Dear BassCat1987 :
I understand you've been critical and very concerned, as we all have been concerned, about the defense this season. Perhaps that was a similar theme for last year for you as well.
Maybe you are a younger fan, and haven't experienced the 50 years I have watching Kentucky basketball. I learned I had to toughen my stand and learn to guard against becoming too distraught, even out the highs and lows and - its still hard even for me to do sometimes, but you should look at the glass as being half full, friend.
I have seen the history of your entire time here. At least as far back as the history allows me to view your thoughts and posts. I suggest for everyone to go back and look at the crazy shit we have ALL said here, and think about it hard. You've been consistent in sounding alarm about the defense. Good. It helps keep on point. But I think the overall tone of your posts have been ... inconsistent in that there's maybe so too high points and then too low. It seems to me, after taking time and consideration at browsing your posts and threads, you seem to be more of a glass is half empty kind of person, rather than half full ? You tell me. I used to think that I was a glass half full person, until I realized I WAS NOT. Only then did I truly change things about and for myself.
And these things, I'm just sayin ... I hope everyone can take what I say with some positive mindset and optimism for living life well with happiness and joy in it. It's easy to lose sight of living our life with happiness and joy as a central theme. After all, we're only human. We all have our faults and flaws.
But I have learned a few things about myself, doing that reflective bit every now and then. I've been here for MUCH longer than my join date. I lurked since the beginning with cats pause running this, not rivals.
And I KNOW for absolute certain, when I can look at something with a proper perspective, good or bad as it may be, but come out of it reflecting on the fact that I look at things with a glass half full, instead of it being permanently half empty, my attitude and demeanor, my personality becomes better. For myself, and for those around me.
I'm not giving anyone advice, just sharing my own thoughts on the current state here.
Our glass is half full, we need to get healthy. We have a year here that we really didn't need injuries to hit us like this. It's been difficult and trying, but we've been thru much worse before.
We can and will overcome and the season will be successful when you look back on it.
Believe THAT moving forward, and your mind, your thoughts, will determine your reality.
Go Big Blue !