RIP Matthew Perry

RIP, may your spit flow in paradise.
How many Hollywood stars die in their tubs or some other strange way? Firmly believe there’s more to these coincidences.
Good lord. Not everything's a conspiracy. The guy had a long history of pretty bad drug abuse and all indications point to him having a heart attack and drowning.
I don't know his past health history, but there seems to be a lot more people having heart issues these days. Not just fat slobs.
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I don't know his past health history, but there seems to be a lot more people having heart issues these days. Not just fat slobs.
You mean like professional wrestler Eddie Guerrero who was built like a statue and died of acute heart failure at the age of 2005?

Glad you admitted you don't know Perry's past health history but laughable you immediately went with the vague conspiratorial, "ya know, heart issues seem to be happening more and more these days" talking point. That's a lazy take, as if heart issues didn't exist up until two years ago. How does someone not realize anyone, at any age, in any condition, can have heart problems and that we can fall over dead at any age?
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Having heart attacks at a normal weight is not new or has vastly changed. Perry's is unrelated to the vaccine.
He doesn't care.

"Add him to the jab death list."

This was his last a certain thread where conspiracies rule the day. For whatever reason, certain posters have agendas and they're going to believe what they believe to further a conspiracy theory, without proof. If you believe in a conspiracy, somehow that makes the believer into an expert.
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If I’ve learned anything from the internet over the last 3 years it’s that there are 3 causes of death

1. Covid vaccine
2. Executed by the white hats for being a pedophile
3. Executed by Hillary Clinton for threatening to expose the pedophiles
Well technically it was only 1 thing for a while. Covid killed pretty much every person who died for like a year or two and the media had a counter that constantly updated it. It was fortunate for the hospitals that people weren't dying from things like cancer or car wrecks and they got their bonus money from the government.
The Ultimate Warrior died at 54 of a heart 2014. In other words, DEATH JAB
Stanley Kubrick died at 70 of a heart 1999. In other words, DEATH JAB
Bela Lugosi died at 73 of a heart 1956. In other words, DEATH JAB
Elvis died at 42 of a heart 1977. In other words, DEATH JAB
John Candy died at 43 of a heart 1994. In other words, DEATH JAB
Hank Williams died at 29 of a heart 1953. In other words, DEATH JAB
Carrie Fisher died at 60 of a heart 2016. In other words, DEATH JAB
Randy Savage died at 58 of a heart 2011. In other words, DEATH JAB
James Gandolfini died at 51 of a heart 2013. In other words, DEATH JAB

I could go on for pages, not that it matters if someone wants to believe every heart issue and heart-related death is somehow related to the DEATH JAB. That's also when you know someone has an agenda, when they're not adult enough to just say the vax or vaccine. They've gotta be dramatic and say "jab" or "death jab." Pretty glad these dunces aren't in charge of anything important that involves the rest of us.
Why the name calling

You seem upset
Well, I haven't insulted another poster's children like Caveman recently did, so that's a positive. Considering what gets slung around here, I think "dunce" is fairly chill. If someone can't handle that, I'm not sure what to tell 'em.

Actually just googled "Friends cast" and Elliot Gould is still with us at 85. But after knowing about Perry's previous drug issues, him being the first in the main cast to go isn't the most shocking thing in the world.