RIP Adam Harrison, son of Pawn Stars Rick Harrison


Jan 25, 2007
Louisville, KY
GPT must think he lives in a world where it's guaranteed someone can't possibly die young. I know we like to think we're invincible in our teens, twenties, and thirties but we're not. I went to a funeral for a baby decades ago. Shitty situation but it happens and there's no magic age that death hasn't touched.
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Devastating news...

Whew! It wasn’t the vaccine but the open border that killed him. Thank goodness!
One poster blames a shot and the other blames the border. Neither of you didn't know this person existed before today and have no details of his death. Somehow, someway, you two want to make this political and divisive. Super weird agenda driven shit.
One poster blames a shot and the other blames the border. Neither of you didn't know this person existed before today and have no details of his death. Somehow, someway, you two want to make this political and divisive. Super weird agenda driven shit.
As opposed to you of course and your claims. Liberals are a disease
Whether some of you want to admit it or not when a young person dies asking if they had the jab is a valid question. Sue us. I sure won’t ask someone that but I immediately think it. Coming from someone who reluctantly took the first set.
So what's the record on celebrity death threads where "the jab" was not only immediately suggested but also believed and proven to be what killed that person? 0-32? Get it? At some point when the end result is not concluded to be because of a shot yet some still want to believe it was a shot no matter what, then it becomes an obsession to be proven right. Next you'll tell me the medical community will never show that particular death was actually the result of a shot. See there? Now we're in conspiracy territory and suddenly doctors are in on it all because the poster who suggested "death jab" did not want to be incorrect.

This is simple stuff, guys. The mind of an obsessed person or conspiracy theorist ain't the toughest nut to crack.
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I don't know why.38-45 year old men drop dead every day from heart attacks
* One of our maintenance mechanics in his mid 30s dropped dead in the shop one day as he was putting some tools away just before lunch. Big strapping farm dude who looked like he could bench press a truck, a quiet, low key guy who didn't drink or smoke. Two of his coworkers performed CPR until the EMS got there, but he was probably dead before he hit the floor. No jab involved.

* 18 year old Sullivan South senior lineman Jake Logue was trotting back to the huddle late in the 3rd quarter of South's season opener at Knox West when he collapsed and died from heart failure. No jab involved.

* The son of one of my mom's friends died from heart failure at the age of 32. No jab involved.

* A high school classmate died from heart failure after a round of golf at 45. No jab involved.

* A coworker and guy I went to high school with died from heart failure at 43. No jab involved.

* My ex in-laws neighbor died on his way to work from heart failure at 48. No jab involved.

* My wife's orthopedic Dr. died from heart failure at the age of 50 while sitting on the edge of his pool. He was an avid runner and cyclist in great physical shape. No jab involved.

* Another coworker died from heart failure at 47 while in his kitchen. His daughter who is an RN happened to be there but couldn't revive him. No jab involved.

* One of my old bosses who was an avid runner died from heart failure at 60. He went into cardiac arrest after having hemorrhoid surgery while still at the hospital. No jab involved.

* Hank Gathers dead at 23 from heart failure. No jab involved.

* Reggie Lewis dead at 27 from heart failure. No jab involved.

* Chuck Hughs died on an NFL field from heart failure at 28. No jab involved.

* Lots of notable athletes under 40 dead from heart failure with no jab involved.

* Even more young athletes with no notoriety dead from heart failure with no jabbed involved.

If nothing else, COVID showed me that there is a sizable chunk of society that is arrogantly stupid, childishly stubborn, dangerously paranoid, and will fall for any conspiracy theory, no matter how absurd it is.
It is now undisputed that risk for myocarditis significantly increases for young men when given the Pfizer shot. The CDC knew that in early-mid 2021. Excess deaths have risen substantially in the US since late 2020. No, it was not normal for so many young, healthy adults to drop dead. Did it occasionally happen? Sure. Did it happen at the rate it is now? No.

I don’t know why it’s a hill for so many to die on to even question the effects of the vaccine but here we are. Mocking and laughing at those who question the narrative won’t result in change to above statistics. I’m not saying it’s some conspiracy but I am saying there are side effects and people have died because of it.

Just admit you were duped about the safety and effectiveness and be mad at those who duped you (and made billions) rather than those who didn’t.
Yeah try being a victim of it or know someone who has. You wouldnt find it funny or be such an a$$hole about it

A victim of what? Heart Failure or a jab? Sorry, but I will NEVER have a jab as my “go to” reason or possible cause for a young person dying. It’s really not that large of a hill to die on.

As far as politics go, two things can be possible at the same time. I lean right, but I have no issues with the vaccine.
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If nothing else, COVID showed me that there is a sizable chunk of society that is arrogantly stupid, childishly stubborn, dangerously paranoid, and will fall for any conspiracy theory, no matter how absurd it is.

There is some truth to this. But you must include the CDC and those who blindly followed the narratives and guidelines that were absurdly incorrect (and known to be false pre 2020). We can go down the list if you want.
It is now undisputed that risk for myocarditis significantly increases for young men when given the Pfizer shot. The CDC knew that in early-mid 2021. Excess deaths have risen substantially in the US since late 2020. No, it was not normal for so many young, healthy adults to drop dead. Did it occasionally happen? Sure. Did it happen at the rate it is now? No.

I don’t know why it’s a hill for so many to die on to even question the effects of the vaccine but here we are. Mocking and laughing at those who question the narrative won’t result in change to above statistics. I’m not saying it’s some conspiracy but I am saying there are side effects and people have died because of it.

Just admit you were duped about the safety and effectiveness and be mad at those who duped you (and made billions) rather than those who didn’t.
Undisputed? First article I found:
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* One of our maintenance mechanics in his mid 30s dropped dead in the shop one day as he was putting some tools away just before lunch. Big strapping farm dude who looked like he could bench press a truck, a quiet, low key guy who didn't drink or smoke. Two of his coworkers performed CPR until the EMS got there, but he was probably dead before he hit the floor. No jab involved.

* 18 year old Sullivan South senior lineman Jake Logue was trotting back to the huddle late in the 3rd quarter of South's season opener at Knox West when he collapsed and died from heart failure. No jab involved.

* The son of one of my mom's friends died from heart failure at the age of 32. No jab involved.

* A high school classmate died from heart failure after a round of golf at 45. No jab involved.

* A coworker and guy I went to high school with died from heart failure at 43. No jab involved.

* My ex in-laws neighbor died on his way to work from heart failure at 48. No jab involved.

* My wife's orthopedic Dr. died from heart failure at the age of 50 while sitting on the edge of his pool. He was an avid runner and cyclist in great physical shape. No jab involved.

* Another coworker died from heart failure at 47 while in his kitchen. His daughter who is an RN happened to be there but couldn't revive him. No jab involved.

* One of my old bosses who was an avid runner died from heart failure at 60. He went into cardiac arrest after having hemorrhoid surgery while still at the hospital. No jab involved.

* Hank Gathers dead at 23 from heart failure. No jab involved.

* Reggie Lewis dead at 27 from heart failure. No jab involved.

* Chuck Hughs died on an NFL field from heart failure at 28. No jab involved.

* Lots of notable athletes under 40 dead from heart failure with no jab involved.

* Even more young athletes with no notoriety dead from heart failure with no jabbed involved.

If nothing else, COVID showed me that there is a sizable chunk of society that is arrogantly stupid, childishly stubborn, dangerously paranoid, and will fall for any conspiracy theory, no matter how absurd it is.
Yep and Pistol Pete at 40
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* One of our maintenance mechanics in his mid 30s dropped dead in the shop one day as he was putting some tools away just before lunch. Big strapping farm dude who looked like he could bench press a truck, a quiet, low key guy who didn't drink or smoke. Two of his coworkers performed CPR until the EMS got there, but he was probably dead before he hit the floor. No jab involved.

* 18 year old Sullivan South senior lineman Jake Logue was trotting back to the huddle late in the 3rd quarter of South's season opener at Knox West when he collapsed and died from heart failure. No jab involved.

* The son of one of my mom's friends died from heart failure at the age of 32. No jab involved.

* A high school classmate died from heart failure after a round of golf at 45. No jab involved.

* A coworker and guy I went to high school with died from heart failure at 43. No jab involved.

* My ex in-laws neighbor died on his way to work from heart failure at 48. No jab involved.

* My wife's orthopedic Dr. died from heart failure at the age of 50 while sitting on the edge of his pool. He was an avid runner and cyclist in great physical shape. No jab involved.

* Another coworker died from heart failure at 47 while in his kitchen. His daughter who is an RN happened to be there but couldn't revive him. No jab involved.

* One of my old bosses who was an avid runner died from heart failure at 60. He went into cardiac arrest after having hemorrhoid surgery while still at the hospital. No jab involved.

* Hank Gathers dead at 23 from heart failure. No jab involved.

* Reggie Lewis dead at 27 from heart failure. No jab involved.

* Chuck Hughs died on an NFL field from heart failure at 28. No jab involved.

* Lots of notable athletes under 40 dead from heart failure with no jab involved.

* Even more young athletes with no notoriety dead from heart failure with no jabbed involved.

If nothing else, COVID showed me that there is a sizable chunk of society that is arrogantly stupid, childishly stubborn, dangerously paranoid, and will fall for any conspiracy theory, no matter how absurd it is.
My sisters son, my nephew, dropped dead at 34 of a massive heart attack. Strong strapping farmboy who was a concrete contractor. This was about 10 years ago. He was working, finishing some concrete and just dropped dead. And no, he wasn't some obese slob. Probably about 6 ft 200 pounds
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Y'all out here arguing about the jab when 100K people are dying a year from drugs supplied by the cartels and China, yet our bitch ass government won't do a damn thing about it. How has a victim's family not found their nearest Congressman and beaten the absolute monkey piss out of him? It doesn't make sense.
Y'all out here arguing about the jab when 100K people are dying a year from drugs supplied by the cartels and China, yet our bitch ass government won't do a damn thing about it. How has a victim's family not found their nearest Congressman and beaten the absolute monkey piss out of him? It doesn't make sense.

Agree. We should have also burned down Purdue pharma and put the Sacklers through the guillotine.