Reclass guys that have worked out

Jamal Mercer

Feb 7, 2008
Not trying to do a “got ya” post here about guys that reclass. But, I’m honestly curious about players that have really been great that fall under this category. Or maybe just good.

Maybe I don’t even know what a reclass is, but seems like it means they’re about as young as you can possibly be and still play college ball.
So in my mind, when I hear someone might reclass and come to UK, it doesn’t sound like something we’d want.

Again, this post is coming from mostly ignorance.

Be gentle
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I agree with you and can’t remember a single reclass that’s worked out but I know I’m wrong on that.

If a kid has been held back a grade previously, then a reclass is more understandable. To me, when a player reclasses, I automatically think he’s out to get to the $$$ as fast as possible and sometimes, knowingly to their detriment. That extra year of growth both mentally and physically are very critical.
There might be one or two that have "worked out", but they would have been better had they waited a year so it's a moot point.
Also, that doesnt have to be criteria if we want them. They don't have to contribute that fall. Diallo is an example. The PR that first year was annoying. But he came back and contributed 2nd year. If for example we get Riley, maybe he contributes first year. Maybe he doesn't, comes back, and we have a player ready for 2nd.
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Basically, a LOT of high level athletes are held back a year at some point, so that they are older playing vs younger players (graduating HS at 18.75-19.75) thus trying to get an athletic advantage.
It really SUCKS.
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The phrase "held back" is sometimes a bit misleading. For example ... for those of us whose birthdays are in October, a legitimate question is posed to the parents: Do I send this child to 1st grade at age 5 ? Or do I send the child to 1st grade at age 6 ? Those of us with October birthdays and who started school at age 6 turned age 18 relatively early in our senior years of high school, and were obviously more mature than most of our classmates - but, mostly, only by a matter of a few months. (And it was cool to be among the first in our class to get a driver's license ... but I digress. :cool: ). But at that age physical maturity matters ... particularly with respect to sports / athletics.

One of my best friends was born in late June. He started school at age 5. He was a great athlete ... but he was only 5' 8" by the time he became the star of our high school basketball team during his senior year. He still averaged over 20 ppg as a senior, and he still got a scholarship to a D-1 program, but ... he was 5' 11' by the time he got his undergraduate degree and finished his D-1 eligibility. As adults, he and I discussed at length his having started school at age 5. Looking back, he certainly wished that he had not started 1st grade until he was 6 years old.

Just a few thoughts, based on personal experience. But, whatever ...
Go 'Cats ! ! !
Bagley was a reclass as well
took a whole set of high school senior courses in about 6 weeks.........
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