RIP Pee Wee Herman

Goodbye old friend.
Paul Reubens's father Milton Rubenfeld was a British, American, and Israeli hero. He volunteered as pilot for the RAF before US entered the war, the later for the USAAF. He was also one of the original 5 combat pilots in the IAF, volunteering in 1948.
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This one actually hits a little harder. Pee Wee and his show and movies really resonated with me. It was the first show/media type thing that I liked, and my parents didn’t. They never forbade me to watch it or anything like that, but it definitely got the side eye and the gas face from them. Of course that made me want to watch it even more.

Pee Wee was also a weird looking goofball, but still had lots of friends and everyone loved him. As I’ve stated before on the board, I was nerd-adjacent and not a total weirdo, but having him on TV and knowing that weird or odd could be cool was a nice feeling.

It was also super quotable movie at the time. Most of us of a certain age could probably watch the movie with no sound and do the dialogue perfectly.

R.I.Pee Wee. You were a good’n.

Paging Mr. Herman. Mr. Herman you have a telephone call at the Pearly Gates.
The 2 most famous people shot in the back of the head in a theater were Lincoln and the guy sitting in front of Ruebens.