Remember How Duke/Coach K Had Passed Cal/UK As THE Place


Gold Member
Jan 4, 2003
Cal seems to have taken that personally


Betcha we end up with the #1 class AND the most talented team for 2016-17


K had what? one better recruiting class (arguably) and a rumored better in 2016 before the chips fall?

UK has put themselves in better position, more times, then Duke has in the past 5 years (and you will most likely include this year)

Duke has 2 and we have 1. That is just how the ball bounces sometimes.
I don't think anyone claimed that Duke surpassed UK as "THE" place, at best they are nearing our equal when bringing in elite recruits (actually this year and last year they are our equal). IMO, it will be UK and Duke vying for the #1 and #2 classes over the next 3-5 years.

Bolden is the big question mark, wouldn't count on him but fingers crossed.

Gabriel is a great get, but don't get yourself...he's a consolation prize for Bridges.
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I don't think anyone claimed that Duke surpassed UK as "THE" place, at best they are nearing our equal when bringing in elite recruits (actually this year and last year they are our equal). IMO, it will be UK and Duke vying for the #1 and #2 classes over the next 3-5 years.

Bolden is the big question mark, wouldn't count on him but fingers crossed.

Gabriel is a great get, but don't get yourself...he's a consolation prize for Bridges.

ESPN had multiple articles stating as much AND many posters here seemingly agreed

It may end up being Bam instead of Bolden but we will take it either way. Fox is Kentucky bound for sure, so yeah Cal is still the man.
ESPN had multiple articles stating as much AND many posters here seemingly agreed

Actually Gary Parrish at CBS making the most noise. The fact that he's a huge Memphis fan probably has little to do with his viewpoint.[winking]
I don't think anyone claimed that Duke surpassed UK as "THE" place, at best they are nearing our equal when bringing in elite recruits (actually this year and last year they are our equal). IMO, it will be UK and Duke vying for the #1 and #2 classes over the next 3-5 years.

Bolden is the big question mark, wouldn't count on him but fingers crossed.

Gabriel is a great get, but don't get yourself...he's a consolation prize for Bridges.
Gabriel is far from a consolation prize. Coach K coveted this kid.
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I would love to be a fly on the wall during a Coach K in home visit just to see if he tells kids that he's the best option to prepare them for the Next Level !!
Even with my blue tinted glasses, I have to admit that UK and Duke in the current college basketball landscape are roughly equals. It is definitely a 1A and 1B type ranking with quite a gap between UK/Duke and the next program (Kansas, UNC, MSU).

Other than specific ties to coaches or geography, I think most top recruits dream school is going to be UK or Duke. Some will prefer UK and some will prefer Duke, and you really can't fault them either way. Both are top programs, great coaches, track record of developing players for NBA, and competitive for a championship every year.
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1. Duke likely gets Giles AND Tatum. That locks them into the #1 class.
2. We haven't gotten Bolden, whom you listed. We did get SKJ, who you didn't list?
3. Gabriel will be very nice. But, I hate how fans always say a kid will be better than the other guy who we were much more excited about 2-3 weeks ago.
I really think Coach K pulls in a 5 star recruit each year based strictly on his coaching of the Olympic team. It's an advantage albeit not a huge one.
I don't think anyone claimed that Duke surpassed UK as "THE" place, at best they are nearing our equal when bringing in elite recruits (actually this year and last year they are our equal). IMO, it will be UK and Duke vying for the #1 and #2 classes over the next 3-5 years.

Bolden is the big question mark, wouldn't count on him but fingers crossed.

Gabriel is a great get, but don't get yourself...he's a consolation prize for Bridges.

Gabriel is far from a consolation prize. Coach K coveted this kid.

Please, we were all-in on Bridges, that's who Cal wanted. I'm not knocking Gabriel AT ALL, he's a very solid player and I'm thrilled to have him. If we had signed Bridges, we wouldn't have taken Gabriel...period. So he's our consolation prize.
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1. Duke likely gets Giles AND Tatum. That locks them into the #1 class.
2. We haven't gotten Bolden, whom you listed. We did get SKJ, who you didn't list?
3. Gabriel will be very nice. But, I hate how fans always say a kid will be better than the other guy who we were much more excited about 2-3 weeks ago.

Completely agree.
I would love to be a fly on the wall during a Coach K in home visit just to see if he tells kids that he's the best option to prepare them for the Next Level !!
I think his pitch is more about winning a championship at the collegiate level and having exposure to NBA scouts that comes with every single game being nationally televised.

I really think Coach K pulls in a 5 star recruit each year based strictly on his coaching of the Olympic team. It's an advantage albeit not a huge one.
How do you explain all of the 5-star recruits Coach K pulled in before he started coaching the Olympic team?
I think his pitch is more about winning a championship at the collegiate level and having exposure to NBA scouts that comes with every single game being nationally televised.

How do you explain all of the 5-star recruits Coach K pulled in before he started coaching the Olympic team?
My gut feeling is that now that he is the Olympic coach it bodes well for certain recruits seeing him coaching the likes of Lebron, KD, CP3, Melo etc. As for before the Olympics I'm strictly talking One and Done type player's for which he has just recently embraced !! Sorry for the non-clarification boss.
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As for before the Olympics I'm strictly talking One and Done type player's for which he has just recently embraced !!
Corey Maggette was one and done in 1999, and Luol Deng was one and done in 2004. Coach K was named head coach of USA basketball in 2005.
When did he start having 2 or 3 one and dones on one team?

Uh... I think K has only done that once? So he was named head coach of USA basketball in 2005, and that got him a single class with more than a single OAD in a decade?

I wish people would pay less attention to media-driven narratives that are often spouted by writers who are not particularly close to the particular situation and would start doing a little learning on their own.
When did he start having 2 or 3 one and dones on one team?
Last year was the first year, though Okafor was the only one any of us imagine would turn pro after his freshman season.

Also, has any other school had multiple OAD players other than Duke and Kentucky? Maybe Kansas? I honestly don't know.

Also, a coach has to have multiple OAD players in a single class to prove that he has accepted the reality that you have to recruit OAD talent to compete for titles? Seems a bit ridiculous to me.
Just want to get through the next 5 years of K and his NCAA/Olympic Basketball ties. Glad we are doing our part to keep them from assembling an uberclass for 2016. Weather the storm for a bit, and he'll start to decline, and then Duke will fall back down with everyone else in terms of treatment.
BTW, He's still an exceptional coach, not taking that from him. But I've been long aggravated about the treatment they get. However, at least a few years back they had mediocre 2-4 year talent. But now with 1AD recruiting, they are the biggest threat for Cal's tenure at Kentucky. They are public enemy #1. I hope they get zero recruits.
The treatment Duke gets has nothing to do with Duke, and everything to do with K. But... it's possible I guess that once K leaves, the mantra, the calls, the flops, the brackets.. will stay with Duke because.. well.. it's standard now for Duke to get Oral Roberts as their 2nd round game...
The treatment Duke gets has nothing to do with Duke, and everything to do with K. But... it's possible I guess that once K leaves, the mantra, the calls, the flops, the brackets.. will stay with Duke because.. well.. it's standard now for Duke to get Oral Roberts as their 2nd round game...
so, just to be clear, you had duke/UK in the finals on your FIRST brackets attempt?
Finals results or predictions are Irrelevant. Coach K was turning into a choke artist a year ago, so I was weary on picking them despite the yearly gift the NCAA bestowed upon them.
3. Gabriel will be very nice. But, I hate how fans always say a kid will be better than the other guy who we were much more excited about 2-3 weeks ago.
Lets not act like Gabriel and Bridges are miles apart as players. If anything Gabriel has a year to polish his game to rival Bridges.
The difference is Gabriel wanted to play the 3 so he came to UK. Bridges is a natural 3 and committed to a team that's going to play him at the 4.
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I think his pitch is more about winning a championship at the collegiate level and having exposure to NBA scouts that comes with every single game being nationally televised.

How do you explain all of the 5-star recruits Coach K pulled in before he started coaching the Olympic team?
Dear Mark, they liked jewerly,ornaments, rings, watches etc. The list goes on.
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I think his pitch is more about winning a championship at the collegiate level and having exposure to NBA scouts that comes with every single game being nationally televised.

How do you explain all of the 5-star recruits Coach K pulled in before he started coaching the Olympic team?

I've seen the argument elsewhere that Duke's recruiting had been in a slight lull between around 2005 and 2010. Partially due to UNC's emergence and culminating with Barnes choosing the tarheels after supposedly being a Duke lean for so long.

Those same people suggesting this have said that the extra time team USA has given Coach K with these recruits, as well as the ability to use team USa to manipulate which recruits form retationships with each other(having a say in who is on the u-18/17 teams, which players room with each other at events etc), has given K a huge advantage and helped ressurect his recruiting.
I think his pitch is more about winning a championship at the collegiate level and having exposure to NBA scouts that comes with every single game being nationally televised.

How do you explain all of the 5-star recruits Coach K pulled in before he started coaching the Olympic team?

I've seen the argument elsewhere that Duke's recruiting had been in a slight lull between around 2005 and 2010. Partially due to UNC's emergence and culminating with Barnes choosing the tarheels after supposedly being a Duke lean for so long.

Those same people suggesting this have said that the extra time team USA has given Coach K with these recruits, as well as the ability to use team USa to manipulate which recruits form retationships with each other(having a say in who is on the u-18/17 teams, which players room with each other at events etc), has given K a huge advantage and helped ressurect his recruiting.
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Funny the narrative now is that K has a tremendous advantage by coaching the national team, when most fanbases were saying that he was not living up to responsibility by coaching that team. Cannot have it both ways
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Here's my brilliant prognostication.......If things work out the way they look like they will, Kentucky will get the best 2 guards in the class and Duke will get the best 2 forwards in the class (aside from Josh Jackson who could be considered either). They also both have top tier guys at other positions as well and both our teams will be happy. Then we can let the 2 juggernauts duke it out for the title....(no pun intended)
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Those same people suggesting this have said that the extra time team USA has given Coach K with these recruits, as well as the ability to use team USa to manipulate which recruits form retationships with each other
Your theory would make sense . . . if Coach K were coaching high school kids. Last I checked, Duke can't recruit players in the NBA, and those are the guys that Coach K is coaching.

I'm not saying that being the head of Team USA isn't an advantage, but you're essentially implying that Coach K has the final say on who makes the rosters for the U-19, U-18, U-17, and U-16 teams, which is in no way correct. Here are the most recent coaching staffs for Team USA from their website:

U-19 staff: Sean Miller, Ed Cooley, and Archie Miller

U-18 staff: Billy Donovan, Ed Cooley, and Sean Miller

U-17 staff: Don Showalter, Eric Flannery, and L.J. Goolsby

U-16 staff: Don Showalter, Miles Simon, Sharman White, Eric Flannery, Edward Francis, and L.J. Goolsby

Where is the outcry about the access Sean Miller and Ed Cooley have had to players? Hell, they are actually coaching these recruits and interacting with them in practice and at tournaments. Outside of Team USA minicamps, Coach K has relatively little contact with these recruits in his capacity as head coach for Team USA.

Bottom line, being head coach of Team USA has helped Coach K because of the perception NBA players have of him as a coach after being coached by him. These recruits respect Lebron, Kobe, Durant, etc., and they surely listen when their NBA idols praise Coach K again and again. Just like these kids listen when Anthony Davis, Derrick Rose, Demarcus Cousins, etc. praise Coach Calipari for helping develop their game and make them superstars.

If you want to twist reality and act like Coach K manipulates these USA squads composed of high school players for his recruiting advantage, then I guess that's your perogative.
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Come again? Is this some an unrelated Lance Thomas jab? Get some new material, or at the very least, something remotely on topic.[winking]

Oh, THAT'S what that was? I thought it was a reference to getting Duke players National Championship rings, because saying some high schooler went to Duke because, four years later they could get some crappy jewelry from some random jeweler in New York would be straight-up retarded.
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saying some high schooler went to Duke because, four years later they could get some crappy jewelry from some random jeweler in New York would be straight-up retarded.

Also, where did "ornaments" come from? I guess @thepip thinks Lance was impermissibly decorating Christmas trees?