RIP Henry Earl

He came in the kitchen of our fraternity house a few times 30 yrs ago, I thought he was 60's-70's then as well.
Karma truly is a *$#*@*

"You couldn't meet Henry Earl, and not love him," said Ramsey. "Henry Earl, he'll never be forgotten."

I saw him throwing a bottle at a dude on Upper and Maxwell sometime around 99. I'm guessing he would agree with the second part without endorsing the first.
Gettin shitfaced drunk on the big cloud in the sky. Bet he’s got all the best liquors now.
Does anyone else remember Ramona? She would run around downtown and be shady as hell before dog cussing somebody just walking down the street. Her known range was from the Radisson area, east past McCarthy's (and the Melodian, and Mia's), all the way down to around Phoenix Park. I assume she's dead, too; based on her lifestyle operation.
RIP to JB. First encounter was August 1999 in the back parking lot at Kennedy Bookstore. Walked up to me in a red velvet coat asking for a smoke iirc.

Last encounter was Summer 2004 when I last lived on/near campus. Lived in between Two Keys and what was Subway building at the time on Limestone. He and a friend of his danced in our front yard (our rectangular patch of grass). Moved to Bridle Creek and don't think I ever saw him again.
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RIP. :(

Has anybody seen Big World lately? I haven't seen him in ages. The least time was several years ago at Lee's. He showed me and a buddy a watch he'd had fixed.
Arrested 1,300 times. If it only cost $200 per incident (officer time, processing, booking, feeding, etc.), that would be $260K in tax dollars spent on Henry Earl.
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How the **** does somebody get arrested 1300 times? At some point just lead him down a back alley and throw him in a storm drain.
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Why was he arrested so many times and why is he considered a celebrated icon of the second most well-known city in our state?
Why was he arrested so many times and why is he considered a celebrated icon of the second most well-known city in our state?
He was a less violent George Floyd and we know how much the media and democrats love Floyd. Hell, Biden and Kamala sent out a tribute tweet to him today. Let’s face it. The left loves criminals. Especially black criminals.
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If the "find out" stage is people with too many social media accounts whining about society and how it's all the fault of the side they hate but also things are so bad that everything needs to come crashing down anyway and let's all look forward to a new civil war because the north likes expensive coffee and the south shoots up beer cans and empty buckets then we've been in the "find out" stage for about a decade.
If the "find out" stage is people with too many social media accounts whining about society and how it's all the fault of the side they hate but also things are so bad that everything needs to come crashing down anyway and let's all look forward to a new civil war because the north likes expensive coffee and the south shoots up beer cans and empty buckets then we've been in the "find out" stage for about a decade.

Nightwish, it's when Trump wins, we align with Putin, and we throw you and your ilk into Soviet Gulags. You all have been telling me this is going to happen since 2016 so I assumed you knew it was coming.
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To follow up on above posts, I really thought there was hope that Ramona and Henry Earl might get together and begin a new generation of drunken homeless people. A superhomeless generation that were immune to hunger and weather and would never reform their ways even briefly to seek medical care. That dream died with HE