't turn MTV on for any length of time without seeing that video.
Issue number three: [ points to Sinead ] This bald chick – what’s with her head? Let’s start with the chick. What gives, cue ball? I’m looking at you, I’m thinking: fourteen in the side pocket!
Frank Sinatra: I’ll tell you what you better understand! Next time you see Old Glory riding up that pole, you better sing that anthem, darling! You’re lucky you’re a chick, or you’d be nothing but a stain on the road and a crewcut. Our founding fathers went to the mat for you, baby!

Sinead O’Connor: It’s not my flag – I’m Irish.

Frank Sinatra: Oh? Well, then stay off of this stuff.. [ mimes drinking ] That’s the curse of you people. Billy Idol!
8 miles high now...

During his opening monologue the following week, Catholic-raised host Joe Pesci held up the photo, explaining that he had taped it back together, to huge applause. Pesci also said that if it had been his show, "I would have gave [sic] her such a smack".

Guess Pesci never gave a follow-up when she turned out to be correct. I like Pesci's work but that was such a different time. One person made a peaceful, quiet statement in which she was unfortunately correct and was vilified. Another put tape (or probably had someone put tape) on a torn photo and said he'd smack the person who tore said photo and he was a hero for a night.